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business trade and commerce class 11 notes

Chapter 5 Emerging Modes of Business Class 11 Important Questions. Businessmay be defined as an economic activity involving the production and sale of goods and services undertaken with a motive of earning profit by satisfying human needs in society. Question. Pure risks:Pure risks involve only the possibility of loss or no loss. It was in the search for an alternate route to India for spices that led to the discovery of America by Columbus in the closing years of 15th century and also brought Vasco da Gama to the shores of Malabar in 1498. Dealings in goods and services on a regular basis, Objectives of BusinessEconomic objectives1. Terms and conditions of services contract are to be followed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thus, advertising helps to promote the sale of products like electronic goods, automobiles, soaps and detergents, etc. 2. There were also trade routes in the south spreading east and west. Commercial banks, generally lend money by providing overdraft and cash credit facilities, loans and advances. IndustryIndustry refers to economic activities, which are connected with conversion of resources into useful goods.Generally, the term industry is used for activities in which mechanical appliances and technical skills are involved. Question. It helps in making the goods produced available to the consumers or users. Also, weaving cotton, dyeing fabrics, making clay pots, utensils, and handicrafts, sculpting, cottage industries, masonry, manufacturing, transports (i.e., carts, boats and ships), etc., helped in generating surpluses and savings for further investment. Those who are employed by others are known as employees. Non Economic Activities Non economic activities are those activities which are undertaken by people to get psychological satisfaction or as a hobby. They undertook the task of building temples and made donations by levying a corporate tax on their members. Assembling: Different component parts to make a newproduct, as in the case of television, car, computer, etc. areexpected to help the economy in terms of exports and imports. Thus advertisement removes hindrance of knowledge in the process of trade. Ltd. deals in constructing building,bridges, roads and dams by using cement, steel, bricks and wood.Secondary industries These industries are concerned with using the materials extracted at the primary stage to produce goods for final consumption or for further processing by other industrial units. All Human beings have different types of needs. 5. It helps the movement of goods from the producer to the ultimate consumers. Business, trade and commerce is a chapter that briefly explains the meaning of these terms. They sell these under the brand name Desh ka Atta, and earn a reasonable profit of 10%on cost. As of 2022, Australia was the 14th-largest national economy by nominal GDP (Gross Domestic Product), the 20th-largest by PPP-adjusted GDP, and was the 22nd-largest goods exporter and 24th-largest goods importer. Business risks arise due to uncertainties.2. Merchant communitesderived power and prestige from guilds which wereautonomous corporations formed to protect interest of traders.These corporations framed their own rules of membership andprofessional code of conduct which even kings were supposedto accept and respect.The guild chief dealt directly with long or tax collections andsettled the market toll on behalf of its fellow merchants at afixed sum of money. The main economic objective of business is earning profits. Removing the hindrance of person by making goods available to consumers from the producers. Material and goods help in stock or in transit are subject to the risk of loss or damage. Commercial cities of Ancient India are: 1. No business can altogether do away with risks.Risk is caused by some unfavourable or undesirable event. Business is an economic activity which involves production or purchase of good for sale, or exchange of goods or providing services, at profit. A Hundi is primarily an unconditional contract or order which . The ferry tax was another source of income generation. Human resource management aims at ensuring the availability of working people who have necessary skills to perform various tasks in enterprises. Market standing (creation of customers). Objective serves as the guidelines for future direction and management of business. Unfair trade practices such as hoarding, blackmarketing or adulteration may be followed to maximise profits. Thus hindrance of time can be removed with the help of warehousing. Ltd. is a large company which produces agricultural products like sugarcane, cotton, etc.Instead of selling these agricultural products in the market, thecompany uses these as raw materials to produce sugar and cloth in its own established sugar mill and cloth mill at some rural area where there was a high unemployment. Speculative risks arise due to changes in market conditions, including fluctuations in demand and supply, changes in prices or changes in fashion and tastes of customers. Why? Internal Trade is classified into two categories: Wholesale Trade:Refers to buying and selling o goods in large quantities. Role of commerce in removal of hindrances in the process of exchangeCommerce includes two types of activities, viz.,(i) trade and (ii) auxiliaries to trade.Buying and selling of goods is termed as trade. Risks are related with factors,like changes in consumer taste and fashion, changes in method of production, strike or lockout at workplace, increased competition in market, fire, theft, accidents, natural calamities, etc. Internal trade may be whole sale trade or retail trade. Indraprastha: It was the commercial junction on the royal road where most routes leading to the east, west, south and north come together. (ii) Genetic industries e.g., poultry farms, pisciculture. There were also trade routes in the south spreading east and west. In profession professional code of conduct to be followed. The company suffered huge losses due to loss of production and sale. Pataliputra(known as Patna today): It was not only a commercial town, but also a major centre for export of stones. Innovation means introduction of something new to the market. It is trying to achieve ___________ objectives of the business. Between the 1st and the 7th centuries CE, India is estimated to have the largest economy of the ancient and medieval world, controlling about one- third and onefourth of the worlds wealth (timeline). (a) A housewife cooking food for her family. Since a business has to balance a number of needs and goals, it requires multiple objectives. Question. Qualification and training as prescribed by the employer. Farming, mining, fishing, hunting, lumbering, oil extraction, etc. Goods held in stock, as well as, goods in course of transport are subject to a risk of loss or damage due to theft, fire, accidents, etc. Natural causes e.g., flood, earthquake.2. For instance tea is mainly produced in Assam but it is consumed all over India. Characteristics Of Business. 3. GLEANINGS FROM THE PAPERS. Innovation4. It can be achieved by employing competent personnel, making fuller utilization of machine capacities, reducing wastage of materials etc. QuestionName the type of manufacturing industry wherein twoor more ingredients are combined into one product. How To Download Business Studies Notes PDF? QuestionName the auxiliary to trade which removes thehindrance of exchange. This contributes to the successful operations of the business. Manjeet Pvt. Column I Column II(i) The service which helps in removing A. Advertisinghindrance of knowledge. CBSE Schools Education Study Material. 2) Commerce includes marketing 6f goods and services. someone respectable. Thus, business means being busy. He serves as a connecting link between the producer and retailer. Physical causesMechanical defects or failures may also lead to losses. 24: 01-05-2020 . The first chapter of Class 11 Business Studies talks about the basic concepts of Business, Trade and Commerce. Productivity means the efficiency of a business firm to produce its output. Business Trade And Commerce, Revision Notes: CBSE Class 11-commerce BUSINESS STUDIES, Business Studies - Meritnation Business, Trade and Commerce HISTORY OF TRADE AND COMMERCE Indigenous banking system in Indian Subcontinent Metals as Money: Initially, the metals were used as money due to the high durability and divisibility. (ii) It involves sale, exchange, purchase of goods(sugar, pen, textbook, machinery, furniture, etc.) These answers will similarly help students in scoring better marks with the assist of properly illustrated Notes as a way to similarly assist the students and answering the questions right. Earning Profits: Business has to earn reasonable profit so as to sustain its growth and survive in the. There were diverse types of coins and weighing practices which used to vary from place to place with the help of money changers and by resorting to certain commonly accepted weights andmeasures. Question Trade between two countries is known as internal trade. The pre-colonial period in Indian history was an age ofprosperity for Indian economy and made theEuropeans embark great voyage of discovery. With the help of wealth earned through trade, the chief kingdoms, important trade centres and the industrial belt flourished that helped ancient India in progress of domestic and international trade. Forexample, sale of old newspaper by a housewife orthe sale of ones old scooter (even at a profit) is notbusiness though the seller gets money in exchange. Rising incomes, savings, investment opportunities, increaseddomestic consumption and younger population ensuresgrowth for decades to come.The high growth sectors have been identified, whichare likely to grow at a rapid pace world over and therecent initiatives of the Government of India such asMake in India, Skill India, Digital India and roll outof the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP 2015-20) is expectedto help the economy in terms of exports and importsand trade balance. Shreya is focusing on Economic Objectives of business.Economic objectives of business are centred around the personal profit of the business and are based on one slogan to earn maximum profits. (d) Explain the auxiliaries to trade which may solve the problem of Farhan, as suggested by the businessAnswer. These include uncertainties relating to demand for goods, competition, price, collection of dues from customers, change of technology or method of production, etc. For increasing Efficiency4. 4. MCQ Questions Class 11 Business Studies Chapter 1 Business Trade and Commerce. It was linked by road to Banaras and Taxila. But if the same lady cooks food for her family, it is a non-economic activity. (i) Extractive: Industry under which something is extracted out of earth, water or air such as Coal, Iron, gas. Ujjain:Agate, carnelian, muslin and mallow cloth were exported from Ujjain to different It also had trade relations through the land route with Taxila and Peshawar. 3. CBSE syllabus which is helpful in revision. Speculative risksinvolve both the possibility of gain, as well as, the possibility of loss. Commerce includes two types of activities, viz., (i) trade and (ii) auxiliaries to trade. If a teacher is teaching in a school and gets salary, it isan economic activity. The ferry tax was another source of income It had to be paid for passengers, goods, cattle and carts. Your Mobile number and Email id will not be published. Trade:Refers to buying and selling of goods and services with the objective of earning profit. In additional, activities of cattle breeding farms, poultry farms, and fish hatchery come under genetic industries. Thermal power24. (b) Genetic Industries: Genetic Industries are those industries which are undertakes activities like reproduction or multiplication of animals and plants with an objective of earning profit. Business is undertaken with the object of earningmoney. Which characteristic of business is highlighted inthis statement? Social objective, Question. CommerceCommerce includes all those activities, which are necessary for facilitating the exchange of goods and services.Commerce includes two types of activities, viz., (i) trade and (ii) auxiliaries to trade. Pharmaceuticals17. Analytical industrywhich analyses and separates different elements from the same materials, as in the case of oil refinery. Warehousing5. Business involves various types of risks. Industry refers to economic activities which are connected with conversion of resources into useful goods.Commerce includes trade and auxiliaries to trade. Use of Hundi and Chitti: Hundi and Chitti were financial instruments which were used for carrying out trade and credit transactions during the Medieval period in India. Liability over who received payment. Riskis the uncertainty associated with an exposure to loss. Malabar Coast, on which Muziris is situated, has a long history of international maritime trade going back to the era of the Roman Empire. Question. Chapter wise Revision Notes for Class 11 Business Studies. Lack of capital formation, rise in population, huge expenditure on defence and inadequate infrastructure were the major reasons. Question. Market standingMarket standing refers to the position of an enterprisein relation to its competitors. Chapter 2 - Forms of Business Organisation Revision Notes. Their existence is an index of prosperity of merchant communities and professional classes. Space and Astronomy22. (iv) Profit is the reward for risktaking. Wholesaler is the connecting link between producer and retailer. Human causes e.g., theft, strikes.3. Trade is just buying and selling of goods and services in exchange for cash or cashs worth. Role of Profit in BusinessThe basic objective of every business is profit maximisation. (i) MVT Construction Pvt. As a result of higher profits, employees get adequate compensation. Question. It creates place utility. Eg .Oil refinery they separate diesel, petrol etc from crude oil, Synthetical Industry Business engaged in this sector combines various ingredients to produce a new product. There is no place for love, sympathy or patriotism. He does not discriminate between the rich and poor while treating his patients medically. They went into these fields and remarkably succeeded there. Because it is connected with extraction of naturalresources. (b) Auxiliaries to trade activities which are meant for assisting trade, i.e., services. Question_______________ is concerned with holding goods instock for sale in future. Section II deals with the concept, nature and purpose of business. It is practically impossible for producers and traders to contact each and every customer. Profit is the reward for risk taking. Seeds and nursery companies, activities of cattle breeding farms, poultry farms, fish hatchery, etc. In one of their meetings, they discuss about some key areas on which they should focus their attention.Shreya says, we should focus on increasing productivity and profits through the best use of available resources.On the other hand, Vrinda says, we should keep clear of the anti-social activities like adulteration, hoarding and profiteering, and contribute to the benefits of the society like opening charitable dispensary, educational institution,etc.What are the objectives of business Shreya and Vrinda focusing on? Those who are employed by others are known as employees. It includes all those business activities, which are concerned with extraction of natural resources, reproduction and development of living organisms, plants etc. (ii) Explain the auxiliaries to trade mentioned in the above para.Answer. The Indian subcontinent enjoyed the fruits of favourable balance of trade, where _____ exceeded _____ with large margins. Chapter 3 Private Public and Global Enterprises. (i) Import trade:If goods are purchased from another country, it is called import trade. (iv) Other causes - These include unforeseen events like political disturbances. Notes of Ch 1 Business, Trade and Commerce| Class 11th Business Studies All Human beings have different types of needs. Wellness. Advertising. However, there is always a possibility of loss. Tariffs varied from province to province. An entrepreneur undertakes risks under the expectation of higher profit. The artisans, craftsmen and skilled labourers of different kinds learnt and developed skills and knowledge, which were passed on from one generation to another. Warehousing helps business firms to overcome the problem of storage and facilitates the availability of goods when needed. industry and commerce. Internal trade:Internal, domestic or home trade is concerned with the buying and selling of goods and services within the geographical boundaries of a country. For example, cooking food at home for the family is not business, but cooking food and selling it to others in a restaurant is business. With the development of banking, people began to deposit precious metals with lending individuals functioning as bankers or Seths, and collect money from them. QuestionName the business activity which is concerned withconversion of resources into useful products. (ii) Emergence of credit transactions and availability of loansand advances enhanced commercial operations. So innovation became an important objective. Business includes a wide variety of functions performed by different kinds of organisations called business enterprises or firms. Market Standing: Business should have a better position in the market in relation to its competitors. Engineering and architectural skills are an important part in construction industries. Objectives of Business mean the purpose for which a business is established and carried on. Business Study Classes - Breakaway from traditional learning! Traders dealing in wholesale trade are called wholesalers. It is the connecting link between producer and consumer. Tamralipti:It was one of the greatest ports connected both by sea and land with the West and the Far It was linked by road to Banaras and Taxila. Your Mobile number and Email id will not be published. It is the understanding, how we make sense of all the information coming to us from our environment. The federation chief dealt directly with the king or tax collectors and settled the market toll on behalf of its fellow merchants at a fixed sum of money. Social responsibilityrefers to the obligation of business firms to contribute resources for solving social problems and work in a socially desirable manner. Despite the growing commercial sector, it is evident that the 18th century India was far behind Western Europe in technology, innovation and ideas. Question. Commerce includes all those activity which are necessary for maintaining a free flow of goods from producers to consumers. Its product is very much liked by people in themarket. Financing is concerned with providing the necessary capital for starting as well as for acquiring the proposed business. Example: Buying soft toys from China and selling here in India. 1. Starts after completing some formalitiesif needed. (a) Loss is the reward for risk bearing. Money became an instrument for supplying the manufacturers with a means of producing more goods. Silk Routes, a network of roads helped in establishing commercial and political contacts with. Automobile Components3. Professional code of conduct is to be followed. (ii) Construction industries:These industries areinvolved in the construction of buildings, dams, bridges, roads as well as tunnels and canals.Engineering and architectural skills are an important part in construction industries. (a) Production or procurement of goods and services. Ltd. deals in constructing building, bridges, roads and dams by using cement, steel, bricks and wood. Intermediaries played a prominent role in the promotion of trade. (i) Selecting the line of business:The first thing to be decided by the entrepreneur is the line and type of business to be undertaken. Taxila:It served as a major centre on the important land route between India and Central Asia. Those engaged in professions are known as professionals, e.g. It was a convenient place for trade with Malaysia, Indonesia, China and the Far East. 3. Make in India is an initiative launched by the Government of India on 25 September 2014,to encourage national as well as international companies to manufacture their products in India. Teaching in a school is a non-economic activity.True/False? For example, bursting of boiler of machine may cause death or destruction. For more concepts and study materials of Class 11 Business Studies, visit BYJUS or download the app for the best learning experience. Required fields are marked *. Various empires conflict each others to dominate the route for this trade. NCERT Notes for Class 11 business studies Chapter 1 BUSINESS TRADE AND COMMERCE, (business studies) exam are Students are taught thru NCERT books in some of state board and CBSE Schools. The main distinction between economic and non-economic activities. Top TipProfit maximisation cannot be the sole objective of business. Analytical industry which analyses and separates different elements from the same materials, as in the case of oil refinery. The famous Taxila University flourished here. Food Processing11. Social objectivesof business are centred around the interests of society and based on the slogan of social welfare. The activity may consist of production or purchase of goods for sale, or exchange of goods or supply of services to satisfy the needs of other people. Anshul is a farmer. The merchant community also derived power and prestige and they formed autonomous corporations to protect their interests. (Choose the correct alternative)(a) Mining(b) Insurance(c) Warehousing(d) Transport, Question. Question._________ and _________ banks later evolved to finance trade and commerce and agricultural banks to provide both short-and long-term loans to finance agriculturists. Question. Indraprastha:It was the commercial junction on the royal road where most routes leading to the east, west, south and north. This chapter is divided into two sections. The guild chief dealt directly with the king or tax collectors and settled the market toll on behalf of its fellow merchants at a fixed sum of The guild merchants also acted as custodians of religious interests. For more revision notes visit BYJU'S or download the app for more information and the best learning experience. The Business Trade and Commerce MCQ Class 11 Business Studies provided below covers all important topics given in this chapter. The major objectives behind the Make in India initiative are job creation and skill enhancement in 25 sectors of the economy, which are as follows: 1. CBSE Class 11-commerce Business Studies Revision Notes Business Studies Revision Notes Nature and Purpose of Business Forms of Business Organisation Private, Public and Global Enterprises Business Services Emerging Modes of Business Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics Small Business Sources of Business Finance Internal Trade Optimum utilization of physical andfinancial resourcesEvery business requires physical resources, like plants,machines, offices, etc., and financial resources, i.e.,funds to be able to produce and supply goods andservices to its customers.The business enterprise must aim at acquiring theseresources according to their requirements and usethemefficiently. False:It is an economic activity undertaken to earn money and to create wealth. Business is not merely an activity to earn income or profit. Banks also undertake collection of cheques,remittance of funds to different places, and discounting of bills on behalf of traders. Landing Page; Investors Zone. On the basis of methods of operation used for production, we can classify manufacturing industries into four categories. Ujjain: Cloths were exported from Ujjain to different centres. 5. Business is an institution organised and operated to provide goods and services to society under the incentive of private B.O. Kanchi(today known as Kanchipuram): It was here that the Chinese used to come in foreign ships to purchase pearls, glass and rare stones and in return they sold gold and. Their main job is to purchase wheat from the market and have ground it into flour. Various business activities may be classified into two broad categoriesindustry and commerce. Industry is concerned with the production or processing of goods and materials. Commerce includes all those activities, which are necessary for facilitating the exchange of goods and services. It must earn profit for its survival, growth and expansion. 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