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carbon neutrality journal

The main conceptual components of knowledge base can thus be summarized as two main set of themes: one is carbon accounting efforts for climate change mitigation (especially in relation to the sectors of transport and forestry), another is decarbonization governance for energy transition (especially in relation to the energy sector and European Union). Cluster C concerns the research fronts of ecological, forest, and resource economics. On an Innovative Approach for Microclimate Enhancement and Retrofit of Historic Buildings and Artworks Preservation by Means of Innovative Thin Envelope Materials. downloads 1. Closing this window will close the popup advertisement for author services and return you back to the main page, Calcium-looping based energy conversion and storage for carbon neutrality the way forward, The first compliance cycle of Chinas National Emissions Trading Scheme: insights and implications, Analysis on the high-quality development of nuclear energy under the goal of peaking carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality, The status and development proposal of carbon sources and sinks monitoring satellite system, Analysis and optimization of energy flow in the full chain of carbon dioxide capture and oil recovery, Interview with the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Chang-Ying Zhao, Special Issue: Hydrogen and Renewable Low Carbon Fuels, Special Issue: 2022 Asia-Pacific Forum on Green and Low-Carbon Development, Carbon Neutrality is Recruiting Youth Editorial Board Members Worldwide. (2016). Purpose: The University of Michigan (U-M) is planning its course toward carbon neutrality. KNORR-Bremse says it has achieved carbon neutrality across all group sites and is on course to halve all carbon emissions by 2030 without applying carbon credits or offsets. Kibwami and Tutesigensi (2016) investigated whether and how the integration of embodied carbon in the development approval process by regulators can facilitate sustainability in construction, based on a set of structured interviews regarding policy proposals in Uganda (Kibwami and Tutesigensi, 2016). Our science mapping research, which aims to facilitate theoretical and empirical development across the main and emerging social sciences disciplines, has conducted a scientometric analysis on the topic of carbon neutrality. doi:10.1016/j.joi.2017.08.007, Ascui, F., and Lovell, H. (2011). The themes of sustainability transition, scenarios, renewable energy, energy transition and policy appear in the niche-theme quadrant. (2011) developed engineering education that integrates carbon accounting and building information modeling as the basis for intelligent sustainable design (Stadel et al., 2011). The study describes each cluster with the top keyword accordingly. Core cluster A not only consists of the top journals, but also indicates the interdisciplinary nature of policy, economics, and social change, especially for energy and climate. 16, S92S109. Both studies point to the central policy concerns of energy policies and their environmental impact (Grbler et al., 1999; Goldemberg et al., 2008). Both work highlights the strong link between decarbonization and dematerialization, arguing that carbon emission represents one of the largest mass flows in the human activities on Earth. Available at: (Accessed February 1, 2021). (2008). Cobo, M. J., Lpez-Herrera, A. G., Herrera-Viedma, E., and Herrera, F. (2011). Curr. The last 3years of 20192020 show the intensive occurrences of European Union, just transition, energy storage, city, net-zero and energy transition, indicating these themes are indeed emerging, not declining ones. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199389414.013.587, Geels, F. W. (2019). Part of Technol. Historiographic Mapping of Knowledge Domains Literature. Themes such as carbon neutrality, GHG emissions, transport, climate change mitigation appear in the niche-theme quadrant, whereas renewable energy, climate policy and policy appear in the basic-theme quadrant. Linguistics works include the communications research work carried out by Koteyko (2012), as discussed earlier, as it was published in a cross-disciplinary journal called Language and Communication. To achieve the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, China needs to address the challenge of the large and still growing CO2 emission base. Pentair engineers solutions that enable customers to get more value from the . Centrality in Social Networks Conceptual Clarification. doi:10.1002/asi.21525, Cui, T., and Zhang, J. In response to the worsening global climate change, achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is the most pressing task on the planet. High Educ. For all the upstream enterprises, carbon emissions are generated from three sources: embodied emissions from energy consumption of related operations (such as electricity usage, fuels for equipment, etc. Carbon Neutralization is an international journal that addresses the growing scientific interests and needs in cutting-edge energy technology involving carbon utilization and carbon emission control. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2013.09.042, Meseguer-Snchez, V., Glvez-Snchez, F. J., Molina-Moreno, V., and Wandosell-Fernndez-de-Bobadilla, G. (2021). 40, 510533. Keyword co-occurrence maps show the existing relationship among topics, and the advanced methods of thematic maps and keywords with citation bursts provide additional temporal insights to the evolution of conceptual structure. doi:10.1057/hep.2011.17, Wang, Z., Liao, H.-T., Zhou, Y., and Pang, S. (2020). The mission of Carbon Neutrality is to communicate the most cutting-edge technologies in carbon neutrality to the research community, policy decision-makers, and other types of stakeholders. 82, 16731745. From the perspective of everyday life and devices of accounting, another sociology work carried out by Marres (2011) examined the role of technology in public participation in carbon accounting, suggesting the capacity to co-articulate participation (Marres, 2011). Soc. This study collected 26425 English and 20331 French tweets to compare the differences between French and English tweets. Order Out of Chaos: Public and Private Rules for Managing Carbon. Documentation for the MARKAL Family of Models. Works on major international relations includes the article by Green (2013), which was not only published in Global Environmental Politics but also touches upon the institutional complexity under the Kyoto Protocol (Green, 2013). East. J. Informetrics 11, 959975. Identifying Barriers and Catalysts to Fostering Pro-environmental Behavior: Opportunities and Challenges for Community Psychology. Greening Inventories: Blockchain to Improve the GHG Protocol Program in Scope 2. Loulou, R., Goldstein, G., and Noble, K. (2004). The Sustainability of Ethanol Production from Sugarcane. Prod. Since the distribution of publications across journal sources can provide initial answers to the where question, it is then helpful to examine the features of top journal sources. The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review (Cambridge, UKNew York: Cambridge University Press). doi:10.1080/14693062.2016.1179620, Bataille, C., Waisman, H., Colombier, M., Segafredo, L., Williams, J., and Jotzo, F. (2016b). One sociology paper by Scott et al. CiteSpace: A Practical Guide for Mapping Scientific Literature. Ten social, economic and legal insights have also been summarized in climate science research since mid-2019, highlighting the need for advancing knowledge about the interactions between the human world and planetary systems (Pihl et al., 2021). Such a trend indicates the impacts of political actions and policies on carbon neutrality research for just and equal transitions towards sustainability. Social science knowledge matters. J. Inf. Social network analysis . Harvey, F. (2020). Planting trees for carbon offset, as an example, sounds simple, but this approach faces numerous technical problems for it to be successful at globally-relevant scales. From Carbonization to Decarbonization?-Past Trends and Future Scenarios for China's CO2 Emissions. For each discipline, we identified the most cited and most recent documents, then the documents were examined based on the relevance of their contribution to the carbon neutrality social science literature. Soc. In accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines (Moher et al., 2009), the screened resources for the study consist of searched articles indexed by Clarivate Analytics SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, and ESCI indices for articles published in reliable academic sources. Bibliometrix: An R-Tool for Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis. Eur. Clim. Publishing works on carbon neutrality that connect social science and non-social science categories; the journals have been identified in their contribution to have bridged the related disciplines. Thousands of trees have . In terms of intellectual structure, the established state-of-the-art knowledge has been built based on the intellectual origin of 1) systems and technology cluster, 2) accounting and accountability cluster, and 3) transition and scenario clusters. (1999) on energy technologies and global change, of which Nakienovi is the second author. IPCC (2018). Econom. Some journals are indexed in more than one index, for instance, one of the top journals, Energy Policy, is indexed both by SCI-Expanded and SSCI. The key themes such as carbon accounting, carbon neutrality and carbon trading in cluster A are closely related to the sectors of transport and forestry in the same cluster. Energy Policy 35, 433451. Plos Med. These metrics can then complement and verify the observations of network visualization. Cities and Climate Change: Urban Sustainability and Global Environmental Governance. An Integrated Decision-Making Framework for Sustainability Assessment: A Case Study of Memorial University. (2016a). Net zero refers to the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) - such as carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane or sulphur dioxide - that are removed from the atmosphere being equal to those emitted by human activity.Emissions reductions would generally follow a certain trajectory, e.g. Am. Its political economy analysis contextualized the governance structures of the Kyoto Protocols Clean Development Mechanism. Nat Rev Earth Environ 1, 332 (2020). doi:10.1108/SAMPJ-02-2015-0014, Gilley, B. In short, neutralizing the emissions of greenhouse gases caused by human activities [the root cause of global warming (IPCC, 2018)] requires both robust scientific understanding of the impacts of global warming on both natural and human systems and collective action on strengthening and implementing the global response. Soc. Although these advanced metrics are not often reported in full by bibliometric analysis (e.g. Vandenbergh, M., and Steinemann, A. doi:10.1038/nature18307. Future work is needed, for instance, to deliver in-depth systematic reviews for each social science discipline. The clustering coefficient values are higher for the peripheral and often low-ranking nodes with low-level of betweenness centrality. Although such pathways may diverge in terms of energy, resources, and cost, it is critical to summarize essential and promising preparatory work on related policies and technologies to inform both policy-makers and social scientists to take actions. What's the difference between carbon neutral and net zero?. The emphasis on the socio requires a comprehensive overview of the state of art in social science knowledge on the topic. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2019.05.007, Small, H. (1999). These accounts messages aimed to create a visual narrative of the lack of domestic support for his climate policies in the global arena. N. Stern (Editor) (2007). Applying the common interpretations of the four quadrants of themes, the maps show the flowing four themes with distinct features based on the centrality measures: Quadrant I: motor-theme, at the upper-right, indicating the well-established structure; Quadrant II: niche-theme, at the upper-left, representing well-established but less important structure; Quadrant III: emerging-declining-theme, at the lower-left, neither important nor developed; Quadrant IV: basic-theme, at the lower-right, important but under-developed; It is revealed by Figure 4B, for the first period, themes such as carbon accounting, REDD, and forestry constitute the more well-established conceptual structure, whereas the themes such as climate change mitigation, climate policy and carbon neutrality remain in the basic-theme quadrant. Additionally, the top journal Energy Policy belongs to the discipline of Energy and Fuels, which belongs to the broader category of Technology. If this planting is achieved, up to 75% of the anthropogenic carbon emissions so far could be offset; no other available technology even comes close. Visualizing the Paris Climate Talks on Twitter: Media and Climate Stakeholder Visual Social Media during COP21. The Decarbonisation Divide. 231, 728748. doi:10.1007/s10464-010-9389-7, Rogelj, J., den Elzen, M., Hhne, N., Fransen, T., Fekete, H., Winkler, H., et al. Res. (2007). In terms of social discipline perspective, the scientometric approach of science mapping has revealed the otherwise partial and incomplete impressions of the social science literature in a systematic whole. Visualizing Science by Citation Mapping. Second, as carbon information-based products, systems, and stories have increasingly involved several important industrial bodies and various human daily activities, it is vital to understand the conflicts, struggles, and negotiations that institutions, organizations, and individuals are likely to encounter. With the highest number of nodes, cluster A on the left consists of many more Asian and South American countries, such as China (A-10), Japan (A-21), Brazil (A-23), India (A-2), and Singapore (A-26). 28, 302324. Decisions, interactions, and participation processes relating to carbon information, ranging from carbon trading to sustainable consumption, demands adequate empirical and theoretical knowledge that can help in integrating relevant carbon information into the socio-technical systems of everyday life. By Bucuti & Tara providing travelers with the world's first carbon-neutral vacation, we are giving them the control of how they impact the planet and there is peace through purpose." In the development approval process, the authors argue, both environmental and social sustainability should be considered, even in developing countries. Clim. 61, 23892404. Early on, we carried out tens of events planting 100 trees at a time with 20 people at most. A large number of countries including China, which declared carbon neutrality by 2060, have joined the . This component of research design will be further discussed later in the Conclusion section as the trade-off between comprehensiveness and depth. Undoubtedly, what decarbonization opportunities and challenges may occur for the industry and environment has become the basis for the most relevant and cutting-edge research topics across various social science disciplines. Habitat Int. The titles of these journals reveal the clear presence of policies, economics, and environmental and social changes, indicating dynamic policy and economics concerns regarding such changes. Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Environ. Energy Policy 64, 102112. Anal. Dec. 30, 2008 12:01 am ET. Grbler et al. Acting upon the understanding of human impacts, it is then possible to create a future that is not only carbon neutral but also sustainable for the planet and its inhabitants. Together they will provide the contextual understanding of the knowledge productions in terms of their geographic and disciplinary contexts. Goldemberg et al. (2021). All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Clim. FIGURE 4. Energy Policy 32, 11311139. Facing the climate change mitigation opportunities and challenges, issues such as measuring and accounting decarbonization efforts, sustainability transition, and just transition have been discussed in specific sectors such as energy, transport, forestry, agriculture, forestry, and tourism. The findings should provide some descriptions that may amount to the summary of the main schools of thought, and their shared and divergent concepts/issues. This study argues that the climate change debate has been narrowed because carbon compound phrases suggest that carbon emissions management starts from calculation and monetization. from, Carbon Neutrality Approaches in Buildings and Agriculture Sectors. Helm, D. (2010). Carbon Neutrality Challenge: The first time period (19832015, N = 310) marks the early period before the Paris Agreement which includes the Kyoto Protocol adopted in December 2012. Aug 15, 2022. Sustainability 6, 340365. Account. Auditing Account. Using network centrality measures, thematic maps distinguish the centrality (x-axis) and density (y-axis) of themes (topics or keywords here), as shown in Figures 4BD for each periods. (2015). Given the multi-disciplinary nature of carbon neutrality, it is important to examine the disciplinary features of the literature by not limiting our scope of search to the social-science-only index such as SSCI. The themes of sustainability transition, scenarios, renewable energy, energy transition and policy appear in the quadrant... Support for his Climate policies in the niche-theme quadrant to the discipline of energy Fuels. Neutrality Approaches in Buildings and Artworks Preservation by Means of Innovative Thin Envelope Materials of countries including China, belongs. Private Rules for Managing carbon Scientific Literature its political economy analysis contextualized Governance. For each social science discipline on, we carried Out tens of events planting 100 trees a. At most ( Cambridge, UKNew York: Cambridge University Press ) transition scenarios... Political economy analysis contextualized the Governance structures of the state of art in science! 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