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aquarius hogwarts house

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your element is fire which is quite suitable to how you like living life on the edge. The 6th house represents your health, your body, and how you do the work that you love. Set Gryffindors apart. Hufflepuffs are known for being patient, loyal, and fair. 5 Ravenclaws: They Are Creative Those born under the sign of Aquarius are some of the most creative, innovative, and inventive people. You will find a compilation of all current astrological forecasts. And unafraid of toil. They thrive on being supportive, good-hearted, reliable people, just Taureans. Draw your wand and try to discover the source. The animal that represents your house is the snake. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Aquarius Harry Potter Hogwarts House Crests 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle at the best online prices at eBay! What qualities does a Ravenclaw have? Although not as open to new creative ideas, Virgo is a sigh that is defined by good organization skills and intelligence. Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) If you're an Aquarius, you're unique and creative. Regular everyday life is what you enjoy a lot more. Gemini, the sign of the Twins, is known for their intelligence, adaptability, and their dual tendencies, things valued by most Slytherins. C. Proceed with caution, keeping a hand on your still-concealed wand. Notable members include Luna Lovegood, Gilderoy Lockhart and Filius Flitwick. The fun-loving social butterflies of the astrology signs, Libra, fit nicely into Hufflepuff house. These are the Hogwarts Houses of the Kanto Pokmon gym leaders. You, Aquarius are a friendly, practical and dependable person, making you perfect for Hufflepuff Pisces You Pisces, are selfless, empathetic and creative. Harry Potter, who is a Leo and Gryffindor himself (born July 31), exemplifies the confidence and energy level both Leos and Gryffindors have. Another ambitious sign, Capricorns are driven to success, and Slytherin. They are born passionate and assertive. D. Withdraw into the shadows, reviewing offensive and defensive spells that might be appropriate. 5. 6 February Arthur Weasley. As a person youre very brave and open to new experiences. . Discover yours now! Known Aquariuses 26 January Gilderoy Lockhart. A horoscope for the sign Aquarius in the Daily Prophet Aquarius is one of the twelve astrological signs in the western zodiac. To do this, Godric Gryffindor used his magical hat henceforward known as the Sorting Hat to decide which children should go into which house, and so it has been ever since with a yearly Sorting Ceremony that places each new pupil into their own new home. This creates a life that can often be defined by the changes that it goes through. The Hogwarts House You Belong In Based On Your Zodiac Sign. Slytherin is the house you belong to. Youll make your real friends At Hogwarts, all first-year students go through a magical Sorting Hat Ceremony that places them in one of four houses based on certain personality traits. The phrase too smart for their own good applies to Geminis and Slytherins alike. Maybe your Moon signs Hogwarts house will resonate more with you. They chose to split the students into four 'houses', each bearing their surnames and featuring young wizards and witches who displayed abilities and personalities they wanted to nurture. Therefore, I decided to create my own quiz, and make it as accurate as possible. While Capricorns may be pessimistic at times, but they're dark moods will fit with the dungeon decor of their new house. Saggitarian confidence is well-received in Slytherin house, and their leadership drives their ambition to great heights. Admit it, you can be petty when hurt and you are easily hurt. The four Hogwarts houses are: Do you have any guesses about which Hogwarts houses each of the astrology signs are linked to? 500 Pieces. Take a look at the six zodiac signs that are more likely to cheat in a relationship. In todays article, well have our own Sorting Ceremony for each of the 12 astrology signs! Hufflepuff - Associated with Earth. Creating one was an intensive . by Syd Robinson. The Hogwarts houses have their particular quirks and traits that we can all relate to but there's always that one specific house that you can personally see yourself in. This interestingly came about on our evening family walk while I was trying to teach my daughters about astrology. From your personal preferences to the qualities you value the most, there are a lot of factors that go into determining your Hogwarts house. (It was due to Dumbledore's manipulations that Neville and Hermione hadn't been put into the correct House.). As an Air sign, they are comfortable using their brain to solve complex problems. Draco Malfoy, Harry Potters Hogwarts rival, is a Gemini Slytherin (born June 5). This sign would keep working on a task until they complete it, no matter how impossible the task is. The Libra may be gullible and easy to influence, but in Hufflepuff, they won't have to worry about anyone trying to take advantage of their kind heart. Youre mysterious and rarely open up, just like the nature of Slytherin. Ravenclaws can empathize with that, which is why Virgos would be a great match for the house. Below is a rough guideline of how Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable can give the choice of a second Hogwarts House. The charming and sociable Libra could find no better house away from home than Hufflepuff, a group that outs family, friends, and love before everything else. As a Mutable sign, Pisceans are also very versatile, flexible, and adaptable; their ability to think on their feet is typical of many Ravenclaws. inspired by all the asks I've been getting, and based on a quick survey, here are some placements I'd imagine would be in certain houses! Nothing stands in the way of a Slytherin and his needs. Interestingly, two of the series main antagonists are Capricorns: Severus Snape, born January 9, and Tom Marvolo Riddle, a.k.a. Some of the wizarding world's best and brightest belonged to this house - Harry Potter . 1. This licensed 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle by Aquarius shows the iconic image of the famed Hogwarts School, Harry's owl and the four crests. The calm and collected influences you get from the element of air makes you a good analyzer and a skilled strategy planner. Plus, as the sign of the Archer is ruled by lucky planet Jupiter, Slytherin might be the house that gives Sagittarius the upper-hand they need to find the wild success they crave. The four Hogwarts houses are: Gryffindor - Associated with the Fire element. The witty Ravenclaw house is where you would really feel like home. What Hogwarts house is Aquarius in?#QueenZodiac #Hogwarts #Zodiac#Aquarius #Pisces #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius . Hire me. You belong to the house Gryffindor. Harry Potters tall, dark, and mysterious godfather, Sirius Black, is a Scorpio (born Nov. 3) who belonged to Gryffindor despite his familys long-standing history of being in Slytherin. While emotional, you dont really like sharing your feelings. I hope you guys enjoy this finale. gryffindor UPC. You Pulled the Queen of Wands Now What? It lists the main characters associated with each house and delves into the strengths and weaknesses that define the culture of the four houses. There are four houses at Hogwarts: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor. For all you Potterheads out there, if youve ever wondered which Hogwarts house your astrology sign is most likely to be in, wonder no longer! This phenomenon occurs rarely, approximately once every fifty years. Those cunning folk use any means As a member of the Hufflepuff house, a Sagittarius's optimism (though sometimes blind) will be nurtured instead of tainted, and their jovial spirit will only grow. Cancers and Hufflepuffs often try to do all the work themselves without asking for help because their relationships and their work are integral to their identities. #puzzle #harrypotter #hogwarts After many long months I finally finished the 3,000 piece Hogwarts castle puzzle! ISFJ - Hufflepuff Clinging to your regular daily routines is not something you often do. However, youve got no strong need for adventure. What is Your Favorite Fandom Based on Your Zodiac Sign. Whether you believe in the accuracy of zodiac predictions or not, we all must admit that just reading them can be extremely fun. Mercury in an air sign (especially Aquarius.) Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. I thought this would just be a fun little poll and I was curious to see what other Aquarians would say. The Hogwarts House You Belong In Based On Your Zodiac Sign Here are the Hogwarts houses determined by Zodiac sign is it what you wanted it to be? You deeply care about other people and want to help them. A Ravenclaw-Ravenclaw partnership could provide a welcome challenge, and keep both . When taken too far, however, Aquarius in the 3rd House could find itself arguing just for argument's sake. You might belong in Hufflepuff 10/10 Brock - Gryffindor To kick things off, let's start with the first gym master you battle in the game. ? Scorpio's intensity and determination fits them perfectly with Slytherin. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. The cancer rising however may make your more sensible but also intuitive and imaginative and I feel racenclaws are very imaginative and creative. 500 Pieces. Professor Remus Lupin (born March 10), on the other hand, demonstrates adept intellect while being integral to Harry Potters emotional development, two things that are important to Ravenclaws and Pisceans alike. Ravenclaw House prized learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect in its members. This article explores some of the key traits that define members of each of the four Hogwarts houses; Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The wisdom and creativity of Ravenclaw house are evident in eclectic, big-picture-minded Aquarius. A fresh perspective. Unlike her mythic peers, she declared she'd "teach the lot and treat them just. Where dwell the brave at heart, It is often his cunning that allows him to work around the rules without consequence, a trait any Slytherin would value. Close friend is a Cancer moon and Ravenclaw. Emphasis on the 3rd and 9th houses (the axis of learning), also possibly 7th and 11th houses (relating to others.) The house you belong to is Hufflepuff. Roommate is a Taurus moon and Ravenclaw. People who belong to this sign are ambitious and goal-oriented. With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. Although no two people are exactly the same, zodiac signs and Hogwarts houses do tend to be accurate when describing the members of their groups, which is why I can get away with my constant day dreaming (I can't help it, I'm a Pisces) and my love of books and learning (I'm a Ravenclaw at heart). Ravenclaws: They Love Learning As mentioned above, Aquarians love learning. But more likely Mercury conjunct an angle? Hufflepuffs and Librans are both known to prioritize their friendships and to become particularly troubled when their friends are struggling. Hello there, dear Harry Potter fans (or just people who have nothing better to do)! Perfect for Ravenclaw The house colours are scarlet and gold, the common room lies up in Gryffindor Tower and the Head of House is Professor Minerva McGonagall. - Ravenclaw: wisdom, intelligence, self-reliant, knowledgeable. The Hogwarts House You Belong In Based On Your Zodiac . Each Hogwarts house is known for having certain characteristics. A lion will always be a lion, whether it's on their astrological calendar or their house's flag, which means Leos are meant to be Gryffindors. Argumentative: This is a sign that can be fantastic at standing its ground in a debate. Gryffindor - fire - wands - choleric - intuition. We will attempt to match you to a Hogwarts house based on your horoscope sign. Send an ask Follow. If you're seeing this, please check if there are irregular posts on your account, I've been getting an extremely high number of rayban-hacked accounts tagging and messaging me. Hufflepuff. 10/10 Not Slytherins: They Are Not Always Leaders Specifically, Aquariuses have often been linked to Slytherins, but they do have many differences too. Like Harry, Draco is torn between light and dark magic throughout the Harry Potter series, and the consequences of his abilities and his decisions demonstrate just how powerful Geminis and Slytherins are. Ron Weasleys younger sister and Harry Potters wife, Ginny Potter (ne Weasley), is a Leo (born Aug. 11), as is Neville Longbottom (born July 30). Practical, prudent, and disciplined, Capricorns will find like-minded people in Slytherin who can help them achieve their goals. Determined, smart, and passionate people, Scorpios would thrive around other ambitious and resourceful Slytherins who care about the same thing as they do: success. Gryffindors are also quite self-righteous individuals. In these words alone, it is clear that Slytherin is the House where everyone is evil. Acclaimed as the king of the animals, you are quite suitable for the brave, leader-born and thrill-loving Gryffindor. I have taken many quizzes and I get different answers each time. You have a tendency of changing paths because you create your own way rather than follow a strict one created by other people. With no further ado, lets check out this Hogwarts themed zodiac! Once youve been sorted by Sun sign, why not sort yourself based on your Moon sign as well to find out your hybrid Hogwarts house? Slytherin's house style is described as desire, active, and results-driven. Earth sign Virgos would make wonderful additions to the Ravenclaw house. We all have some qualities and strengths from each Hogwarts house, regardless of what sign we are. Hogwarts sits high atop the cliffs in the moonlight as Hedwig the owl soars through the night to carry a message in this illustrated puzzle dedicated to J.K. Rowlings' Harry Potter novels. That, however, wont stop a Virgo or a Ravenclaw from trying! There are no major Cancer characters in the Harry Potter series, likely because of their preference for support roles that do not call attention to themselves. If the Sorting Hat placed you here, you would have demonstrated qualities like courage, bravery and determination. We provide a thorough insight on each of the 12 zodiac signs and we can help you understand how does horoscope affect your life. When it comes to zodiac signs, Aries are notorious for their tempers and praised for their courageousness, while Libras have a tendency to be indecisive but make up for it with their charm. Voldemort himself, born December 31. Are you Slytherin? Those patient Hufflepuffs are true Follow. Yet the spectre of Slytherin haunted him for some time afterwards, becoming particularly potent in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, when he was rumoured to be the heir of Slytherin. Aquarians who are sorted into House Hufflepuff are introverted, but not shy; march to the beat of a different drummer, but don't wear their weirdness like a flag; socially minded, but highly critical of society. Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by four powerful wizards: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. The philosophical Saggitarian mind is very similar to the complexities and layers of Slytherin, and Sagittarius interest in looking at things from new perspectives allows them to tackle any problem with a 360-degree approach. $17.99. The element that represents you is earth. Houses at Hogwarts were both the living and learning communities for its students. 30 January Lily Evans. Just like Cancer, Hufflepuffs are known to be wise with vast knowledge beyond their years. 5 Ravenclaws: They Are Creative Those born under the sign of Aquarius are some of the most creative, innovative, and inventive people. Cedric, Ernie and Hannah were all Hufflepuffs in the stories. Cardinal Libra - Ravenclaw and Slytherin - Intellectual, Observing, Self- preserving, Ambitious Fixed Aquarius - Ravenclaw and Gryffindor - Idea-Oriented, Curious, Determined, Stubborn Hogwarts houses determined by Zodiac sign. Credit: Wizarding World. Marvel Avengers Cover. You can easily connect to the powerful raging fire of Gryffindor. Hermione Granger: Virgo Hermione was born on the 19th of September, which makes her a Virgo. Are you Gryffindor? Ravenclaw, however, makes a great home for Pisces who intuitive nature and creativity can lead to deeper levels of understanding. Now, were assuming youre more than familiar with the four houses of Hogwarts, but heres a quick refresher, just in case. Hogwarts groundskeeper and former professor Rubeus Hagrid (born Dec. 6). New Harry Potter Quiz! Your strength as well as your sense of adventure and exploring is what pushes you forward in life. You act on your emotions and dont really bother concealing any of them. Free shipping for many products! A house that admires hard work and dedication, Hufflepuff would be a great place for the patient, determined, and reliable heart of a Taurus. Ravenclaw - Associated with Air. Both of these characters were in Gryffindor house as well! What Is Aquarius' Symbol? Known for their courage and extroverted nature, most Leos would fit perfectly into Gryffindor house. They tend to be by the book people that dont reach for riches but instead live a humble life. Geminis and Slytherins are cunning and able to get things done with few resources if theyre focused in on something, they find a way to make it happen at any cost. 5 Ravenclaws: They Are Creative Those born under the sign of Aquarius are some of the most creative, innovative, and inventive people. You might belong in Gryffindor, TM & WBEI. Similarly, the Hogwarts houses have often been compared to zodiac signs, especially in terms of traits people can have. GTIN. You are a very independent person and you tend to set high goals. Aquarians also demonstrate the independence Ravenclaws are known to have, and both Ravenclaws and Aquarians often struggle to ask for help! Are you ready to face hidden emotions, embrace your shadow, and invite more gratitude into, On November 8th, 2022, well experience a Full Moon and Lunar eclipse in Taurus! However, this isn't the case, as there are characters such as Horace Slughorn and Leta Lestrange. Unlike the adventure-seeking Gryffindor, you are rather laid back and content with your routine. Youre the kind of person that never gives up no matter how hard the task is. Product Key Features. You have a tendency of changing paths because you create your own way rather than follow a strict one created by other people. Highlights. They believe in their ideals and try to act according to them, even if it goes against societal norms. Although they might fit well into Hufflepuff because of their originality and friendly nature, Gryffindor is where they'll succeed in finding their nerve and embrace their independence. It's probably easier to sort it out when the traits of each Houses are made clear. B. Although not many Ravenclaws see the spotlight, Luna Lovegood represents the Aquarius and Ravenclaw spirit many times in the . Which Harry Potter house are you based on your zodiac type? However, creating a path for yourself requires intelligence and wit, which is exactly what Ravenclaw values. They can like a Taurus, sometimes lack drive as they arent workaholics. Both Hufflepuffs and Librans are typically friendly, jovial people by nature. Some people call you persistent, others might use the word stubborn, but either way, dear Taurus, your bull-headedness belongs in Hufflepuff. Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. This demonstrates the loyalty and patience Hufflepuffs are best known for. Traits. If you werent, check out what house corresponds to your Moon sign, which represents your inner, emotional self. You use your emotions just the right way so you can solve the problems that occur. This is how Hagrid introduces Slytherin to Harry. They chose to split the students into four houses, each bearing their surnames and featuring young wizards and witches who displayed abilities and personalities they wanted to nurture. When you think about it, Hogwarts houses and zodiac signs do very similar things: They break people into groups and give each one a set of shared personality traits and characteristics. Each year's group of students in the same House shared the same dormitory and many classes. 0840391126978. I entrusted her with my personal details only to find her predictions . Are You Prepared For THIS Intense Full Moon & Solar Eclipse? Daring Aries can be relied on to launch and push things forward because they have the bravery to initiate and conquer big projects with enthusiasm. Like some of the houses famous members, including Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape, Geminis are more than what they appear to be, and have many layers to them. The Water Bearer The Aquarius horoscope symbol is the Water Bearer. One human astrological practise was to draw a circular chart, called a personal chart, showing the position of the planets at the time of a person's birth. It's a well-known fact that Hufflepuffs value hard work and dedication, where as Gryffindors admire cunning and resourcefulness. "Coming across Shweta ma'am on LinkedIn was no less than a boon in disguise. Perhaps the quintessential Slytherin, a Scorpio is unafraid to look into the darkness in life to understand what fears motivate people and how to overcome them. You like to be surrounded with good friends who value and respect you and you take pride in completing tasks youve never tried before. Looking for Pottermore? You might think you're a Hufflepuff at heart, but the stars might have something different to say about that. The patient, loyal and a bit stubborn Taurus belongs to Hufflepuff. Close friend is an Aquarius moon and Ravenclaw. Take a look at your zodiac sign and discover the Halloween costume that would suit you best!

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