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Forward Integration The process of accessing, processing, maintaining, evaluating, and disseminating information for the purpose of assisting business decision-making (KM LAP 1), INFORMATION OVERLOAD: Communication that is too much and/or comes too fast to process at one time (NF LAP 15, LAP-NF-110) A key concern which was alluded to earlier, is the price at which one enters the Nykaa investment. The 1991 policy paved the way for several new multi-nation corporations in the country, while several segments of the economy wereopened upto the private sector. - A company or individual whose selling or buying of goods and services has little or no influence over prices. - An extra sum of money given to an employee on top of their salary, often for achieving targets. These companies aim to solve the most difficult problem from the farmers perspective as they reduce the number of intermediaries between the farmer and the retailer. Data presented in a useful form (LAP-IM-001, LAP-NF-110)*, INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT: A career that involves the creation of the subject matter found on the WWW (PD LAP 3), INFORMATION-GATHERING PROBE: A technique for probing in which the salesperson's objective is to find out information about customers that will be helpful in satisfying customer needs (SE LAP 120), INFORMATION HOARDING: Keeping knowledge to ones self to prevent others from benefitting from it due to selfishness or motivated by the desire to gain a competitive advantage (EI LAP 130), INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: The process of accessing, processing, maintaining, evaluating, and disseminating knowledge, facts, or data for the purpose of assisting business decision making (LAP-NF-110) The key feature of a product or service which makes it stand out from the competition. - Technical language often used by computer experts which doesn't make sense to non-technical people. - The right of individuals to join together to form, or join an existing, group or organisation, including a union. Streisand's house accounted for 3% of the image. Red Ink Open-Book Management Off-the-Charts The total amount of a country's currency which is in circulation, for example, coins, notes, etc. Info Edge or Sanjiv are exception to support Zomato or Policy Bazaar. Stevedore Also, a diesel engine can run away on a volatile airborne fuel in the engine space. Inorganic Number of shares traded during a specific period (QS LAP 37, QS LAP 49), VOLUME-BASED DISCOUNT: A discount that is based on the quantity of a purchase (PU LAP 3), VOLUNTARY RECALL:The act of removing a product from the market and requesting that consumers return, destroy, or stop using the product due to potential risks (LAP-PM-040), VOLUNTEER: Individual who donates time to complete a project (QS LAP 19), VOLUNTEER COORDINATION: In event marketing, an activity that involves delegating responsibility and assigning workers where they are needed (PD LAP 51), VOTING: A decision-making method in which votes are counted for or against an alternative (LAP-EI-911), WAGES: Money payments for labor on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis (LAP-EC-915), WAGNER ACT OF 1935: A federal act that protects union employees by stipulating that employees may not be disciplined or discharged for engaging in union activities (MN LAP 53), WAIT UNEMPLOYMENT: A situation in which a worker wants a different or higher paying job but waits in another position until that job becomes available (EC LAP 82), WALK-IN PROMOTIONS: In sport marketing, a team or organization's attempt to communicate with and reward fans as they enter the sports venue (PD LAP 51), WANT: A desire for something that may or may not be required (EC LAP 13, LAP-EC-901, LAP-EC-902, SE LAP 17, SE LAP 810, LAP-SE-874, LAP-SE-883) Grip Convertible Currency Insurance Adjuster In rare instances during this studys coverage period, authorship information for pieces that were clearly propaganda was entirely absent.5 Disclaimer: Reliance on this material and any related provision is at your sole risk. The percentage of profit earned by an investment in a business, etc. Internesia Menial Qualifying Period However, the occurrence of broken cranks, spun bearings and thrown rods NOT caused by Hydrolocking are far too frequent. Pros and Cons from an investor perspective. Like most guys, they were not big fans of shopping. recession - Also known as Labour Law. .) - Published by the Russell Company, an index which tracks the performance of 2000 smaller companies in the US. P The purchaser then pays for transporting and insuring the goods from that point. Budget/cost (or human resources), 3. - Usually called Brainstorming. Critical Mass Given the CCPs heavy control over domestic media in China, none of the Beijing-backed content providers are objective or unbiased. d = Directory. , in terms of how the recession appears in a graph of The arrangement of third-party funding itself is an old and established process, having been explicitly recognized and legalized under the Common Law of England and Wales in the 1960s. The MPC has pointed out that inflation is expected to peak in Q4 FY22 (within the tolerance band), then soften in H2 FY23, closer to the target. In English prior to 1121 (Chambers says) the word was 'synoth', and derives from Greek via Latin, synodos and synodus meaning a meeting or assembly, or conjunction of the planets, from Greek syn, together, and hodos, way. Portal Atmosphere Deepinder when we wanted to raise money we did not get. This is often because of increases in overtime, bonuses, profit share, etc. and complex details, and is commonly used in a cunning way by unscrupulous suppliers to trick buyers into signing onerous agreements. The other benefit that India could see is increased global capital inflows if confidence in the Chinese market wanes. - Describes goods or commodities which can be exchanged for something of the same kind, of equal value and quality. T Cash Flow Monetary reward a business owner receives for taking the risk involved in investing in a business (EC LAP 3, EC LAP 71, PI LAP 6) - Also called Deed Of Transfer. Geek Speak It's like a Junior Woodchucks' Guidebook for Boaters. wellbeing Facts and figures collected specifically for the problem or project at hand (IM LAP 10), PRIMARY DIMENSIONS OF DIVERSITY: Inborn differences that cannot be changed and that affect a persons entire life; include such characteristics as age, race/ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, and certain physical and mental traits and abilities (LAP-EI-033), PRIMARY INFORMATION:Marketing information developed from datacollected for the problem or project at hand (LAP-IM-001, LAP-IM-025)*, PRIMARY NEEDS: Desires for things that the body cannot live without, e.g., air, food, and water (MN LAP 47), PRIMARY PRODUCT PROMOTION: A type of product promotion intended to stimulate demand for an entire class of goods or services (LAP-PR-902), PRIMARY RESEARCH: Research that generates data that are new and specific to the problem or project at hand (IM LAP 285), PRIME INTEREST RATE: The interest rate at which banks borrow from each other; banks offer this rate to their best credit customers (LAP-EC-917), PRIME RATE: The interest rate offered by banks to their best credit customers (PU LAP 3), PRINCIPAL: The original amount of a loan on which the amount of interest is based (LAP-FI-002) The term has existed since the early 1900s and no-one knows the true derivation, although increasingly daft ones are suggested. R The 8.2 engine below has thrown the #4 connecting rod through the cylinder block and oil pan near the surfaces where they join, punching holes in both. Lightning Strike The MAIN TOPICS and a more detailed listing of Subtopics can be foundon the Website Contents page and on the Right Sidebar. - In business, regular costs which are incurred, such as wages, rent, insurance, utilities, etc. WAP Public Employee Thrift - In the US, an official document sent to a taxpayer which shows that they owe more tax than has been declared on their tax form. It's a very memorable and teachable idea - the theme itself, its Ockham derivation, and the metaphorical allusion to 'shaving' away unnecessary or unsubstantiated aspects of a written or spoken theory or explanation. - Failure to perform a duty or carry out an act when under legal obligation. Further, Nykaa provides Omni Channel experience through mobile applications, websites and 80 physical stores across 40 cities. Intrapreneur An individual who buys and sells shares, etc., for themselves, usually in small quantities. To have it easy. I really love being part of this "Everything About Boats" community and help provide thousands of helpful articles free to the public. A best-selling product. Indict Mr R Chandramogan, founder, Hatsun Agro, in his address noted that he has a team of five lakh people, including 4.5 lakh farmers and about 50,000 more directly and indirectly working for the company. Piggyback Direct Marketing A federal law passed in 2009 that limits the way credit card companies can charge consumers and aims to protect minors and students from predatory credit practices (PM LAP 7), CREDIT DOWNGRADE: The reduction of a businesss credit rating or measure of relative credit risk; usually accompanied by an increase in expenses and a decrease in creditworthiness (SM LAP 75), CREDIT LIMIT: The maximum amount of money that can be owed on a credit account (LAP-FI-002), CREDIT POLICY: A guideline for business to follow in controlling the use of payment plans that allow customers to purchase now and pay later (HR LAP 25), CREDIT RATING: The score assigned to a borrower based on previous loans (EC LAP 71, LAP-FI-002), CREDIT UNION: A financial cooperative set up to provide savings and credit services to its members; usually within a business, a labor union, or a certain geographic area (LAP-FI-002, QS LAP 51), CREDITORS: Individuals or businesses to whom a business owes money or from whom it wants to borrow money (LAP-EC-010, FI LAP 94, HR LAP 19), CREDITWORTHINESS: A person's past and future ability to repay a debt (FI LAP 1), CREDITWORTHY: Financially sound enough to obtain products or money based on a promise to pay later (FI LAP 91), CRIMINAL LAW: Laws that deal with crime and the legal punishment of criminal offenses (LAP-BL-163), CRISIS MANAGEMENT: A public relations strategy that involves the ongoing managing, planning, and coordinating of resources in the event that undesirable circumstances occur (PR LAP 136), CRITICAL THINKING: Thinking that analyzes what the information is, where its coming from, and how it should be appropriately applied (QS LAP 29) One of the highlights of the current GDP numbers is the resilience of agrarian economy with agricultural activity recording high growth, despite the severe impact of the second wave to the rural economy. - When a product, service, etc., is not being bought by enough people. I use the topic pages on the right sidebar to browse around the website. - In the travel industry, the time between high and low season. - Also called Purchase Agreement. Banking services provided directly to the public, such as savings accounts, credit/debit cards, mortgages, etc. Acquiring assistance from outside organizations/consultants to accomplish business objectives or perform primary business activities (LAP-HR-410) An advantage customers receive from using a product (SE LAP 17, LAP-SE-048, SE LAP 76, LAP-SE-374) in our Academy eLibrary.Media are also listed by category on the Topic Pages found on the Right Sidebar CLICK HERE to donate any books, magazines, manuals, or videos, etc. - A trust created in which assets can be transferred to someone while the grantor (the person who owns the assets) is still alive. and - A sum of money which someone has saved for the future. Aggregate Planning Cross Guarantee Foreign capital was scarce. in more detail. Fiduciary An employees narrow focus on one task or area of expertise (KM LAP 1, SM LAP 64) ^ DISPLACEMENT = Swept Volume: cc = Cubic Centimeters (cm). - Copyrighted computer software which is available for a free trial, after which a fee is usually charged if the user requires continued use and support. - Producing printed documents, magazines, books, etc., using a small computer and printer. Air-charging these stronger inline diesel engines can also enable them to run cleaner with fewer emissions as explained in our articles Fuel Fundamentals and Selecting the Right Diesel Engine for Your Boat. A synectics creative-thinking technique involving forcing random words into associations or connections with a given issue or idea (LAP-PM-127), FORCED QUESTIONING: A creative-thinking technique using basic question starters to develop original questions to ask (and answer) about an issue or idea; these question starters include who, what, why, where, when, how, did, will, might, would, could, should, etc. A company whose shares are traded on a stock exchange (LAP-FI-093), PUBLIC CORPORATION: A type of corporation that usually sells millions of shares of stock to many stockholders; must make its financial information available to the general public; also known as a C corporation (LAP-BL-003), PUBLIC GOODS: Goods and services that are used by all people and cannot be withheld from people who don't help to pay for them (LAP-EC-016), PUBLIC HEALTH CIGARETTE SMOKING ACT: A federal law passed in 1971 to ban radio and television advertising of tobacco products (PP LAP 7), PUBLIC IMAGE: The way people view the business (LAP-EI-004), PUBLIC RELATIONS: A career that involves dealing with controversial public issues that are related to a company or its products (CD LAP 2) - Called Voting Stock in the US. However, in the third best established market for such services, Australia, the bulk of third-party funding flows into litigations. These have been rising for years, since procurement has exceeded offtake from the Public Distribution System [PDS] and exports of wheat have been un economic for quite some time. High Net Worth Open Shop - In production, a system in which the demand for goods is predicted by the company, so more goods are made to keep up with pre-set levels rather than customer demand. Outbound Telemarketing - A person who works for an organisation on a long-term contractual basis, but who is not a permanent employee. Killer App More loosely the word bond can refer to a mortgage in some parts of the world, for example South Africa. A lot depends on the interpretation of the term 'Business name'. L = Liters. Taking other people's needs, interests, and feelings into account and acting accordingly (LAP-EI-021), SOCIAL SECURITY: Federal programs for retirees, the disabled, and children of deceased workers (EC LAP 72, EC LAP 83), SOCIAL SKILL: A skill valued by people, such as manners (QS LAP 24), SOCIALISM: A command economic system in which government owns some basic means of production and allows private ownership of business as well (LAP-EC-907), SOCIETY: A group of individuals who share an environment (IM LAP 9, NF LAP 15), SOCIETAL MARKETING CONCEPT: A philosophy of conducting business which involves creating and marketing products that benefit individual customers as well as contribute to the good of society as a whole (LAP-MK-901), SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS: An economic and sociological measure of a persons income, education, and occupation (LAP-EI-917, MP LAP 3), SOCIOLOGY: The study of the effects a peoples beliefs and values have on group interaction (CD LAP 2), SOFT NEWS: Information that does not need to be announced immediately because it will be of as much interest to the public later as it is now (PR LAP 10), SOFT SKILLS: Interpersonal (rather than technology or qualification) based skills that help a person advance in the workplace (Career Opps in Finance), SOFTWARE: Programs that instruct computers to perform specific operations (BA LAP 3, LAP-NF-003, RM LAP 4), SOLE LICENSE: A licensing category in which one licensee is authorized to produce merchandise, while the licensor retains the right to use the trademarked property (PM LAP 153), SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP: A business owned by one person who receives all the profits from the business and takes all the risks (LAP-BL-003, LAP-BL-006, EC LAP 3), S-O STRATEGY: A marketing strategy that focuses on opportunities that are a good match with the businesss strengths (MP LAP 10), SOURCES: People or organizations that have what you need or can help you locate what you need to complete a task (OP LAP 531), SPAM: Junk email that the recipient did not request and does not allow the recipient to request removal from the subscriber list; also known as unsolicited commercial email (BA LAP 3, BA LAP 5, PR LAP 13) Sweetheart Deal - Business-To-Business, or in normal communications 'business to business'. We can expect to see these technologies being utilised in sectors beyond financial services and extend into areas such as ESG reporting. The corresponding function naturally is also a counterpart. To provide further perspective, the real GDP number stands at Rs 32.4 trillion compared to Rs 35.6 trillion during the pre-covid times in Q1FY20. This move essentially allows retail investors to lend to the government, providing them withapotentiallyhigher return while increasing the available pool of investors for the Centre. Unzip Serial Bonds Pie Chart - Buying a stricken company and selling off its assets with no thought for the future of the company or its people, customers, etc. - Also called Urban Renewal, the redevelopment of run-down parts of a towns or cities, to include business and housing projects, typically funding by governments or agencies. conflict of interest The firm further plans to increase its store count substantially in the second half, and enjoy the benefits of scale. - The process of automatically personalising a customised letter or document by using a list of individual names and addresses, so the same letter can be sent to many people. P Nest Egg - In the UK, a professional who works in the construction industry, whose job is to calculate the cost of materials, labour, etc., needed to complete a project. - Fast Moving Consumer Goods (see - A person who uses vinyl records, a turntable of a record player and a DJ mixer all together as an instrument to create sounds. Golden Formula See also - A person in a company, organisation, club, etc., who is responsible for the management of funds and accounts. The study of peoples behaviour at work, covering personal relations, mental health, employee selection and training, safety, etc. Secondary Research Registrar The positive balance in a bank account. This Friday, were taking a look at Microsoft and Sonys increasingly bitter feud over Call of Duty and whether U.K. regulators are leaning toward torpedoing the Activision Blizzard deal. - Information (based on interpretation by an official Before the Russia-Ukraine crisis, the market had factored in a high probability of the US Fed raising interest rates. Bikeshed Colour effect From the ancient Greek word didaskein, which means to teach. Public markets may now start on focussing on growth in place of EBITDA. Recruit The use of this material is free for self-development, developing others, research, and organizational improvement. - An informal slang term for an investment which has shown a poor performance. We can alsorelate to how we waited years to purchase our first car, the Maruti 800back in those days. R-Value/U-Value Potential gains are finite; what is gained by one must be lost by another, and vice-versa. Vi Likely to deepen credit amongst underserved. - Ro-Ro. Any guideline explaining how employees are to act (LAP-PD-250), POLITE: Courteous; respectful (CR LAP 4), POLITICAL CLIMATE: Government environment (NF LAP 15), POLITICAL STABILITY: The degree to which a government is free from turmoil (NF LAP 15), POLYSTYRENE: A rigid plastic that can be molded into different shapes; often used as an insulator (IM LAP 3), PONZI SCHEME: An investment scam that lures in new investors by promising high rates of return with little to no risk (QS LAP 50), POP-UP ADS: Promotional messages that appear in a separate browser window (LAP-PR-007, PR LAP 16), PORTABLE HARD DRIVE: A small, lightweight electronic storage device that can be used with any computer containing a USB drive; examples of portable hard drives include flash drives, memory sticks, and thumb drives (NF LAP 1), PORTAL: Popular starting point for surfing the web; a gateway to the web; a directory that offers a variety of features such as news, chats, weather, etc. Asset Stripping The modes are: 1. Bounty Hunter There has been a structural shift in purchasing behaviour arising from the pandemic. - An independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute. The moot question is how much of an impact it will have on cross-country flows. An increase in the cost of goods and services (QS LAP 30, QS LAP 40) - A document which describes the objectives, scope and purpose of a project, committee, meeting, etc. Typically however in many projects one of the three corner inputs is altered (usually disadvantageously), and where no adjustment is made/permitted to any other input, the outcome quality is weakened. Heuristic/Heuristics M Slush Fund Parent Company Communicating over long distances by telephone, e-mail, etc. Globally popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have improved their monitoring and response capacity over the past three years, in some cases rapidly detecting and removing fake accounts that were artificially amplifying Chinese diplomatic or state media content, spreading false information about perceived enemies of the CCP, or attempting to muddle public discourse about COVID-19, social tensions, or elections in countries such as the United States and Taiwan. - A bid to buy an item, or a cost estimate for a contract, which is kept secret in a sealed envelope until all the bids have been received and are opened together. - The full price of something before discounts have been offered, especially hotel rooms. - A term attributed to 'showbusinessman' Alan Sugar, which refers to revenues which come into a business and are lost very quickly and unavoidably as costs, and so do very little if anything to actually improve trading profits. Of course, Govt policies, mobile telephony, data explosion, increased digitisation all contributed to success in every sphere. Significantly a Profit-centre business unit will use a 'Profit and Loss Account' as a means of managing and reporting the business. - A situation in which the price of a commodity to be delivered in the future exceeds the immediate delivery price, often due to storage and insurance costs. Many entrepreneurs are also investors in TVS Capitals marquee funds, Mr Srinivasan highlighted. This usually only affects the borrower if they need to sell the property during this time. of one sort or another. ational Amortize Special Resolution - In law, a guardian or protector appointed by a court to manage the affairs, finances, etc., of someone who is too ill or incapable of doing so themselves. Q a drink which was sold as an aid to those recovering from illness is now sold as a sports drink. A type of negative feedback that provides evaluative information designed to help someone improve (LAP-EI-027, LAP-EI-041, LAP-EI-903) Sweat Equity Principal - A person or organisation not principally involved with the other two parties but who has an interest in an agreement or contract. More generally the term is used in reminding/guiding us of a need for prudence, economy and simplicity in describing, justifying, or explaining ideas and concepts, etc. Comparison based on quantity rather than quality. Regulatory oversight over BCPs is especially important in the context of DBs given that they can leverage their APIs to have relationships to numerous counterparties that risks can originate from. - The often illegal practice of lending money to people who the lender knows are unable to pay back the loan, such as low-income house-owners, who subsequently may lose their homes which they have used as security against the loan. pplication The theory that employees rise in rank in an organisation until they are finally promoted to a level, and remain there, at which they do not have the ability to do their job. Table of ContentsFiled Pursuant to Rule 424(b)(5)Registration No. Let them learn to do what they can do. provides a useful example structure for TOR headings/sections: Background, Objectives, Scope, Constraints, Assumptions, Reporting, Dependencies, Estimates, Timescales. - A diagram which starts with an initial decision, and possible strategies and actions are represented by branches which lead to the final outcome decided upon. - Term first coined by Jeff Howe in 2006 in Wired magazine. Pre-oilers are often fitted to commercial engines to reduce startup wear. - In economics a bounce is a small quick partial recovery of the economy after a recession, which may subsequently continue upwards in growth, or plateau neither growing or contracting, or descend back into recession. - To make a higher offer than someone else in a bid to buy something. Cost Accounting A company share which gives the shareholder the right to vote on matters regarding company policy, etc. - A written message sent from one mobile phone to another. concordance Further, given the market potential in segments such as market linkages, we will also continue to view the space on an opportunistic basis. V Breaking a challenging process down into easier-to-achieve smaller steps. The last stock price of the day; also called closing price (QS LAP 37), CLOSED-END MUTUAL FUND: Fund with a set number of shares to be issued, determined before the fund is ever established (QS LAP 35), CLOSED-END(ED) QUESTION: A question that is structured so that it requires a short, precise response (LAP-CO-017, SE LAP 120), CLOSED-RESPONSE QUESTION: A question that can be answered with yes or no (SE LAP 810), CLOSED WOUND: An injury in which the skin is not broken, but the tissue and/or organs underneath are damaged (RM LAP 3), CLOSING ON OBJECTION: A closing technique in which a salesperson answers a customer's objection so that the customer no longer has a reason not to buy (SE LAP 895), CLOSING PRICE: The last stock price of the day; also called the close (QS LAP 49), CLOSING THE SALE: The point in a sales presentation at which the customer makes a favorable buying decision, CLOUD STORAGE: Online storage that enables users to upload, store, and access their files via the Internet; users files are maintained by a third-party at a remote database storage facility (NF LAP 1), CLUSTER: In probability sampling, a non-overlapping subpopulation determined by geography (IM LAP 285), CLUSTER SAMPLING: A probability sampling method in which researchers divide the target population into non-overlapping subpopulations that are determined by geography, and then randomly sample each one (IM LAP 285), CLUTTER: The existence of a large number of advertisements within a particular media vehicle (PR LAP 5) Jumble; disorderly arrangement (HR LAP 4), COACHABILITY: Willingness to receive correction and instruction (LAP-EI-075), COACHEE: A person who works toward reaching their goals with help from a coach (LAP-EI-041), COACHING: An on-the-job instructional method in which a manager or supervisor is assigned a "coach" to set goals, give assistance in reaching goals, and give ongoing performance feedback (MN LAP 50)

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