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boto3 s3 copy folder recursively

Defaults to . The body of the notification is formatted the same as with other alerters.,logstash-2015.02.04/. search_extra_index: If this is true, ElastAlert 2 will add an extra index on the early side onto each search. that will be given the match dictionary and can modify it before it is passed to the alerter. MySite offers solutions for every kind of hosting need: from personal web hosting, blog hosting or photo hosting, to domain name registration and cheap hosting for small business. opsgenie_default_teams: List of default teams to notify when the formatting of opsgenie_teams is unsuccesful. than run_every. (Optional, base64 string, no default) The environment variable ES_API_KEY will override this field. only supports https. Wildcards can be used here, such as: Set this option to True if you want to ignore SSL errors. The returned value will be parse into a python datetime using the previously defined format (or using the default %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ). rocket_chat_proxy: By default ElastAlert 2 will not use a network proxy to send notifications to Rocket.Chat. jira_transition_to: If jira_bump_tickets is true, Transition this ticket to the given Status when bumping. Must be a valid python format string. discord_emoji_title: By default ElastAlert 2 will use the :warning: emoji when posting to the channel. victorops_proxy: By default ElastAlert 2 will not use a network proxy to send notifications to Splunk On-Call (Formerly VictorOps). menu in your channel and configure an Incoming Webhook, then copy the resulting URL. tencent_sms_region: Region parameter, which is used to identify the region(Mainland China or This rule requires two additional options: compare_key: The name of the field to use to compare to the blacklist. min_denominator: Minimum number of documents on which percentage calculation will apply. To synchronize directories between S3 buckets, you need to use the aws s3 sync command, for example: Note: you can use arguments like --storage-class, --sse, --include and --exclude with the aws s3 sync command: To delete S3 objects using AWS CLI, you need to use the aws s3 rm command: Note: you can use the --recursive, --include, and --exclude arguments with the aws s3 rm command. The alerter requires the following option: exotel_account_sid: The SID of your Exotel account. python create new folder if not exist; python generate folder if it not exist; if dir not exist mkdir python; colab mount drive; python tkinter window fullscreen; check if tensorflow gpu is installed; ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'exceptions' ignore warnings python; turn off warnings; ignore warnings; python ignore runtimewarning http_post_proxy: URL of proxy, if required. Defaults to ascii for the classical text based table. timeframe: The time period in which the number of unique values will be counted. INFO:root:Alert for Example rule1 at 2015-06-16T23:53:12Z: At least 50 events occurred between 6-16 18:30 PDT and 6-16 20:30 PDT. slack_icon_url_override: By default ElastAlert 2 will use the :ghost: emoji when posting to the channel. metric_agg_key: This is the name of the field over which the metric value will be calculated. pagerduty_v2_payload_custom_details: List of keys:values to use as the content of the custom_details payload. The rule Go to the Google Chat website and choose the channel in which you wish to receive the notifications. timeframe must exist in the rule. Defaults to . Note: the --recursive argument does not copy/move empty directories within specified S3 prefix, so if youre expecting a complete directory copy/move, you might need to recreate empty directories in the target directory (aws s3 put-object command). If the field(s) mentioned in the arguments list are missing, the email alert will have the text alert_missing_value in place of its expected value. alertmanager_alert_text_labelname: Rename the annotations label name for alert_text. rocket_chat_channel_override: Incoming webhooks have a default channel, but it can be overridden. exotel_auth_token: The auth token associated with your Exotel account. only supports https. use_run_every_query_size: See use_run_every_query_size in Metric Aggregation rule, allow_buffer_time_overlap: See allow_buffer_time_overlap in Metric Aggregation rule, bucket_interval: See bucket_interval in Metric Aggregation rule, sync_bucket_interval: See sync_bucket_interval in Metric Aggregation rule, percentage_format_string: An optional format string applies to the percentage value in the alert match text and match_body. (Optional, string, default %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ). raises the cardinality will trigger an alert. Only num_events documents, Headers Content-Type: application/json and Accept: application/json;charset=utf-8 are present by default, you can overwrite them if you think this is necessary. only supports https. query_timezone: Whether to convert UTC time to the specified time zone in rule queries. This threshold is exclusive. This allows common config options to be shared. observable types using the same syntax as customFields, described above. field1,field2,etc will be created in each document and may conflict with existing fields of the same name. summary_table_type: Either ascii or markdown. All matches with a missing query_key will be grouped together using a value of _missing. spike: This rule matches when the volume of events during a given time period is spike_height times larger or smaller rocket_chat_attach_kibana_discover_url: Enables the attachment of the kibana_discover_url to the Rocket.Chat notification. 30 day window size, and the default 1 day step size, 30 invidivdual queries will be made. These will not match the partial values and To do so, you can either run ElastAlert 2 in debug mode, You can use a different emoji per ElastAlert 2 rule. alert_subject: If set, this will be used as the Incident description within PagerDuty. Ex: Authorization: {{ user }}. kibana_discover_from_timedelta: The offset to the from time of the Kibana Discover links time range. alert_missing_value: Text to replace any match field not found when formating strings. The metric value will A single source file to append. alert_subject_args: If set, and alert_subject is a formattable string, ElastAlert 2 will format the incident key based on the provided array of fields from the rule or match. The body of the notification is formatted the same as with other alerters. additional alerts for {'username': 'bob'} will be ignored while other usernames will trigger alerts. For example, with the following settings: and a match {"@timestamp": "2017", "data": {"foo": "bar", "user": "qlo"}}, an email would be sent to Setting timestamp_format_expr: 'ts[:23] + ts[26:]' will truncate the value to milliseconds granting Elasticsearch compatibility. This rule requires one additional option: fields: A list of fields to monitor for new terms. This can be a single string or a list of strings. If not specified, a URL will be constructed using es_host The alerter will open a subprocess and optionally pass the match, or matches If theres already an open incident with a matching key, this event will be appended to that incidents log. count documents, such as spike, frequency and flatline, it also means that these counts will be independent for each unique value of query_key. For modern Windows distributions, we recommend you to use Chocolatey package manager to install AWS CLI: To install AWS CLI on macOS, we recommend you to use brew package manager: Depending on your Linux distribution, the installation steps are different. For example, when the date type field returned by Elasticsearch uses nanoseconds (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS.XXXXXX) and timestamp_format The ServiceNow alerter will create a ne Incident in ServiceNow. The This can be changed by setting run_enhancements_first. http_post2_headers: List of keys:values to use for as headers of the HTTP Post. These fields include @timestamp (or the value of timestamp_field), Values can be specified as host:port if overriding the default port. This script uses a fixed 5 minute window, which is the same as the default. Requires slack_title to be set. Make sure to only include either a schedule field or standard datetime fields (such as hours, minutes, days), not both. Note that when you create a custom field in your Jira server, internally, the field is represented as customfield_1111. jira_label: The label or labels to add to the Jira ticket. Defaults to False. spike_height: 3 and threshold_ref: 10, then the reference window must contain at least 10 events and the current window at The timeframe must than a threshold. How to find the room ID is the part of the number after rid at the end of the URL of the browser. If a timeout occurs, the alert will be retried next time elastalert cycles. alertmanager_alert_subject_labelname: Rename the annotations label name for alert_subject. whitelist: A list of whitelisted values, and/or a list of paths to flat files which contain the whitelisted values using - "!file /path/to/file"; for example: It is possible to mix between whitelisted value definitions, or use either one. Top fields are accessible via {{field_name}} or {{_data[field_name]}}, _data is useful when accessing fields with dots in their keys, as Jinja treat dot as a nested field. Example - ip:clientip will map the value from the clientip index of Elasticsearch to JSON key named ip. dingtalk_proxy_pass: The Dingtalk proxy auth username. In ElastAlert 2, you may refer to either the public facing name OR the internal representation. If the query have 0 hits, any value will be sent. mattermost_image_url: An optional URL to an image file (GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, or SVG). By default 0xffffff. Can be referenced in custom alerters to provide context as to why a rule might trigger. See the examples above. Set this option using hostname:port if you need to use a proxy. import os directory = 'the/directory/you/want/to/use' for filename in os.listdir(directory): if filename.endswith(".txt"): #do smth continue else: continue upload failed: Could not connect to the endpoint URL What is the command to copy files recursively in a folder to an s3 bucket? ignore_null: If true, events without a compare_key field will not count as changed. Instructions for finding the SID and auth token associated with your account can be found on the Exotel website. Ie: Alert for {clientip}. Website Hosting. This measures how long this incident can be delayed until there is a significant business impact. use_ssl: Whether or not to connect to es_host using TLS. Defaults to False. (Optional, time), owner: This value will be used to identify the stakeholder of the alert. Specify the title using name and a value for the field or arbitrary text using value. In addition, if you would like to use a field in the alert as the value for a custom Jira field, use the field name plus a # symbol in front. See for more details. slack_username_override: By default Slack will use your username when posting to the channel. This can be a single string or a list of strings. All tags Up meaning the rule will only match when the metric value is spike_height times googlechat_header_title: Sets the text for the card header title. This adds metric_{metric_agg_key}_formatted value to the match_body in addition to raw, unformatted metric_{metric_agg_key} value so that you can use the values for alert_subject_args and alert_text_args. (Required, string, no default), alert: The Alerter type to use. When a command returns a non-zero exit status, the alert raises an exception. guaranteed to have the exact same results as with Elasticsearch. For example, analyzed string fields may behave differently. the aggregation results, thus causing alerts to fire every time the ElastAlert 2 service initially launches with the rule. When the old-style format is used, fields are accessed The currently supported versions of Kibana Discover are: 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10, 7.11, 7.12, 7.13, 7.14, 7.15, 7.16, 7.17. kibana_discover_index_pattern_id: The id of the index pattern to link to in the Kibana Discover application. The value can sourced from either fields in the first match, environment variables, or a constant value. ses_from_addr: This sets the From header in the email. The enhancements should be specified as You may use either Twilio SMS After this time period, ElastAlert 2 will forget the old value The default is 10. mattermost_author_name: An optional name used to identify the author. http_post2_payload: List of keys:values to use for the payload of the HTTP Post. than during the previous time period. slack_timeout: You can specify a timeout value, in seconds, for making communicating with Slack. If you For example, if the elastic query produce 3 hits in the last execution of ElastAlert 2, three 1 (integer) values will be send from elastalert to Zabbix Server. Go to the Incoming Webhooks Print out debug alerts or trigger real alerts. timeframe: The maximum time between changes. Note also that the threshold parameters are ignored in this mode. To create an empty S3 directory using AWS CLI, you need to use the aws s3 put-object command: Note: the / character in the object name is required to create an empty directory. Specify the title using title and a value for the field using value. You can only have one import per rule, though the imported file can import another file or multiple files, recursively. instead of opening a new one. to generate the index names. Example opsgenie_details with kibana_discover_url: PagerDuty alerter will trigger an incident to a predefined PagerDuty service. only supports https. query may return tokens rather than full values. realert: This option allows you to ignore repeating alerts for a period of time. The default is 10. sns_topic_arn: The SNS topics ARN. bcc: This adds the BCC emails to the list of recipients but does not show up in the email message. If you dont specify this argument, only the rule name is sent. no authentication will be attempted. These commands are generated fromJSON models, which directly model the APIs of the various AWS services. ElastAlert 2 rule. If the field cannot be found, list of fields can itself be a list. You can also use a format string containing You must have a service account for ElastAlert 2 to connect with. Must be one of the following: INFO, WARNING, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, CRITICAL, RECOVERY. that if ElastAlert 2 is run over a large time period which triggers many matches, only the first alert will be sent by default. will be skipped (to avoid calculations on partial data). slack_kibana_discover_title: The title of the Kibana Discover url attachment. Defaults to the _source column. summary_table_fields: Specifying the summmary_table_fields in conjunction with an aggregation will make it so that each aggregated alert will contain a table summarizing the values for the specified fields in all the matches that were aggregated together. The main difference between thes3, s3apiand s3controlcommands are that thes3commands are high-level commands built on top of lower-level s3api commands driven by the JSON models.s3s3apis3controlThese commands are specifically designed to make it easier to manage your S3 files using the CLI.These commands are generated fromJSON models, which directly model the APIs of the various AWS services. Example rocket_chat_attach_kibana_discover_url, rocket_chat_kibana_discover_color, rocket_chat_kibana_discover_title: rocket_chat_alert_fields: You can add additional fields to your Rocket.Chat alerts using this field. This string is currently not subject to any formatting. are then attached to the same alert. The field names whose values will be used as the arguments can be passed with alert_text_args or alert_text_kw. mattermost_icon_url_override: By default ElastAlert 2 will use the default webhook icon when posting to the channel. Defaults to . You can optionally add a domain suffix to the field to generate the If a field entry is provided as a list, it will be interpreted as a set of fields Using boto3, I can access my AWS S3 bucket: s3 = boto3.resource('s3') bucket = s3.Bucket('my-bucket-name') Now, the bucket contains folder first-level, which itself contains several sub-folders named with a timestamp, for instance 1456753904534.I need to know the name of these sub-folders for another job I'm doing and I wonder whether I could have boto3 retrieve You can use a list of URLs to send to multiple channels. mattermost_username_override: By default Mattermost will use your username when posting to the channel. from the rule yaml, standard AWS config files or environment variables. The compare_key term must be in this list or else it will match. In this documentation all references of index pattern refer to the similarly named concept in Kibana 8 called data view. If you are using a custom alert_subject, Likewise, when not using Twilio Copilot, the The command alert allows you to execute an arbitrary command and pass arguments or stdin from the match. Alerts are subclasses of Alerter and are passed useful is you care only about numbers and not the actual data. discord_proxy_login: The Discord proxy auth username. spike_type: Either up, down or both. opsgenie_recipients: A list OpsGenie recipients who will be notified by the alert. File can import another file or multiple files, recursively as headers of the following: info warning... The value from the rule Go to the channel in which the metric value will be counted AWS! Account for ElastAlert 2 to connect with will add an extra index on the early side each... Within PagerDuty the browser user } } stakeholder of the browser Webhook icon when posting to the channel bcc... Name is sent, in seconds, for making communicating with Slack seconds, for making with... 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