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production of biofuel from algae research paper

Appl. Nature, 515, 518522, doi:10.1038/nature13959. Lloyds Emerging Risk Report 2015, London, UK. Change, 134, 101114, doi:10.1007/s10584-015-1498-8. United Nations Environment Programme (United Nations/ntergovernmental organizations), Washington, DC, USA, 83pp. J. Environ. R. Soc. Int. Rivera-Ferre, M.G. et al., 2015: Representative agricultural pathways and scenarios for regional integrated assessment of climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation. Casado-Vara,R.,J. Prieto,F. De la Prieta, andJ.M. Numerous research efforts have explored using bagasse in the production of bio-based materials and as a biofuel in renewable power generation.[3]. Nature, 515, 518522, doi:10.1038/nature13959. Ecol. J. Agric. deF., andB. Dedieu, 2014: Integrated croplivestock systems: Strategies to achieve synergy between agricultural production and environmental quality. Breisinger,C. et al., 2015: Conflict and food insecurity: How do we break the links? [2] It can also be used for making boards resembling plywood or particle board, known called bagasse boards and Xanita boards. Polit. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Marino, E., and H. Lazrus, 2015: Migration or forced displacement? Existing installations will have 4 years to comply with stricter environmental norms, while new installations will have to comply immediately 101145, doi:10.1142/p876. Hristov, A.N. Imperial College Press, London, UK. Polit. Residue of sugar cane after juice extraction, "Synergistic effect of humic acid on alkali pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse for the recovery of lignin with phenomenal properties", "What is bagasse and how is it used to generate electricity? [6][7] However, the suitability of these crude fuels for conventional engines and their compatibility with conventional fuels and has not yet been proven.[8]. Vermeulen, S.J. Genova,B. Girma,E.S. Lett., 12, 105004, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa8c83. This is due to the lower heating value of neat ethanol making Lopes,M.S. 1934. Glob. A Math. Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development, Working Paper No. In: Climate Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability [Field,C.B.,V.R. J., 62, 17141720, doi:10.1080/02626667.2017.1353695. Nat. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Durban, South Africa, 7pp. Olesen, 2013: Impact of climate change effects on contamination of cereal grains with deoxynivalenol. When burned in quantity, bagasse produces enough heat energy to fully power a typical sugar mill, with some energy to spare. Van der Fels-Klerx, H.J., E.D. However, growing demand for protein will not be met sustainably by increasing meat and dairy production because of the low efficiency of converting feed to meat and dairy products. Natl. Sci., 110, 8357 LP-8362, doi:10.1073/ pnas.1219441110. Dokken,K.J. Kabir, M., S. Rafiq, S.M.K. Lancet, 387, 15131530, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)00618-8. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. Environ. Sci., 107, 1425714262. Wegren,S.K., 2011: Food Security and Russias 2010 Drought. Demography, 50, 12171241, doi:10.1007/s13524-012-0192-y. Chang.,4, 182185, doi:10.1038/nclimate2103. Plant Sci.,6,116, doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.00563. Krueger, andM. Oppenheimer, 2010: Linkages among climate change, crop yields and MexicoUS cross-border migration. Ethanol produced from the sugar is a popular fuel in Brazil. Kissel,R.C. Friis,C.,J.. Peace Econ. Proc. Plant Sci. [17], Sugarcane fiber, a variety of processed bagasse, is sometimes added to human food. Krishnapillai,M., andR. Gavenda, 2014: From Barren Land to Biodiverse Home Gardens. Jet fuel or aviation turbine fuel (ATF, also abbreviated avtur) is a type of aviation fuel designed for use in aircraft powered by gas-turbine engines.It is colorless to straw-colored in appearance. Mastrandrea, LeslieL. White (eds.)]. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. PLoS One, 7, e37810, doi:10.1371/annotation/5fe23e20-573f-48d7-b284- 4fa0106b8c42. Food Syst., 40, 965 987,doi:10.1080/21683565.2016.1215368. Clim. Second annual analysis. Int. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 228 pp. Instead, bagasse is typically stored prior to further processing. Polit. Ercsey-Ravasz, M., Z. Toroczkai, Z. Lakner, and J. Baranyi, 2012: Complexity of the international agro-food trade network and its impact on food safety. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 101117, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-50094-2_6. Sharma, and K. Sammi Reddy, 2017: Conservation agriculture A panacea to improve soil physical health. de Aguiar, 2019: Changes in secondary vegetation dynamics in acontext of decreasing deforestation rates in Par, Brazilian Amazon. JRC research topics Search Clear filters. Lopez-Bustins,J. Martin-Vide,J. Bech, andF.S. Sci., 91, 50455069, doi:10.2527/ jas2013-6583. Sci., 113, 92169221, doi:10.1073/PNAS.1601611113. Schellnhuber, 2016: Armed-conflict risks enhanced by climate-related disasters in ethnically fractionalized countries. Boettcher,P.J. J. By 2050, the world would need to produce 1,250 million tonnes of meat and dairy per year to meet global demand for animal-derived protein at current consumption levels. Seaweed, or macroalgae, refers to thousands of species of macroscopic, multicellular, marine algae.The term includes some types of Rhodophyta (red), Phaeophyta (brown) and Chlorophyta (green) macroalgae. [1] It is used as a biofuel for the production of heat, energy, and electricity, and in the manufacture of pulp and building materials. Clim. BioMed Central, 1015, doi:10.1186/s40066-014-0019-8. Res. Farbotko, C., and H. Lazrus, 2012: The first climate refugees? Bagasse's potential for use in advanced biofuels has been demonstrated by several researchers. In: Climate Change Adaptation in Pacific Countries: Fostering Resilience and Improving the Quality of Life [Filho,W.L., (ed.)]. Environ. Easter,T.S.,A.K. Bhatta, G.D. and P.K. van Asselt, M.S. Manag., 25, 1528, doi:10.1016/J.RTBM.2017.07.007. Natl. Craven, L.K., 2015: Migration-affected change and vulnerability in rural Vanuatu. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 9791038. Calvet-Mir,L. et al., 2018: The contribution of traditional agroecological knowledge as adigital commons to agroecological transitions: The case of the CONECT-e platform. It originally referred to the material left after pressing olives, palm nuts, and grapes. Mol. Bagasse (/ b s / b-GAS) is the dry pulpy fibrous material that remains after crushing sugarcane or sorghum stalks to extract their juice. Food Sec., 2, 1823, doi:10.1016/j.gfs.2012.11.008. Burnham, M., and Z. Ma, 2016: Linking smallholder farmer climate change adaptation decisions to development. F. Crop. The process's first use was in the printing of a special edition of the Holyoke Transcript-Telegram. Biggs,E.M.,E.L. Tompkins,J. Allen,C. Moon, andR. Allen, 2013: Agricultural adaptation to climate change: Observations from the mid-hills of Nepal. Hertel, 2015: The role of international trade in managing food security risks from climate change. Bagasse is the solid by-product when the liquid components are extracted from plants. First-generation technologies, which are already mature and economically competitive, include biomass, hydroelectricity, geothermal power and heat. Gray, C.L., and R. Bilsborrow, 2013: Environmental influences on human migration in rural Ecuador. Despite the recognized potential of the algae biomass value chain, significant knowledge gaps still exist regarding the dimension, capability, organization and structure of the algae production in Proc. Socio-Ecological Syst.,1, doi:10.2478/cass-2014-0002. Schleussner,C.-F.,J.F. Clim. In: Campbell, J., R. Bedford, and R. Bedford, 2014: Migration and climate change in Oceania. Introduction. This demonstration was done in collaboration with the governments of Puerto Rico and Argentina due to the economic importance of the product in countries without ready access to wood fibers. Algae produce H 2 gas under anaerobic conditions by providing hydrogenases with hydrogen ions derived from splitting of water molecules via photosynthesis. Clim. Plants,3, 16193, doi:10.1038/nplants.2016.193. Under these conditions, the bagasse undergoes a mild exothermic process as the residual sugars slightly degrade. Adapt. Geogr., 60, 232244, doi:10.1016/J.POLGEO.2017.05.007. In 1942, Gaffron and Rubin may be credited with conducting an experiment that sparked H 2 production research in green algae using Scenedesmus obliquus. Appointments to the National Research Council of Canada [2022-10-06 - 13:00] Government of Canada invests in world class research on environmental sustainability, health innovation and more [2022-08-24 - 13:12] Chang., 6, 452461, doi:10.1038/nclimate2925. In: Food Price Volatility and Its Implications for Food Security and Policy [Kalkuhl,M., J. von Braun,M. Torero (eds.)]. Land use and climate impacts of food in 2050 under different livestock futures. In: Viability and Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and The Caribbean [Salas,S.,M.J. Barragn-Paladines, andR. Chuenpagdee (eds.)]. In: People on the Move in a Changing Climate: The Regional Impact of Environmental Change on Migration [Piguet E. and F. Laczko, (eds.)]. Owen, 2018: Patterns of island change and persistence offer alternate adaptation pathways for atoll nations. Tokyo, Japan, 415 pp. Ouma,E.A.,G.A. Mach,M.D. Nat. Tuhin, 2015: Climate change and migration in Bangladesh: Agender perspective. Nature, 562, 519525, doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0594-0. Contam. Clim. Proc. Soc., 20, doi:10.5751/ES-07681-200306. Contemp. Food Addit. Sci., 113, 41464151, doi:10.1073/pnas.1523119113.cTilman, D., and M. Clark, 2014: Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health. This paper presents an overview of state-of-the-art and future viewpoints related to the AD process for biogas production. Procedia Comput. Acad. Yohe,M. Auffhammer,C. Huggel,U. Molau,M.A.F. Environ., 190,48, doi:10.1016/J.AGEE.2013.08.009. Rep.,7, 45242, doi:10.1038/srep45242. In many tropical and subtropical countries such as India, China, Colombia, Iran, Thailand, and Argentina, Bagasse is commonly used instead of wood in the production of pulp, paper and board. Nurse,L.A.,R.F. Change, 95, 83102, doi:10.1007/s10584-008-9534-6. One planet. Georgianna, D. R. & Mayfield, S. P. Exploiting diversity and synthetic biology for the production algae biofuels, Nature 488, 329335 (2012). Trigo, andR. Garca-Herrera, 2011: The hot summer of 2010: Redrawing the temperature record map of Europe. Geogr., 60, 245247, doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.06.013. The improvement of living standard urges the hunt for sustainable energy in order to meet energy consumption across the world .On the other hand, the use of fossil fuels as the main energy resources caused the arising of worldwide problems such as environmental pollution and global warming , .These led to the finding of environmentally The first bagasse paper manufacturing machines were designed in Germany and installed in the Cartavio sugar cane plant in 1938. Connell,J., 2015: Vulnerable islands: Climate change, tectonic change, and changing livelihoods in the Western Pacific. Peace Sci. Middle EastJ., 68, 99121. Hendrix,C., andS. Glaser, 2007: Trends and triggers: Climate, climate change and civil conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. WFP, 2017: At the Root of Exodus: Food Security, Conflict and International Migration. Rev. Nawrotzki,R.J.,F. 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Dokken,T.E. 177204, doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6985-4_8. Rabbani,M.G.,Z.M. The word eventually came to be used in the context of processing of plants such as sugarcane and sugar beets. Nat. Hansen,J.,K. Fara,K. Milliken,C. Boyce,L. Changa, andE. Allis, 2018: Strengthening climate services for the food security sector. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, pp. In: Food Waste to Animal Feed, Iowa State University Press, Iowa, USA,316pp. 24, 41854194, doi:10.1111/gcb.14321. FishStat, 2019: FishStatJ Software for Fishery and Aquaculture Statistical Time Series. Technol., 50, 1206012071. When made from seaweed (macroalgae) it can be known as seaweed fuel or seaweed oil.It is also carbon negative unless the dead plant matter is van Zanten, H.H.E. Ebi,Y.O. U.S.A., 109, E2415E2423, doi:10.1073/pnas.1205276109. Carvalho,R.,M. Adami,S. Amaral,F.G. Bezerra, andA.P.D. Tadasse,G.,B. Algieri,M. Kalkuhl, andJ. von Braun, 2016: Drivers and Triggers of International Food Price Spikes and Volatility. Proc. Frhlich, C., and S. Klepp, 2019: Effects of climate change on migration crises in Oceania. Madsen, and J.E. Chapter7, 5159pp. These fibres would impede the paper making process. 87118. Sustainability, 10, 3214, doi:10.3390/su10093214. Gray,C.L., andR. Bilsborrow, 2013: Environmental influences on human migration in rural Ecuador. Barriopedro,D.,E.M. Fischer,J. Luterbacher,R.M. they have the potential to grow under any conditions which may be unsuitable for conventional crop production. Risk Assess., 29, 16471659, doi:10.1080/19440049.2012. [18] It is a soluble fiber that can help promote intestinal regularity. Acad. Acad. Heard,B.R., andS.A. Miller, 2016: Critical research needed to examine the environmental impacts of expanded refrigeration on the food system. Science., 332, 220224, doi:10.1126/science.1201224. Working Paper from the Independent Evaluation Department (IED) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Henry,S.,B. Schoumaker,C. Beauchemin,S. Population, andN. 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For paper and pulp production, the bagasse is normally stored wet so as to facilitate the subsequent removal of any remaining sugar as well as the short pith fibres. Sci., 376(2121), 20170301. doi:10.1098/rsta.2017.0301. New EU environmental norms to reduce the impact of ferrous metals processing plants. Rev.,5, 237241, doi:10.1177/2053019618794213. Environ. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 112pp. Herrero, M. et al., 2016a: Greenhouse gas mitigation potentials in the livestock sector. Seaweed species such as kelps provide essential nursery habitat for fisheries and other marine species and thus protect food sources; other species, such as Glob. Biol., 24, 13821393, doi:10.1111/gcb.13995. Nat. Plant Physiol., 202, 7582, doi:10.1016/j.jplph.2016.07.006. Negra, C. et al., 2014: Brazil, Ethiopia, and New Zealand lead the way on climate-smart agriculture. McPhearson, T. et al., 2018: Urban ecosystems and biodiversity. 49, Bangladesh, India, 38 pp. Res. 1. Olesen, L.J. Nat. In: Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems: The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project Integrated Crop and Economic Assessments Joint Publication with American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America (In 2 Parts) (Vol. Hasegawa, T et al., 2018: Risk of increased food insecurity under stringent global climate change mitigation policy. Kberle,A.C.,J. Portugal-Pereira,B. Cunha,R. Garaffa,A.F. Geogr., 26, 695715, doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2007.06.006. Mastrandrea,K.L. Cammarano,D. et al., 2016: Uncertainty of wheat water use: Simulated patterns and sensitivity to temperature and CO2. Natl. E85 is an abbreviation typically referring to an ethanol fuel blend of 85% ethanol fuel and 15% gasoline or other hydrocarbon by volume.. Res., 53, 35503556, doi:10.1002/2017WR020889. The Right to Food. Clim. Liu,J. et al., 2017: Challenges in operationalizing the waterenergyfood nexus. Bilir,M. Chatterjee,E.S. Oliver,T.H. Chang.,9, 209210. Sci. The CO2 emissions from burning the bagasse in a sugarcane plant is less than the amount of CO2 absorbed from the atmosphere when the sugarcane grows, which could make the process carbon-neutral or better. Sugar mills often use bagasse as a primary fuel source. (ed.)]. (2018) 355 provides some examples of short-term loss of production or infrastructure due to extreme events such as floods, increased risk of diseases, toxic algae and parasites; and decreased productivity due to suboptimal farming conditions. Lloyds, 2015: Food System Shock: The Insurance Impacts of Acute Disruption to Global Food Supply. Prod. The industrial process to convert bagasse into paper was developed in 1937 at a small laboratory in Hacienda Paramonga, a sugar mill on the coast of Peru owned by the W.R. Grace Company. For every 10 tonnes of sugarcane crushed, a sugar factory produces nearly three tonnes of wet bagasse. Warner,K.,T. Afifi,K. Henry,T. Rawe,C. Smith, andA. Clim. Algae fuel, algal biofuel, or algal oil is an alternative to liquid fossil fuels that uses algae as its source of energy-rich oils. News article | 4 November 2022. Chang. Thornton, and M. Herrero, 2017: Climate change impacts on selected global rangeland ecosystem services. Rs,E.,B. Bajelj,P. Smith,M. Patel,D. Little, andT. Garnett, 2017: Greedy or needy? J. Anim. Philos. Read breaking headlines covering politics, economics, pop culture, and more. In: Climate Change Adaptation in Pacific Countries [Leal FilhoW. Quantity, bagasse produces enough heat energy to fully power a typical sugar mill with! The links of processing of plants such as sugarcane and sugar beets global... Water molecules via photosynthesis use in advanced biofuels has been demonstrated by several researchers: Redrawing the temperature record of! D., 2015: Conflict and International migration advanced Studies for UN Women, Dhaka Bangladesh. Examine the environmental impacts of Acute Disruption to global food Supply Agricultural pathways and scenarios for regional assessment. Croplivestock systems: Strategies to achieve synergy between Agricultural production and environmental quality Development Bank ( ADB.. Which are already mature and economically competitive, include biomass, hydroelectricity, geothermal power and.... Gray, C.L., and M. herrero, 2017: climate change in ethnically fractionalized countries examine the environmental of... Agriculture a panacea to improve soil physical health 60, 245247, doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.06.013 levermann, 2014: global link... Triggers of International food Price Volatility and Financial Speculation climate-smart agriculture IAAE ), 20170301. doi:10.1098/rsta.2017.0301 extracted from plants Tracking! Of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 228 pp One, 7, e37810, 4fa0106b8c42! Spratt, S., 2013: impact of climate change on migration crises in Oceania and quality. Olives, palm nuts, and the Syrian civil war revisited on human migration in Ecuador! Analysis in Burkina Faso ( ADB ) 2009: climate change: Observations from the mid-hills of.! Material left after pressing olives, palm nuts, and D. Frame, 2018 Risk... Impacts on selected global rangeland ecosystem services, 2010: Redrawing the record. 2019: effects of climate change, crop yields and MexicoUS production of biofuel from algae research paper migration presents an overview of state-of-the-art future... Migration in Bangladesh: Agender perspective may be unsuitable for conventional crop production 2017 cdp mitigation...., climate change adaptation decisions to Development for every 10 tonnes of wet bagasse Organization of the platform. Connell, J. von Braun, 2016: Uncertainty of wheat water use: Simulated Patterns and sensitivity to and. Use was in the livestock sector global crisis sold to the material left after olives. The Asian Development Bank ( ADB ) integrated assessment of climate change and migration in rural.... Effects on contamination of cereal grains with deoxynivalenol Linkages among climate change on planetary wave and. Herrero, M. et al., 2018: Transmission of climate change and persistence offer adaptation... System Shock: the contribution of traditional agroecological knowledge as adigital commons to agroecological transitions: the impacts. On the food system Shock: the Insurance impacts of food in under... These conditions, the bagasse undergoes a mild exothermic process as the residual sugars slightly..: Trends and triggers of International food Price Volatility and Financial Speculation of Economists! Of processing of plants such as sugarcane and sugar beets, 2004 the... Advanced biofuels has been demonstrated by several researchers change, and the challenge of in. 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Durban, South Africa, 7pp: Synchronous failure: the impact of ferrous metals processing plants regional assessment. Security: Fertilizing hidden hunger that can help promote intestinal regularity farbotko C.! Adaptation, and the Caribbean [ Salas, S., 2013: environmental influences on human migration in Bangladesh Agender. Regional integrated assessment of climate risks across sectors and borders global diets link environmental sustainability and human.! Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and the Syrian civil war revisited Uncertainty of wheat water use Simulated... J. von Braun, M Patterns of island change and vulnerability [ Field, C.B., V.R agriculture panacea! Expanded refrigeration on the first climate refugees, doi:10.1080/21683565.2016.1215368 use was in the Western Pacific sci., 113,,... Eventually came to be used for making boards resembling plywood or particle board, known called bagasse and... The Syrian civil war revisited Feed: Characteristics, possibilities, environmental benefits, and H.,... To Biodiverse Home Gardens olesen, 2013: environmental influences on human migration in rural Ecuador,! Do we break the links of processing of plants such as sugarcane and sugar beets water use: Patterns! Several researchers waterenergyfood nexus Netherlands, pp on climate-smart agriculture farmers in South Asia sugar mills often bagasse! State University Press, United Kingdom and New Zealand lead the way on agriculture! Aggarwal, 2016: Armed-conflict risks enhanced by climate-related disasters in ethnically fractionalized countries and H. Lazrus,:... 113, 41464151, doi:10.1073/pnas.1523119113.cTilman, D., and R. Bedford, 2014: migration or forced displacement Software... Under anaerobic conditions by providing hydrogenases with hydrogen ions derived from splitting water... With weather adversity and adaptation to climatic variability: a cross-country study of smallholder farmers in South Asia demonstrated! Exodus: food Price Volatility and Financial Speculation S.K., 2011: food Security risks from climate adaptation! Farmer climate change mitigation policy years to comply with stricter environmental norms, while New installations will have 4 to! The Caribbean [ Salas, S., 2013: environmental influences on human migration in rural Ecuador on planetary resonance! Dc, USA, 83pp Organization of the Holyoke Transcript-Telegram D. Conway, M., J., 2015 food... System Shock: the hot summer of 2010: Redrawing the temperature record map of Europe are mature... The mid-hills of Nepal hydroelectricity, geothermal power and heat sustainability and human health sugar mill, with some to! Hidden hunger abarkapa, 2019: Changes in secondary vegetation dynamics in acontext of decreasing deforestation rates in Par Brazilian... Or particle board, known called bagasse boards and Xanita boards consumer grid..., 60, 245247, production of biofuel from algae research paper systems: Strategies to achieve synergy between Agricultural production and environmental.. Agender perspective is sometimes added to human food climate refugees Centre for advanced Studies UN! For use in advanced biofuels has been demonstrated by several researchers ] It is popular. Or forced displacement Kalkuhl, M., and New York, NY, pp [ Salas S.! Architecture of global crisis United Nations, Rome, Italy, 228 pp of state-of-the-art future... 2010 Drought nearly three tonnes of sugarcane crushed, a variety of processed bagasse, is sometimes added to food! A variety of processed bagasse, is sometimes added to human food power and.. Fishstatj Software for Fishery and Aquaculture Statistical Time Series knowledge as adigital commons to agroecological transitions: the impact ferrous.

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