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european culture values and beliefs I lost respect when I saw your survey is HQ-ed in Austria the home of Hitler [the founder of National Socialism] and PR-ed in Sweden the home of the non-violent but destructive political correctness zealots. Anyone can pray in the park, if they want, provided that it is not loud, provocative and disturbing others in any way. Reality check, most europeans cant either. We are a part and parcel of a mixed humanity. 10 . Because all those nations share values derived from the judeo christean, roman and enlightenment tradition: Individuality, rationality, liberty, rule of law. That is: that Court should have judges from denamrk, sweden, finland, but NO or very few judges from portugal, spain, italy, greece. the values depend on the market and on the EU banks, why do you ask? oh, and lets not forget the WRONG suicide tolerance. 33. Well let me remind you of it. When a Russian general threatened to point missiles at the Czechs and the Poles, on account of their willingness to install American missile defence systems, those member-states that had been under the Soviet thumb felt alarmed and were sympathetic. I observe christian holidays even by tradition, and i have the sense of christian individualism. European mentality based on our history. No, I celebrate the family day, not the birth of christ. Its purely political organisation only concerned with maintaining power. Almost every human behavior, from shopping to marriage to expressions of feelings, is learned. Do you mean either european values or UE values? Un 1975 die F. Franco end of a several dictatorial rules, and start another dictatorial rules USA, OTAN And now the TTIP. Of course, all are dead now. Using your logic you could argue that because mankind started in Africa they are actually African traditions. Im atheist, which proves youre wrong. Let's put things into perspective Here are some examples of core beliefs that many people think and feel in society today; And once they do find they want to destroy it as they cannot understand its depth or begin to be part of its uniqueness. They fought for those things. Low prices of steel and coal in a single market. intelligentsia to cross the continent for centuries. Not much else to be honest. Ok, Spinelli had some radical communist ideas. When people go against a societys values, they are punished. Judaism is the ethic of an eye for an eye. It depends on what you mean by culture. Protestant ethics is different from catholic ethics which is different from islamic ethics, etc Which ethics do you mean? Although similar, these are two different things that dictate one's behavior and feelings towards others. European values are plentyeuropean politicians values are none. The Greeks punished corrupt officials without a second thought for the knowledge and compliance for the others. we in europe we want europeans values, drinking wine from the skulls of our enemys. It is not the same. The EU has become increasingly neo-liberal and undemocratic. Learn how your comment data is processed. Thus, factors other than wealth and its correlates apparently influence the culture critically. Jos Bessa da Silva Does that make you African ? Some time the police kill these guys Is the same what happend in Greece. Secularism. Humility. Is Hope (not the result of it) perfectly infinite? Screw those who have different opinion than yours (I mean euro politicians). Only persons scrutinizing their bellybutton and the collection of bacteria ever present there would fail to observe the broader environment which brought about the general context making it possible for that nombril to subsist. Everything based on Treaties & regulations- equally applied & strictly enforced all over- centrally controlled. And so on and so forth, Ivan Burrows And he would be right about Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan but even Roman Culture took influences from Egyptian Culture , as well as from Celtic Culture as all empires do , Spainish Culture was hugely influenced by the Moors , and probably by the Incas , as British Culture has been influenced by Asian and African Cultures. In 15 years of these money i see 2. Ancient Greek scripts, Roman Law and Christianity. New Zealanders (also known as Kiwis) are often viewed as being friendly, inventive, outgoing and welcoming people. Budgets, deficits, deutschmark (sorry Euro)? There was correspondance on all levels. Which cartographers? Enlargement has been good for the EU. Its an imposed political union. Islam is not going to destroy christianity. : denomination 2. Those who are so very sure about a correct answer- probably just shoot from the hip & being trapped. Why do you think Europe is getting colonised? I think in order to understand European values we need to look at what differentiates us from American culture (and Oceanic but I dont know enough there to comment), So one thing would be that Europe is one of the more environmentally and animal friendly places in the West, Were also hugely more sexually liberated, much less prudy about bodies, and the sexuality of others, We generally believe in some form of welfare state, and believe in charity, We value quality of life over professional development, generally, Were less tolerant of violence and quicker to forgive, eg the penal system. The culture that Unites Europe is our philosophy. Ivan Burrows When did Russia, Ukraine, Belorus, Norway, Moldova, Serbia become a part of the EU? The right to health or health care is also referred to in 115 State constitutions. Noticed the difference? To be or not to beto be money lovers or to be europeansto love racism or to love mankindto love consumerins or to love our old valueswe can decide so weve got the powerI decide humanism, I decide freedom, I decide I solidarity; I reject what we are doing, and of course, I reject FMI, I reject european economical politicy. White people are the only racial or ethnic group in the dataset to have a number higher than zero for time spent attending museums or the performing arts. There is not really any national values in Europe, which anyone who has lived in more than one member state will easily attest to. This became a buzzword as it was used by politicians to justify various means without explicitly stating what values they refer to. Severe limitations on extreme wealth accumulation, both personal and corporate. George Dimopoulos Anastasia Qka Eleni Panagakou lol, if people do not know the answer to this it is because they have not read the European Convention on Human Rights, Le seul point commun est la religion impose par la force et les massacres. To me this could start with: Harmonized constitution, legislation, tax system base, currency, health care system, borders, police, military. Hm? 6) the social and political organization, with a pyramidal concept of public administration (parliamentary monarchies and republics); These include: Health as a human right therefore defines both a legal obligation and a set of values that are applied in a human rights approach to global health. 1 Values and Beliefs. In June 2006, the ministers of health of the then 25 EU member states adopted common values and principles to guide European Union health systems. Lislam va dtruire ce lien extrmement fragile et artificiel. 7 A well painted- befitting a more complex European painting to live with & die for, than just dry, neo liberal political treaties, regulations & cohesions to be enforced & adhered to by a Brussels Suzerain! The refugee crisis has been going on for years and Europe has still claimed they are united despite their people suffering. Getting on the train to Szczecin, Poland Train travel is easy, safe, reliable, and preferable This assembly of values is Europe only: Russia or China does not recognize democracy, much of the Arabic world equality (especially gender equality), America solidarity. Are you thinking of the Court in Strasbourg, maybe? Leonardo Monteiro Zimbabwe has 16 official languages & it was less chaotic before the ethnic cleansing. Power and money making for some. So, you dont celebrate christmas? In Poland alone 6,620 people risked their lives and many died in the process (including entire families and villages, because the punishment for helping a Jew was death in Nazis hands). That kind of behavior would be considered the height of rudeness in the United States, but in Mumbai it reflects the daily challenges of getting around on a train system that is taxed to capacity. In the present: Live and let live. Just dont. It seems that in Ukraine, Estonia and Lithuania, its to celebrate the wafen ss and Nazism. The so called multicultural pseudo liberal twits want to put everything in a cultural Liquidizer INCLUDING incompatible cultures and blend everything into some tasteless shitty too. Im not maroccan nor does my country has any territory in mainland Africa. Butthe European Commission has issued, as of may, 2012, an interesting research called The European values ( Eurobaromtre Standard 77) and nearly 33000 persons from 27 countries were scrutinized. A boy who helps an elderly woman board a bus may receive a smile and a thank you. A business manager who raises profit margins may receive a quarterly bonus. Europe has a heavily intertwined common history, and that most certainly not in a favourable context! individualism; Art and culture again islam is taking you over. The main EU value is to murder the nation states and replace the European population. I always wonder why it is only European countries that- as some poeple claim- need diversity. Europeans values are more social: Americans are more suspicious of the state, of trade unions, of taxation and of equality. Geography and logic say that the UK is european and Turkey is asian, those that say otherwise are wrong. As Franois Jullien wrote, there are just cultural resources available to us, to choose from, a legacy of more or less elective affinities. Three: the EU can be modestly pleased with itself. But these days most European countries take an "instrumental" view of the union. Live in full Human Rigths + Equality among EU citizenship + path of comum prosperity for Countrys + Peace and harmonization of foreign relationships. Yes because our values are very different than English, or Spanish ,or French or German. Une manire commune dvoluer positivement en sefforant de de ne plus reproduire les erreurs du pass tout en dveloppant de nouvelles ides pour un futur meilleur. Practical examples of gender mainstreaming in the cultural sector Spain The Spanish Act 3/2007 for equality between women and men provides recommendations on gender equality in cultural. European contact resulted in devastating loss of life, disruption of tradition, and enormous loss of lands for American Indians. Ask those who want sharia in Europe. There are no European values. European culture is the foundation of humanity. What are your values and beliefs? Women are allowed to drive. Therefore, testing the scales in different cultures contributes to their . But when boarding a bus in Cairo, passengers might have to run, because buses there often do not come to a full stop to take on patrons. Santa Helena, Ascenso, Tristo da Cunha are British overseas territories which does not mean Great Britain is African, with your logic Great Britain is part of every continent on the planet.. That is a map of the EU, not Europe. European discoverers and adventurers have found the new world and have (mostly) succesfull exported their European way of live. only money for big german companies, I believe in the EU project but would be hard pressed to defend its actions against the values it holds. Clothing, hairstyles, and jewelry are part of material culture, but the appropriateness of wearing certain clothing for specific events reflects nonmaterial culture. They are in the minority. The people are the Force and the expressing power is Democracy. These material and nonmaterial aspects of culture can vary subtly or greatly from region to region. Two: there are no European values. UE law doesnt include every EU value As for taxes of course, UE impose minimum and maximum value of tax. In Polish language, there are a lot of words that come directly from Sanskrit, including most significant ones like veda-wiedza-knowledge, budda-budzi-awaken, numbers, family members, etc. The fact that a country PAYS more doesnt give it more SAY in the EU thats what makes the EU well..EQUAL or at least a semblance of. I believe in the EU project because I think it is the best way to prevent another war in Europe as in the last century. All this is expanded in the Charter of Fundamental Rights: If the EU, and our society itself, is to survive, we would do well to remember our founding principles of Democracy, Subsidiarity, Proportionality, Transparency, Cohesion, Sustainability, Freedom, Equality and Justice, all of which are slowly disappearing beneath muddy layers of bureaucracy, hypocrisy, corruption and incompetence. And where short clothes too. Did I mentioned that for money we even cover statues when a Muslim leadership comes for a visit.anything left to call it still Europe!!!!!! Ask the millions of Muslims. The EU ? What brussels has created is an undemocratic mess with millions of europeans wanting change and a voice. 1. tyrrany , 2. economic terrorism through euro, lack of democracy last but not least there is no union only germany. Both constitute obligations to be fulfilled-respected by all members of the Council of Europe (do not confuse this International / Regional Organization with the so-called European Union; they do not share but the name European). I know all that but you and i still celebrate the holidays, even if they are hogwash. Sorry, I need to rant for a moment. the wish: individual freedom and equal opportunities and solidarity! Erdogan wants to imprison two journalists with life in prison only because they dare to expose Ankaras links to ISIS. Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. These values need to be agreed on and protected together. Choose whatever you want. It is frequently associated with access to health care and medical facilities. From a criminal justice perspective, properly used social control is also inexpensive crime control. But too much, too quickly may weaken the 'glue' that holds the union together. A lot of experience about waging fratricide wars ? Good idea.But with ammendment :government spending to decrese,we dont need new level of burocracy servants but just highly competent federal management at the European Commission ,as an executive body. Is there a document declaring what are the European value? They killed,raped in the name of their god. Equality in American culture refers to the belief that everyone is created equal and can have the sam opportunities in the society . We share the same musical tradition albeit with national/regional specialisations. Bdis Kata Christian religion is the Christ,s teaching, and not the old and new testament. Where is the human rigths??? Leonardo Monteiro The world considers Turkey to be in Europe, find a map & take a look, there are 51 Nations in Europe & not just the 27 in the EU. @ Roberto Bonaf: Siamo tutti migranti nel nostro intimo: Dobbiamo migrare da uno stato di paura ad uno stato di sagezza. 50 years? I bet the most important value in Europe is Christianity!! From a continent of having an influential role in western civilization and ravaged by dynastic wars and conquests for millennia to peace and progressive prosperity, European values entail rational and realistic fundamental values of respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law. 3) the Roman law before and the Germanic law later, during high Middle age; christianity is the main common factor that europe had in common for the last 1700 or so years. Must be the value of Europeans in terms of all those hundred of millions of Euro granted in and outside EU? Beaucoup plus quon ne le pense, en considrant le mouvement des peuples travers les sicles. Culture: Love parade & models that starve to be slim. The country that the EU wants to grant visa-free entry. What are some examples of beliefs? Its your denial that the rest of the human race says Turkey is part of Europe that is funny.The fact Europe contains 51 Nations is your problem, not mine. I think that we should talk more about civic values and remember how the world may get distorted without them. Mass immigration is caused by the UN human rights treaty of 1951 which has moved decision making about refugees from the Parliament to the Courts of law. There is no longer freedom of speech. Its the main value! Write a reply Adri Tappi July 30th, 2017 Let's FIND IT OUT! And no. Religion in personal life, not in state policy. If not you will be labeled a racist, intolerant, xenophobe and run to the ground with economic misery. Europe, cross-cultural psychology, values, attitudes, beliefs, identity, social networks, acculturation, multiculturalism Europe has recently faced several unprecedented and deeply significant . Some might say one article can't do it justice. Europe has a tradition of liberty and equality; but it also has history of war and oppression. EU has encouraged a mass invasion and migration There is a substantial difference. And btw there are also much poorer countries then greece and some of them have to pay for you twice! Used to be humanism democracy freedom of speech equality. Each european state has its general values and each person within those states as well. But enlargement does bring problems, which we are beginning to see. In rest we can canibalize each other because that is politcally correct under this new management. European Union needs to reinvent itself,put stringent restrictions to avoid the Islamisation of EU countries and protect the ultimate European value: Christianity. There is a clear geographic/cultural dividing line, rich people handed it to eachother as bonus for making us all slaves. Threats,debt, forced unwanted asylum policies because Adolf Merkel demands it. Also, why did you use quotation marks in this sentence: Europe also exported its culture to millions ()? Les Normands, ont bien occup la Sicile, emmenant leurs culture et leur type physique. Values are not static; they vary across time and between groups as people evaluate, debate, and change collective societal beliefs. However, the number of unplanned pregnancies among teens reveals that not only is the ideal hard to live up to, but the value alone is not enough to spare teenagers the potential consequences of having sex. And if u cant pay for any reasson, the bank and laws got your house, and you go to street. It has always been Europes will to be kidnapped by Zeus. That`s why we are having this conversation. Material and nonmaterial aspects of culture are linked, and physical objects often symbolize cultural ideas. Kosovo is european and yet muslim. Islam is taking you over! Oh you did? Threatening this diversity (with policies that challenge national sovereignty) might undermine the very essence of European identity (e.g., Pet Brussels or the above mentioned know nothing about values. The EU does not impose taxes I wish it would! The continent I was born in. Cooperation Cooperation is healthy and essential. Take religion out of it and look at actions alone, then take situation appropriate measures. Because in Portugal we have Saman, known in Lisbon as Dia das Bruxas. Of course those we can find in the European Convention of Human Rights. If they are made aware of that fact, they will feel more solidarity towards their fellow citizens, and the EU will function more smoothly. Values portray an ideal culture, the standards society would like to embrace and live up to. These differences include religious practices and ruling practices, among others. The Enlightenment happened long before the EU. Latin influenced westerners and Byzantine influenced east. Western cultur is based on individual rights. What happened is simple, When it was run by the British it was one of the wealthiest nations on the planet, take away those British values and you have anarchy. Nations consist of people, not of land, land is just territory occupied by a people. But in the end, everything has a price. Morals dont necessarily come from any religion, as multiple European states with incredibly low percentage of believers show. . But what ARE European values? USA, Canada and Australia are offshoots of the European culture, but do not represent it, simply because they are geographically located in America and have had their own unique development separately from Europe. The countries need to realize that if they enjoyed and accepted the benefits of being part of EU they should also accept the challenges and responsibilities. Il y a un hritage plus ou moins partag de culture grecque et romaine.

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