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biodiesel yield calculation

Online calculator, figures and table showing dynamic and kinematic viscosity of benzene, C6H6, at varying temperature and pressure - Imperial and SI Units. (3) Records related to each RIN transaction by renewable fuel category, including all of the following: (4) Records related to any volume of renewable fuel that the party designated for use as transportation fuel, jet fuel, or heating oil and from which RINs were separated pursuant to 80.1429(b)(4). Distillers corn oil means corn oil recovered at any point downstream of when a dry mill ethanol or butanol plant grinds the corn, provided that the corn starch is converted to ethanol or butanol, the recovered oil is unfit for human food use without further refining, and the distillers grains remaining after the dry mill and oil recovery processes are marketable as animal feed. Minimum fit-out standards: Basic requirements for tenant fit-out and refurbishment. Temperature and Pressure, Carbon Monoxide - Specific Heat vs. Cybersecurity: The protection of internet-connected systems, including hardware, software and data, from any unauthorised use or access. (iii) The process heat produced from combustion of gas at a renewable fuel facility described in paragraph (f)(12)(i) of this section shall not be considered derived from biomass if any other party relied upon the contracted volume of biogas for the creation of RINs. (ii) EPA has determined that there is not a significant likelihood of spread beyond the planting area of the feedstock used for production of the renewable fuel. OECD Cleangovbiz, Whistleblower protection: encouraging reporting, 2012. (2) For renewable fuel and biointermediate producers who want to use a new feedstock(s) after initial registration, updates to their registration under paragraph (d) of this section indicating the average adjusted cellulosic content of the new feedstock. Some Au - Gold - binary eutectic alloys and their melting points. Select elements of the supply chain engagement program (multiple answers possible), Select all topics included (multiple answers possible), Select the external parties to whom the requirements apply (multiple answers possible), Supply chain (beyond 1 tier suppliers and contractors). (3) The generator of the Q-RIN and the obligated party that owns the Q-RIN are required to replace invalidly generated Q-RINs with valid RINs pursuant to the procedures specified in paragraph (b) of this section. Autoblog Sitemap In addition, a list of general goals and/or commitments on the website is not sufficient. The entity monitors tenant health and well-being needs through (multiple answers possible): Hosting health-related activities for surrounding community, Improving infrastructure in areas surrounding assets, Other activity in surrounding community: ____________, Other building design and construction strategy: ____________, Other building operations strategy: ____________, Other programmatic intervention: ____________. Reduction of deduction under section 832(b)(5)(B). (c) Calculation of new equivalence values. Dynamic viscosities of sucrose water solutions vs. temperature. Percentage of portfolio covered: Fraction of the portfolio calculated by floor area for which risk assessments were performed during the last three years. See the instructions for, Generally, any other U.S.-source income received by the foreign corporation is taxed at 30% (or at a lower treaty rate) under section 881. (2) The number of prior-year RINs owned at the start of the quarter. (5) The EPA may void ab initio its approval of a QAP upon the EPA's determination that the approval was based on false information, misleading information, or incomplete information, or if there was a failure to fulfill, or cause to be fulfilled, any of the requirements of the QAP. 4043), or 245 (other than 100% dividends). Any independent third-party auditor described in 80.1471 must register with the EPA as an independent third-party auditor and receive an EPA issued company identification number prior to conducting quality assurance audits pursuant to 80.1472. (i) RIN-generating foreign producers and importers of renewable fuel made from feedstocks that are planted crops or crop residue from existing foreign agricultural land, planted trees or tree residue from actively managed tree plantations, slash and pre-commercial thinnings from forestlands or biomass obtained from wildland-urban interface must maintain all the following records to verify the location where these feedstocks were produced: (B) Bills of lading, product transfer documents, or other commercial documents showing the quantity of feedstock purchased from each area identified in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(A) of this section, and showing each transfer of custody of the feedstock from the location where it was produced to the renewable fuel production facility. (g) Aggregate compliance with renewable biomass requirement. The sole purpose of this analysis will be to ensure that the data points included in the benchmark are representative of the submitted data, and will consequently have no direct impact on participants' submissions. Any discharge, Q1, on the recession curve, that is not the result of (possible) deviation due to recent rainfall is chosen in the section between Q2 and Q0. Note that the evidence provided must be applicable to development projects and not only to community impact monitoring of operational assets. The upstream boundary condition is determined by gate 1 and the water level at the reservoir. However, see, See section 842(b) and Notice 89-96, 1989-2 C.B. Properties used for public or private artistic or musical performances. Temperature and Pressure, Ammonia - Vapour Pressure at Gas-Liquid Equilibrium, Ammonia Gas - Density vs. Furthermore, SIERAs Net Zero Carbon module allows clients to effectively plot a pathway to reducing their carbon emissions and helps them to understand where best to target their net zero efforts. (2) If the equivalence value for a spilled or disposed of volume of renewable fuel cannot be determined, the equivalence value shall be 1.0. Energy use analytics: Analysis of energy use to determine discrepancies between baseline and actual energy use. Online calculators, figures and tables showing specific heat , Cp and Cv, of gasous and liquid ethanol at temperatures ranging from -25 to 325 C (-10 to 620 F) at atmospheric and higher pressure - Imperial and SI Units. An insurance company must figure its taxable income on the basis of a tax year. Report separately the consolidated life insurance company taxable income (as defined by Regulations section 1.1502-47(b)(3)) determined under Regulations section 1.1502-47, on a Form 1120-L (whether filed by the common parent or as an attachment to the consolidated return), for all life members of the consolidated group. The corporation has tried repeatedly to contact the IRS but no one has responded, or the IRS hasn't responded by the date promised. Individual Income Tax Return, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts, Alternative Minimum Tax - Estates and Trusts, Accumulation Distribution for Certain Complex Trusts. [63] The United States Department of Justice and Barclays officially agreed that "the manipulation of the submissions affected the fixed rates on some occasions". An industrial business park is an area zoned for the purpose of industrial development, where (lightweight) industrial properties are grouped together with offices. Any obligated party described in 80.1406, and any exporter of renewable fuel described in 80.1430, must provide EPA with the information specified for registration under 40 CFR 1090.805, if such information has not already been provided under the provisions of this part. a fraction). Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, 2015, International Labour Organization, International Labour Organization Standards, 2014, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Thermal conductivity coefficients for insulation materials, aluminum, asphalt, brass, copper, steel, gases and more. All parties other than obligated parties must submit annual attest engagement reports to EPA by June 1 of the subsequent calendar year. Any document requested by the Administrator under this section must be submitted in English or must include an English translation. "Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. (6) Renewable fuel neither covered by the pathways in Table 1 to this section, nor given an approval by the Administrator for use of a specific D code. (1) Each gallon of a renewable fuel, or gallon equivalent pursuant to paragraph (b)(5) or (b)(6) of this section, shall be assigned an equivalence value by the producer or importer pursuant to paragraph (b) or (c) of this section. For rules regarding the accrual of dividends, see Regulations section 1.301-1(b). See the Instructions for Form 720 or Pub. Select all approaches to engage tenants (multiple answers possible), Feedback sessions with individual tenants, Provide tenants with feedback on energy/water consumption and waste, Tenant events focused on increasing ESG awareness, Describe the tenant engagement program and methods used to improve tenant satisfaction (maximum 250 words). Any producer or RIN-generating importer of renewable fuel made from planted crops or crop residue from existing U.S. agricultural land as defined in 80.1401, or from planted crops or crop residue from existing agricultural land in a country covered by a petition approved pursuant to 80.1457, is covered by the aggregate compliance approach and is not subject to the recordkeeping requirements for planted crops and crop residue at 80.1454(g)(2) unless EPA publishes a finding that the 2007 baseline amount of agricultural land in the U.S. has been exceeded or, for the aggregate compliance approach in a foreign country, that the withdrawal of EPA approval of the aggregate compliance approach is warranted pursuant to 80.1457(e). Requirements for exporters of renewable fuels. In addition, consideration of health attributes for materials affects the on-site health and safety of personnel and health and well-being of occupants once the development is completed. Provide details of how your organization assesses the life cycle emissions of new construction or major renovation projects. (b) Applicability of affirmative defenses. (iv) A closure plan providing for the destruction and removal of feedstock from the growing area upon abandonment by the feedstock grower or end of production. For more information about the 2021 Assessment timeline, click here. The amount to enter is the total of all NOLs generated in prior years but not used to offset income (either as a carryback or carryover) in a tax year prior to 2021. Taxable event. Does your organization manage net zero carbon buildings? It includes air quality, access to daylight and views, pleasant acoustic conditions and occupant control over lighting and thermal comfort. Geothermal energy: Energy from heat generated by the earths matter (e.g. (iii) Change in facility operations or equipment that may impact the capability of the QAP to verify that RINs are validly generated or biointermediates are properly produced. Attach consolidated balance sheets and a reconciliation of consolidated retained earnings. (1) For facilities that commenced construction prior to December 19, 2007, the permitted capacity is based on permits issued or revised no later than December 19, 2007. If an outlier is detected above the fixed threshold, then the data points associated with that outlier will be included in scoring. The scandal also led to the European Commission proposal of EU-wide benchmark regulation[80] that may affect Libor as well. The starting point is the specific Property Sub-Type as reported in R1.1, followed by Property Type, and finally Property Sector. (iii) Obtain the EPA-assigned registration number of the foreign renewable fuel producer. Enter amounts included in income under the section 951A GILTI provision. Section 832(b)(5)(A) provides rules for figuring losses incurred. Table 19.2. Other standard: State the other alignment standard. Any document submitted to EPA by a foreign biointermediate producer must be in English or must include an English language translation. As a rule of thumb, however, the discharge coefficient is likely to be greater than 1.705 if there is strong curvature to the flow, for example, over a half-round crest or an ogee crest. By establishing an appropriate mathematical relationship between spring discharge and time, it is possible to predict the discharge rate after a given period without precipitation and to calculate the volume of discharged water. (C) The information specified in paragraphs (a)(11)(i)(A) through (a)(11)(i)(C) of this section, as appropriate. (8) Copies of all records related to any financial assurance instrument as required under 80.1470 under a quality assurance plan implemented under 80.1469(a) during the interim period. Applicable statutory premium recognition pattern means the statutory premium recognition pattern in effect for the calendar year the premiums are received, and is based on the statutory premium recognition pattern which applies to premiums received by the corporation in that calendar year. Figure 4-14 illustrates this concept, where the volume of water (V) discharged between times t and t + dt is given as. On the basis of 100 analyzed recession curves of karstic springs in France, Drogue (1972) concludes that, among the six exponents studied, the best first approximations of exponent n are , , and 2. It should be clear from the uploaded document how the table is reconciled with the supporting evidence. Minimum water-use intensity post-occupancy: Requirement for buildings to achieve a predetermined water use intensity once the building is fully operational. (2) Records related to the implementation of a QAP under 80.1469 for each facility including records from facility audits and ongoing and quarterly monitoring activities. Quarterly reports shall be submitted by the required deadline as shown in Table 1 of this section. Tenant satisfaction surveys help entities understand critical issues within the portfolio, engage with their tenants, and increase tenant satisfaction, which may contribute to improving retention rates and productivity. A corporation that does not file its tax return by the due date, including extensions, may be penalized 5% of the unpaid tax for each month or part of a month the return is late, up to a maximum of 25% of the unpaid tax. Leak detection system: Systems that detect water leaks. Any income under P.L. Examples of appropriate evidence include relevant policy documents on each of the selected issues such as an energy consumption policy or a waste management policy. As such, a standard initially designed to verify/assure non-water data (e.g. Note that all fields in BC1.2 will be automatically populated once the GRESB Asset Spreadsheet is completed and uploaded to the Asset Portal. Details of employee: Participants must provide the name and job title of the relevant employee. GRESB participants will be prompted to support outliers flagged at the asset-level if those exceed thresholds provided in Appendix 2a of the Reference Guide. EPRA Best Practices Recommendations on Sustainability Reporting, 3rd version, September 2017: 5.7, Analysis-Segmental-Analysis. (c) Starting July 1, 2010, each time any party sells, separates, or retires RINs generated on or after July 1, 2010, all the following information must be submitted to EPA via the submitting party's EMTS account within five (5) business days of the reportable event. *The Common Area / Total Floor Area ratio is calculated by GRESB based on previous years data reported at asset level and is provided as an indication for cases where participants only know their Lettable Floor Area. Net zero energy and net zero carbon standards are acceptable. In order to qualify as valid supporting evidence, the evidence provided must demonstrate the existence of the relevant topic relating to each of the criteria selected. Corn oil extraction that is applied to the whole stillage and/or derivatives of whole stillage and results in recovery of corn oil at an annual average rate equal to or greater than 1.33 pounds oil per bushel of corn processed into ethanol. This indicator identifies the existence of a grievance mechanism at the reporting entity. The discount factors set forth in Rev. Corn oil fractionation that is applied to at least 90% of the corn used to produce ethanol on a calendar year basis. Building energy management system: Computerbased automated systems that monitor and control all energyrelated systems, including all mechanical and electrical equipment in buildings. (RINNUM)CB,i-1 = Sum of all owned gallon-RINs that are valid for use in complying with the cellulosic biofuel RVO, were generated in year i-1, and are being applied towards the RVOCB,i, in gallons. Local residents well-being: Includes health and safety of local residents that may be impacted by the assets operation. Additional schedules in alphabetical order. It is close to unity in most industrial ventilation applications. (5) Blendstock (including butane, pentane, and gasoline treated as blendstock (GTAB)) that has been combined with other blendstock and/or finished gasoline to produce gasoline. (iv) The value of the renewable fuel standard for 2015 shall be 9.52 percent. (d) Any batch-RIN can be divided into multiple batch-RINs, each representing a smaller number of gallon-RINs, if all of the following conditions are met: (1) All RIN components other than SSSSSSSS and EEEEEEEE are identical for the original parent and newly formed daughter RINs. Form 8994, Employer Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave. (3) Any other fuel intended for use only in ocean-going vessels. If the entity monitors performance in perpetuity, for an infinite period, enter 100. For more information on reporting the deferred tax and interest, see the Instructions for Form 8621. The indicator evaluates the presence and extent of an entity program for promoting health and well-being through its real estate assets and services. Audits: A systematic review and assessment performed by qualified personnel to determine by investigation, examination, or evaluation of objective evidence, the adequacy and compliance of the contractors with the sustainability-specific requirements. Year of commencement: The year in which the reporting entity began investing in the market. Wind energy: Energy generated from wind power by using wind turbines. SRI Quality System Registrar (SRI) provides third-party validation services for GRESB. Miscanthus giganteus, also known as the giant miscanthus, is a sterile hybrid of Miscanthus sinensis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus. Also, include dividends received from a 20%-or-more-owned FSC that: Qualify for the 65% deduction provided in section 245(c)(1)(B). (B) A radiocarbon dating test of a composite sample of previously produced fuel, if all of the following conditions are met: (1) Based upon good engineering judgment, the renewable fraction of the composite sample must be representative of the batch of fuel produced. (A) Mass and energy balances are appropriate for type and size of facility. (v) Determine the date and time the vessel departs the port serving the RIN-generating foreign producer. The score of this indicator equals the sum of the scores achieved by: See definitions in Appendix 9b and in the Instructions tab of the GRESB Asset Spreadsheet. Site selection and land use: Encourage the use of previously occupied or contaminated land. Online calculator, figures and tables with melting points of ice to water at pressures ranging from 0 to 29000 psia (0 to 2000 bara). Organic farming (2) A party must retain detailed, explanatory documentation supporting its exemption and must provide this documentation to the attest auditor under 80.1464, and to EPA upon request. (e) Upon approval of the petition by the Administrator: (1) EPA shall calculate the standards for the following year, including the total gasoline and diesel fuel volume for the state or territory in question. Figures and table with changes in Prandtl number for ammonia with changes in temperature and pressure. See the instructions for Schedule A, Line 23, for more information. (ii) Reasonable steps under paragraph (h)(5)(i) of this section must include, but typically should not be limited to: Contractual agreements with feedstock producers, aggregators, distributors, and suppliers, which require them to cooperate with the independent surveyor and/or EPA in the manner described in paragraph (h)(5)(i) of this section. Location-related measures (e.g., walkability, proximity to public transport or to nearby amenities) are not valid. (2) Secondary threshold test. Enter on line 6a the percentage owned by the foreign person specified in question 6. Community concerns: Issues of importance raised by the community, that are causing social, mental or other distress. Similarly, if less than 60% of an entitys GAV is located in a Country, but that 60% or more of the entitys GAV is located in a Subregion, the entity gets allocated to the peer group corresponding to that Subregion (assuming minimum size of 6 is met). The amount of air that can be dissolved in water decreases with temperature and increases with pressure. See Regulations section 1.833-1(c)(2) for transition rules applicable to the first tax year beginning after December 31, 2013, and December 31, 2014. Example OCHO wellbore hydraulics calibration data. NAREIT encourages its corporate members to complete the annual GRESB Real Estate Assessments, which, for the past seven years, has been the basis for their annual Leader in the Light Award competition. Stakeholders and impacted groups: All individuals or groups of people who may be affected by the objectives and/or actions of a construction/renovation project, either directly or indirectly. The intent of this indicator is to assess whether and how the entity uses a systematic approach for assessing the impact of physical risks on the business, operations, and/or financial planning of an entity. Ensure that the other answer provided is not a duplicate of a selected option above. If the corporation checked the Other box, attach a statement showing the computation of each item included in the total for line 12 and identify the applicable Code section and the type of tax or interest. Efficiency measures implemented in the last three years should be reported, regardless of the period of ownership and/or operational control. Non-hazardous waste: Waste that does not have the potential to cause harm to humans, animals or the environment. There are separate Libor rates reported for seven different maturities (length of time to repay a debt) for each of five currencies. Specific heat of Ethylene Gas - C2H4 - temperatures ranging 175 - 900 K. Properties like freezing point, viscosity, specific gravity and specific heat of ethylene glycol based heat-transfer fluids, or brines. Organic farming Thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity, density and thermal conductivity of stainless steel AISI 310 vs. temperature. [79 FR 42122, July 18, 2014, as amended at 80 FR 9098, Feb. 19, 2015; 87 FR 39674, July 1, 2022]. (iii) For compliance with the biomass-based diesel RVO in calendar year 2011, the deficit which is carried over from 2010 is no larger than 57% of the party's 2010 biomass-based diesel RVO as determined prior to any adjustment applied pursuant to paragraph (a)(7)(i) of this section. Temperature, Propane - Density and Specific Weight vs. Only include green building certificates that were awarded before or during the reporting year. Note that if calculating slope numerically either with a calculator or in a spreadsheet, two cautions are in order. The committee stopped short of endorsing a 1.03 value for the CV (same as CD in this text). Yardis suites of energy solutions handle utility billing and submetering, energy management and energy automation to support clients ESG performance. Note that sensitive information may be redacted from the documents as long as the requirements outlined above are clearly met. Other Residential properties that do not fit in the aforementioned property types. In this case, a polje in a karst is temporarily flooded instead of an underground reservoir in a cave. Describe the resilience of the organizations strategy: ____________. If two or more listed companies merge into one entity during the reporting year, report on the structure, policies and procedures of the newly formed entity as of the end of the reporting year. Examples of relevant metrics include, but are not limited to, employees governance body members educational background. (ii) For each day beginning April 1 through December 31, calculate the holdings-to-market percentage for a corporate affiliate group as follows: HTMPd = [(D6RINd)a/(CNV_VOLTOT,i)] * 100. See section 832(b)(1)(D). [Legal status] can take one of the following values: [Strategy] can take one of the following values: [Tenant Controlled] portfolios are defined as portfolios with more than 75% portfolio (by floor area) classified as Tenant controlled. Enter the amount of interest on state and local bonds that is exempt from taxation under section 103. B-RIN means a RIN verified during the interim period by a registered independent third-party auditor using a QAP that has been approved under 80.1469(b) following the audit process described in 80.1472. Changes in density of aqueous solutions with changes in concentration at 20C. 15-B, and Pub. Infinite structure: Refers to funds with no specified or intended termination dates. Setting science-based targets demonstrates a formal commitment to reducing GHG emissions to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well-below 2C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5C. GRESB requires certification to be undertaken by a third party and not by the participant. For real estate, this refers to the provision of a building for its intended use. This condition is usually catered for in the weir equation by introducing a drowning factor fd, which is a function of the height of the tailwater level above the crest. (4) On any occasion a foreign RIN owner bond is used to satisfy any judgment, the foreign RIN owner shall increase the bond to cover the amount used within 90 days of the date the bond is used. Any party that is an independent third-party auditor that verifies RINs must submit to the EPA reports according to the schedule, and containing all the information, that is set forth in this paragraph (g). A reconciliation of income per books with income per return. It displays the aggregated Energy consumption values per property type, along with their related Floor Area Covered, Maximum Floor Areas and Like-for-like consumption changes (%). If a nonlife insurance company is a member of an affiliated group, file Form 1120-PC as an attachment to the consolidated return in addition to the supporting statements discussed earlier. The redesignating party must also comply with all of the following: (A) The reporting requirements of 80.1451(a)(1)(xix). Expenses for travel as a form of education. Manual validation takes place after submission, and consists of document and text review to check that the answers provided in Assessment are supported by sufficient evidence. Phase diagram included. It provides investors with a resource hub to access ESG disclosure documents across their full listed investment portfolio and make comparisons against an investable universe with full coverage. (ii) Biomass-based diesel. At any time during the last half of the tax year more than 50% in value of its outstanding stock is directly or indirectly owned by five or fewer individuals. RVOBBD,2010 = The Renewable Volume Obligation for biomass-based diesel for the obligated party for calendar year 2010, in gallons, pursuant to 80.1407 or 80.1430, as adjusted by paragraph (a)(7)(i) of this section. (1) Any biointermediate producer that intends to change the designated renewable fuel production facility under paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(B)(1) of this section for one of its biointermediate production facilities must update their registration information with EPA at least 30 days prior to transferring the biointermediate to the newly designated renewable fuel production facility. In R1.1, followed by Property Type, and finally Property Sector the of... Began investing in the aforementioned Property types September 2017: 5.7, Analysis-Segmental-Analysis of local that. Property Type, and finally Property Sector relevant metrics include, but are not valid and submetering, energy system. A polje in a cave ( v ) determine the date and time vessel! 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