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method of moments estimator formula

Discussion . First, let \ [ \mu^ { (j)} (\bs {\theta}) = \E\left (X^j\right), \quad j \in \N_+ \] so that \ (\mu^ { (j)} (\bs {\theta})\) is the \ (j\)th moment of \ (X\) about 0. We will see now that we obtain the same value for the estimated parameter if we use numerical optimization. We will review the concepts of expectation, variance, and covariance, and you will be introduced to a formal, yet intuitive, method of estimation known as the "method of moments". Maximum likelihood estimation: Using an arbitrary guess What are the method of moments estimators of the mean and variance 2? 6^{\57g(@yG~o)7U(y{^xa=LhBN4IH"8!2 :VP "LwU3R@i! Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset This function equates population moments to sample ones, by specifying expressions that gmm () is to set to 0. Generalized Method of Moments 1.1 Introduction This chapter describes generalized method of moments (GMM) estima-tion for linear and non-linear models with applications in economics and nance. $\hat\theta = n/\sum_i \ln(X_i).$ [See Wikipedia. Method of Moments Estimator Population moments: j = E(Xj), the j-th moment of X. PDF Method of Moments - University of Manitoba We decided to minimize the sum squared of the vertical distance between our observed y iand the predicted ^y i= ^ 0 + ^ 1: min ^ 0 . So, now that we know the parameters in terms of the moments, estimating the parameters is the same as estimating the moments. However, youre rarely asked to estimate actual moments; instead, as youve seen, youre generally asked to estimate parameters of a distribution. Well, generally, theyre pretty easy to find. Recall that we could make use of MGFs (moment generating functions) to summarize these moments; dont worry, we wont really deal with MGFs much here. The goal is to find an estimator for the two parameters, \mu and \sigma. Thanks for contributing an answer to Mathematics Stack Exchange! 7.3.2 Method of Moments (MoM) Recall that the rst four moments tell us a lot about the distribution (see 5.6). self study - Method of Moments Bernoulli - Cross Validated Anyways, the takeaway here is that we use sample moments to estimate the actual moments of a distribution. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, $$\mu_k(\hat{\theta})=M_k \text{ for } k=1,2,,p$$, $$f_x(x;\alpha,k)=\frac{\alpha k^{\alpha}}{x^{\alpha+1}} \text{ for } x\geq k$$, $$\overline{X}=\frac{1}{n}\sum^n_{i=1}X_i\text{ and } S^2=\frac{1}{n-1}\sum^n_{i=1}(X_i-\overline{X})^2$$, $\mu_1(\alpha,k)=\frac{\alpha k}{\alpha-1}$, $\mu_2(\alpha,k)=\frac{\alpha k^2}{\alpha - 2}$, $$\mu_1(\alpha,k)=M_1\Rightarrow \frac{\alpha k }{\alpha-1}=\overline{X}$$, $$\frac{\alpha k}{\overline{X}}-1=\alpha-2$$, $$\frac{\alpha k^2}{\frac{\alpha k}{\overline{X}}}=\frac{1}{n}\sum^n_{i=1}X^2_i\Leftrightarrow k\overline{X}=\frac{1}{n}\sum^n_{i=1}X^2_i\Leftrightarrow \hat{k}=\frac{1}{\overline{X}}\sum^n_{i=1}X^2_i$$. Below is an example for dealing with negative moments: Example. \[\mu_2 = \sigma^2 + \mu^2\]. $$ Derivation of OLS and the Method of Moments Estimators In lecture and in section we set up the minimization problem that is the starting point for deriving the formulas for the OLS intercept and slope coe cient. Well, you know quite well that \(E(X)\) is just \(\mu\), since they are both the mean for a Normal distribution. The idea . In the case of the regression model where g(Xi,)g(X_{i},\beta)g(Xi,) is linear in \beta but is overidentified, the general GMM formula can be found by minimising the above condition and is given by: Note that when W=(ZZ)1\mathbf{W}=(\mathbf{Z}'\mathbf{Z})^{-1}W=(ZZ)1, ^GMM=^IV\hat{\beta}^{GMM}=\hat{\beta}^{IV}^GMM=^IV.2 Please google efficient GMM, for more information on the optimal choice of the weighting matrix. Another natural estimator, of course, is S = S2, the usual sample standard deviation. Therefore, the DL estimator is a special case of the general class of method of moments estimators with weights a i = w i,FE = 1/ v i. If XN( ;2), then E[X] = and E[X2] = 2+ 2. The argument th here ("theta") will be the MM estimates (at any given iteration) of the population parameters, in this case of and . Since the $Y_i$ are identically distributed and $EY_1=2\beta$, it follows that $E\hat{\beta}=(2n)^{-1}\times n\times 2\beta=\beta$ as desired. Also there is a "maximum-likelihood" tag but not a "method-of-moments" tag. In econometrics and statistics, the generalized method of moments (GMM) is a generic method for estimating parameters in statistical models.Usually it is applied in the context of semiparametric models, where the parameter of interest is finite-dimensional, whereas the full shape of the data's distribution function may not be known, and therefore maximum likelihood estimation is not applicable. Remark. $$M_k=\frac{1}{n}\sum^n_{i=1}X_i^k=\frac{X_1^k+X_2^k++X_n^k}{n}.$$, The MM estimator (MME) $\hat{\theta}$ of $\theta$ is the solution of the $p$ equations $$\mu_k(\hat{\theta})=M_k \text{ for } k=1,2,,p$$. 2002. Method of moments for Beta $(\alpha_1,\alpha_2)$ distribution, Proof of the law of large numbers for higher moments. Recall from probability theory hat the moments of a distribution are given by: Where \(\mu^k\) is just our notation for the \(k^{th}\) moment. g(Xi,)=Zi(yiXi)g(X_{i},\beta) = \mathbf{Z}_{i}(y_{i} - \mathbf{X}_{i}'\beta)g(Xi,)=Zi(yiXi) or E(ZiUi)=0E(\mathbf{Z}_{i}U_{i})=0E(ZiUi)=0, and the model is perfectly identified (l=k)(l=k)(l=k), solving the moment condition yields the formula for the IV regression: Hence an IV regression could be thought of as substituting 'problematic' OLS moments for hopefully better moment conditions with the addition of instruments. How do we write \(E(X)\) in terms of \(\mu\) and \(\sigma^2\)? Find the MOM estimators for \(a\) and \(\lambda\). It starts by expressing the population moments (i.e., the expected values of powers of the random variable under consideration) as functions of the parameters of interest. ## [1] 4.936045. $$, [Math] Unbiased estimator for Gamma distribution. While it is not possible to identify \beta if there are too few restrictions, one could still identify \beta if there are l>kl > kl>k restrictions (overidentified), as seen in the poisson example.1 One might then wonder what is the best way to combine these restrictions. k^2=\frac{\alpha-2}{\alpha}\mu_2 Replace the moment condition with the sample analogue and substitute in the estimator for \mu to find an estimator for 2\sigma^22: Let X1,X2,,XnX_{1}, X_{2}, , X_{n}X1,X2,,Xn be drawn from a poisson distribution i.e. The the method of moments estimator is n = 1 X n Notice this is of the form n = g(X) where g: R+ R+ with g(x) = 1 x. Theorem 1 (Delta Method) Suppose X n has an . The same principle is used to derive higher moments like skewness and kurtosis. Those equations give the parameter estimates from the method of moments. It looks like our MoM estimators get close to the original parameters of \(5\) and \(7\). PDF Topic 13: Method of Moments - University of Arizona \[\mu_2 = \frac{a}{\lambda^2} + \frac{a^2}{\lambda^2}\]. The method of moments is a technique for estimating the parameters of a statistical model. Why are taxiway and runway centerline lights off center? PDF Method of Moments Estimator - James Madison University Yes, we did do an extra step here by first writing it backwards and then solving it, but that extra step will come in handy in more advanced situations, so do be sure to follow it in general. A Fibonacci-type probability distribution potentially can be applied to numerous ar- (Note: In this case the mean is 0 for all values of , so we will have to compute the second moment to obtain an estimator.) Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. . Answer: This shall be calculated in 4 parts Cubicle content (cubic A quick caveat: you may have noticed that we could immediately written the second parameter, \(\sigma^2\), in terms of the first and second moments because we know \(Var(X) = E(X^2) - E(X)^2\). \theta k + \bar{y}\theta = \bar{y} \\ In general, it tells us to use twice the average. If you wanted to estimate the fourth moment for the weight of college males, you would take a sample of some college males, raise each of their weights to the power of 4 and divide by the number of people you sampled. Fitting Weibull using method of moments in R - Stack Overflow Well, recall the ultimate goal of all of this: to estimate the parameters of a distribution. $$\hat{k}_{MoM}=\frac{\hat{\alpha}-1}{\hat{\alpha}}\overline{X}_n$$, The other solution is a bit more complicated due to the algebraic passages but the method is the sameexpress $\alpha$ in terms of $\mu$ and $\mu_2$ observing that when you will find, which is population's variance you will substitute that expression with $\frac{1}{n}\Sigma_i X_i^2-\left(\frac{1}{n}\Sigma_i X_i\right)^2=\frac{1}{n}\Sigma_i[X_i-\overline{X}]^2=S_B^2$, Just FYK, your density is a known density: the Pareto. MathJax reference. Example : Method of Moments for Exponential Distribution. Lets try and learn this with a solid example of the most famous statistical distribution: the Normal. Looks like we got back to the original parameters. \end{cases}$$, $$(\alpha-1)^2\mu^2=\alpha(\alpha-2)\mu_2$$, Expand the expressions, group them, and in few basic algebraic passages you will get, $$\hat{\alpha}(\hat{\alpha}-2)=\frac{\overline{X}^2}{S_B^2}$$. Looking for more. Means of samples of size $n=20$ are distinctly non-normal. The poisson distribution is characterised by the following equality: E[X]=var(X)=E[X]=var(X)=\lambdaE[X]=var(X)=. As you stated, you have to maximize the log likelihood over $(0,\min_i x_i]$. It only takes a minute to sign up. Method of Moments estimation of a Poisson($\theta$), Method of moments with a Gamma distribution. The size of an animal population in a habitat of interest is an important question in conservation biology. The CivicWeb concrete floor design of the retaining wall Excel sheet can be used to design walls of the ground according to BS EN 1997 and BS EN 1992. It may have no solutions, or the solutions may not be in the parameter space. \theta (k+\bar{y}) = \bar{y} \\ (This yields kequations in kunknown parameters.) = \theta k^\theta \int_{k}^{\infty}y^{-\theta} dy \\ % ], Demonstration by simulation. \[\hat{\sigma^2} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i^2 - \big(\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i\big)^2\]. This is magical! Let X1,X2,,XnX_{1}, X_{2}, , X_{n}X1,X2,,Xn be drawn from a normal distribution i.e. So, for this inferential exercise, we have to estimate the mean and the variance. MM may not be applicable if there are not su . This methodology can be traced back to Pearson ( 1894) who used it to fit a simple mixture model. This is, of course, just the mean of a distribution. where is the shape parameter , is the location parameter , is the scale parameter, and is the gamma function which has the formula. A better estimate for is the mean of the middle 24% of the sample; i.e. If the method of moments still isnt clicking, here is a video review of these estimators: Click here to watch this video in your browser, And, finally, it might be helpful to try this calculation with a couple of other distributions. In statistics, the method of moments is a method of estimation of population parameters.The same principle is used to derive higher moments like skewness and kurtosis. PDF Methods to estimate the between- study variance and to - Cochrane What is the rationale of climate activists pouring soup on Van Gogh paintings of sunflowers? Is it possible to make a high-side PNP switch circuit active-low with less than 3 BJTs? This is an even question and the book has no answer. Now all you have to do is to substitute the first population's moment with the empirical one (the sample mean) and calculate the estimator of the other parameter in the same way. Philippou et al. rev2022.11.7.43014. Movie about scientist trying to find evidence of soul. This method supposedly goes way back to Pearson in 1894. (\alpha-2)\mu_2=\alpha k^2 The \(k^{th}\) sample moment is defined as: \[\hat{\mu}_k = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X^k_i\]. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the influence of Facebook and Instagram social networking sites usage on Computer Science students' academic achievement in tertiary institutions in South East Zone, Nigeria. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. XiPoisson()X_{i} \sim Poisson(\lambda)XiPoisson(). Let $\{X_1,X_2,,X_n\}$ be a random sample of size $n$ from this distribution. In general, there may be other more efficient choices of the weighting matrix. Lets go ahead and do that. How can we use these two facts to get what we want; a solid estimate for the parameters? = \theta k^\theta \bigg[\frac{1}{y^{\theta-1}(1-\theta)}\bigg]\bigg\rvert_{k}^{\infty} \\ - Nist Our estimator for \(\mu_1\) is \(\hat{\mu_1} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i\), and our estimator for \(\mu_2\) is \(\hat{\mu_2} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i^2\). $$E[(\hat \theta - \theta)^2] = Var(\hat \theta) + [b(\hat \theta)]^2,$$ were $b$ is the bias. While these arent used often in practice because of their relative simplicity, they are a good tool to introduce more intricate estimation theory. [Math] Method of Moments Pareto Distribution Influence Of Facebook and Instagram Social Networking Sites Usage on A selection matrix in effect over-parameterizes a GMM estimator, as can be seen from this formula. Method of Moments estimation - Mathematics Stack Exchange Where \(\mu_1\) is notation for the first moment, \(\mu_2\) notation for the second moment, etc. Because $X = U^{-U/\theta} =e^Y,$ where $U \sim \mathsf{Unif}(0,1),\,$ $Y \sim \mathsf{Exp}(\text{rate}=\theta),$ it is easy to simulate a Pareto sample in R. [See the Wikipedia page.] Cell E6 contains the formula on the left side of the equation that we derived above to find the . Lets discuss a new type of estimator. Hopefully you followed what we did hereif not, heres a checklist that summarizes the process: Write the moments of the distribution in terms of the parameters (if you have \(k\) parameters, you will have to write out \(k\) moments). In order to see how these estimator work in practice, we simulate $m = 10^6 $ Pareto samples of size $n = 20$. Well, if we can write the parameters of a distribution in terms of that distributions moments, and then simply estimate those moments in terms of the sample moments, then we have created an estimator for the parameter in terms of the sample moment. Finding the method of moments estimator example.Thanks for watching!! which immeditately shows you the first solution: the estimator of k is a function of the first moment and the other parameter. Well, consider the case where \(k = 1\), or \(\mu\). /Length 3019 For example, in the case where g(Xi,)g(X_{i},\beta)g(Xi,) is linear in \beta i.e. In this link you will surely find a lot of useful information that may help you, EDIT: In order to find also the second estimator, start with the original system, $$\begin{cases} Well, this takes a little bit more cleverness. n, give the method of moments estimate ^ for . To show that it is a consistent estimator one can use the strong law of large numbers to deduce that Testing target moments remains valuable even when maximum likelihood estimation is possible (for example, see Bontemps and Meddahi (2005)). In inference, were going to use something called sample moments. \theta k = \bar{y} \bar{y}\theta \\ 5. Those expressions are then set equal to the sample moments. $$E[Y] = \int_{k}^{\infty}y\theta k^\theta\bigg(\frac{1}{y}\bigg)^{\theta+1}dy\\, $$\text{Let } \; E[Y] = \frac{1}{n} \sum_\limits{i=1}^{n}y_i \\, $\hat{\theta} = \frac{\bar{y}}{k+\bar{y}}$, $f_X(x) = \theta\kappa^\theta/x^{\theta + 1},$, $Y \sim \mathsf{Exp}(\text{rate}=\theta),$, $$E[(\hat \theta - \theta)^2] = Var(\hat \theta) + [b(\hat \theta)]^2,$$, $\mu = E(X) = \theta / (\theta - 1) = 1.5.$, $E\hat{\beta}=(2n)^{-1}\times n\times 2\beta=\beta$, $$ Download PDF | Estimating Parameters of Gumbel - ResearchGate case, take the lower order moments. . Methods of Moments Estimation | SpringerLink 1.4 - Method of Moments - PennState: Statistics Online Courses Where \(\hat{\mu}\) and \(\hat{\sigma^2}\) are just estimates for the mean and variance, respectively (remember, we put hats on things to indicate that its an estimator). Since the $\log$ is a strictly increasing function, your answer is simply $\theta_\text{MLE}=\min_i x_i$. = \theta k^\theta \bigg[\frac{y^{-\theta + 1}}{-\theta+1}\bigg]\bigg\rvert_{k}^{\infty} \\ Methods to estimate the betweenstudy variance and its uncertainty in statistics - Method of Moments Pareto Distribution - Mathematics Stack PDF A comparison of the method of moments estimator and maximum likelihood Who is "Mar" ("The Master") in the Bavli? As noted in the general discussion above, T = T2 is the method of moments estimator when is unknown, while W = W2 is the method of moments estimator in the unlikely event that is known. The method of moments estimator of is the value of solving 1 = 1. So the method of moments estimators ^ and ^ for and 2 solve the equations ^ = ^ 1; ^2 + ^ 2 = ^ 2: The rst equation yields ^ = ^ The model is identified if the solution is unique, i.e. For example, we might believe that eyelash length for men in Massachusetts is normally distributed. Gestational sac larger than expected.none Gestational Sac Evaluation Discussion: Sociology Hypothesis Testing ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Discussion: Sociology Hypothesis Testing 1. A related approach is to estimate the parameter by the median and the parameter by half the interquartile range of the sample. Method of Moments Estimation - YouTube Method of Moments: Weibull Distribution - Real Statistics Any improvements on this or is it wrong? Find a formula for the method of moments estimate for the parameter $\theta$ in the Pareto pdf, $$f_Y(y;\theta) = \theta k^\theta\bigg(\frac{1}{y}\bigg)^{\theta+1}$$. PDF Derivation of OLS and the Method of Moments Estimators When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on It works by finding values of the parameters that result in a match between the sample moments and the population moments (as implied by the model). Define the four characteristics of resources that lead to sustained competitive advantage as articulated by the resource-based theory of the firm . Gestational sac larger than expected.none Gestational Sac Evaluation - StatPe. Solve for the parameters in terms of the moments. 7.2: The Method of Moments - Statistics LibreTexts QGIS - approach for automatically rotating layout window. \end{cases}\rightarrow\begin{cases} apply to documents without the need to be rewritten? Solving the first equation for a yields a = b m / (1 - m ). Suppose $\theta$ has $p$ components (for example, for a normal popoulation $N(\mu, \sigma^2),p=2$; for Poisson population with parameter $\lambda$, $p=1$). Let X 1;:::;X n IIDN( ;2). We only need to write out the first two moments, \(E(X)\) and \(E(X^2)\), since we have to parameters (in general, if you have \(k\) parameters that you want to estimate, you need to write out \(k\) moments). Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. \theta k^\theta\bigg[0 \frac{1}{k^{\theta-1}(1-\theta)}\bigg] \\ So, we know that we can estimate moments with sample moments, and we know that we want to estimate parameters. Go back and make sure you can follow these steps for what we did here with the Normal. (\alpha-1)\mu=\alpha k\\ So, in the line Suppose we only need to estimate one parameter (you might have to estimate two for example = ( ;2) for the N( ;2) distribution). PDF Delta Method - Western University Method of Moments - NIST The system is then solved for the parameters, yielding estimators for the parameters in terms of the sample moments. It starts by expressing the population moments (i.e., the expected values of powers of the random variable under consideration) as functions of the parameters of interest. A planet you can take off from, but never land back. Here are comments on estimation of the parameter $\theta$ of a Pareto distribution (with links to some formal proofs), also simulations to see if the method-of-moments provides a serviceable estimator. Method of Moments Estimators - mediaspace It might be the case that 1 = 1 has no solutions, or more than one solution. E., and A. I Estimating a parameter with its sample analogue is usually reasonable I Still need a more methodical way of estimating parameters I Method of Moments (MOM) is the oldest method of nding point estimators I MOM is simple and often doesn't give best estimates I Method of maximum likelihood (ML or MLE) Wind Loading Analysis Wall Components and Cladding Building any Height Excel Calculator Spreadsheet Per ASCE 7-05 Code for Buildings of Any Height Using Method 2: Analytical Procedure (Section 6.5). Under the assumptions of the RE model assuming known withinstudy variances v i and before the truncation of negative values, the generalised method of moments estimator is unbiased. Brand New Pair of Boot Struts to Suit Ford Falcon Ba/Bf Models Between I don't know about the necessary commands and packages one needs to fit distributions such as Weibull or Pareto. If we want to carry out inference, we have to estimate the parameters; here, the parameters of a Normal distribution are the mean and the variance. x[mT"@H^S)K6{_%{}z Ep87vTs=9=>1t1%yt&H_O1*iLHql%*_x)-e]o}?6l>=t9jbW'J'~OZM\N[3f5%VIwyU\O5O)K\F%9>ul2e E,@CSoj_nUUKa:=/JTqccp2~Y]r:o|asX*=*4YcMX_3n`'ehK=P28(nL,8sq0\WUN"HT/K&ySE9$X |z To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Using only one condition would be not making full use of the information at hand. We started working with basic estimators for parameters in Chapter 1 (sample mean, sample parameter). This is the first 'new' estimator learned in Inference, and, like a lot of the concepts in the book, really relies on a solid understanding of the jargon from the first chapter to nail down. We first generate some data from an exponential distribution, rate <- 5 S <- rexp (100, rate = rate) The MLE (and method of moments) estimator of the rate parameter is, rate_est <- 1 / mean (S) rate_est. Can FOSS software licenses (e.g. Let. What are the method of moments estimators of the mean and variance 2? We already know, from what we learned earlier, that we have natural estimates for the moments of the Normal distribution. Five estimating methods have been inv estigated, namely, the maximum likelihood, the method of moment, the probability weighted moments method, the least square method and the lea st absolute . of their purposeful simplicity. Note: In case it is of use, here is the R code used to make the figure. . The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? \end{cases}$$, Immediately from the first equation you get. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. This method is done through the following three-step process. \theta = \frac{\bar{y}}{k+\bar{y}}$$, Implies that $\hat{\theta} = \frac{\bar{y}}{k+\bar{y}}$. ], Method of moments estimator. It could be thought of as replacing a population moment with a sample analogue and using it to solve for the parameter of interest. Here are comments on estimation of the parameter $\theta$ of a Pareto distribution (with links to some formal proofs), also simulations to see if the method-of-moments provides a serviceable estimator. The GMM approach, introduced by Hansen in 1982, finds an estimate of \beta that brings the sample moments as close to zero as possible. PDF Generalized Method of Moments - University of Washington , Mapping the Distribution of Religious Beliefs in Singapore, Examining the Changes in Religious Beliefs - Part 2. Recall from probability theory hat the moments of a distribution are given by: \[\mu^k . Mean squared error of an estimator $\hat \theta$ of parameter $\theta$ is I If there are, say, 2 unknown parameters, we would set up Method of moments (statistics) - HandWiki The maximum likelihood estimator for $\theta$ is So, we can write \(E(X^2) = \mu^2 + \sigma^2\), and this yields the system of equations: \[\mu_1 = \mu\] The equation for the standard gamma . Any improvements on this or is it wrong? MMEs are more seriously biased and have slightly greater dispersion from the target value $\theta = 3.$. [With a million iterations PDF Generalized Method of Moments Estimation - University of Chicago In general, the k th sample moment is n 1 i = 1 n X i k, for some integer k. The first population moment is . The formula to determine the multiplier is: M = 1 / (1 - MPC) Since we already know the marginal propensity to consume for the residents of Bushidostan is 0.75, we can calculate the multiplier for. Sample moments: m j = 1 n P n i=1 X j i. e.g, j=1, 1 = E(X), population mean m 1 = X : sample mean. Thus moment matching remains an interesting application for the methods described here. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. ], Maximum likelihood estimator. Two research questions and two null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study.Correlational research design was adopted for the study. This is accomplished by placing the following long formula in cell F19: =SIGN (F13)* (GAMMA (1-3*F13)-3*GAMMA (1-F13)*GAMMA (1-2*F13)+2*GAMMA (1-F13)^3)/ (GAMMA (1-2*F13)-GAMMA (1-F13)^2)^ (3/2)-F11 At first, it appears that we have a circular reference, with cell F13 referencing cell F19 and cell F19, in turn, referencing cell F13. For this inferential exercise, we have natural estimates for the parameters of \ ( 7\ ) $...: j = E ( Xj ), then E [ X2 ] = and E X... 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