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quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: a whitepaper

In the first experiment (see figure 14), we compare training with naive batch norm folding, batch renormalization and batch normalization with correction and freezing for Mobilenet-v1_1_224. M.Abadi, A.Agarwal, P.Barham, E.Brevdo, Z.Chen, C.Citro, G.S. Corrado, Simulated Quantizer (top), showing the quantization of output values. However, the activations are still quantized with per-layer symmetric quantization. Per-channel quantization can provide good accuracy and can be a good baseline for post training quantization of weights and activations, with asymmetric quantization providing close to floating point accuracy for all networks. The high level conversion process is shown in figure 2. QDSPs with HVX. B.Zoph, V.Vasudevan, J.Shlens, and Q.V. Le, Learning transferable Stochastic quantization during training underperforms deterministic quantization. Since we use quantized weights and activations during the back-propagation, the floating point weights converge to the quantization decision boundaries. 2015. This paper presents a comparison of model-parameter driven quantization approaches that can achieve as low as 3-bit precision without affecting accuracy and shows the methods to lower bit-precision beyond quantization limits with object class clustering. Consider a 2D convolution between a weight and an activation: A naive implementation of convolution, by performing the addition of zero-point prior to the convolution, leads to a 2x to 4x reduction in the throughput due to wider (16/32-bit) operands. Per-channel quantization of weights and per-layer quantization of activations to 8-bits of precision post-training produces classification accuracies within 2% of floating point networks for a wide variety of CNN architectures. Weight histograms with and without folding: Mobilenet_V1_1_224, conv2d_2_depthwise, note the long tails of the distribution for folded weights. A.Polino, R.Pascanu, and D.Alistarh, Model compression via distillation There is extensive research on this topic with several approaches being considered: One approach is to build efficient models from the ground up [1],[2] and [3]. For Quantization-aware training, we model the effect of quantization using simulated quantization operations, which consist of a quantizer followed by a de-quantizer, i.e. ReLU6: Used in Mobilenet-V1, which restricts the activations to be in a fixed range (0,6) for all feature maps, thereby removing large dynamic range variations. PDF Quantizing Deep Convolutional Networks for Efficient Inference i This can be. 4 bit Weight Quantization: per-channel quantization outperforms per-layer quantization, with fine tuning providing big improvements. A simple solution would be to switch to using long term moving averages during training, however, this eliminates batch normalization (i.e the mean and variance used do not correspond to the batch statistics) and causes instability in training. Quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A whitepaper Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi Published 21 June 2018 Computer Science ArXiv We present an overview of techniques for quantizing convolutional neural networks for inference with integer weights and activations. A White Paper on Neural Network QuantizationQuantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A whitepaper18 . Networks with more parameters like Resnets and Inception-v3 are more robust to quantization compared to Mobilenets which have fewer parameters. X.Zheng, TensorFlow: Large-scale machine learning on heterogeneous The total number of kernels is 8. The losses due to activation quantization are more severe than that of weight quantization (see Table 6). In order to better understand the benefits of quantization aware training, we perform experiments to assess performance at 4 bit quantization for weights and activations. We also modify the bias terms correspondingly. Special handling of batch normalization is required to obtain improved accuracy with quantized models. ] a 0 BinaryConnect is introduced, a method which consists in training a DNN with binary weights during the forward and backward propagations, while retaining precision of the stored weights in which gradients are accumulated, and near state-of-the-art results with BinaryConnect are obtained on the permutation-invariant MNIST, CIFAR-10 and SVHN. S.Ioffe and C.Szegedy, Batch normalization: Accelerating deep network We also evaluate different methods for quantizing batch normalization layers and show that batch normalization with corrections provides the best accuracy. We also show results for 4-bit per-channel quantization of weights with 8-bit activations to compare with 8-bit weights and 4-bit activations. Batch renormalization (red) improves the jitter, but does not eliminate it. View 2 excerpts, cites background and methods, View 6 excerpts, cites background and methods, 2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 0 Activations can be quantized to 8-bits with almost no loss in accuracy. A simple one-line change to the training or evaluation code automatically inserts simulated quantization operations into the training or eval graph. , BinaryConnect is introduced, a method which consists in training a DNN with binary weights during the forward and backward propagations, while retaining precision of the stored weights in which gradients are accumulated, and near state-of-the-art results with BinaryConnect are obtained on the permutation-invariant MNIST, CIFAR-10 and SVHN. z0(round) , Asymmetric, per-layer (Post Training Quantization), Symmetric , per-channel (Post Training Quantization), Asymmetric, per-layer (Quantization Aware Training), Symmetric, per-channel (Quantization Aware Training), Symmetric,per-channel (Post Training Quantization). \Delta Larger models are more tolerant of quantization error. Comparison of post training weight and activation quantization schemes:Mobilenet-v1. Note t Subsequently, we study if training a quantized model from scratch provides higher accuracies than fine tuning from a floating point model. The steps involved in training a quantized model are: (Recommended): Fine tune from a floating point saved model: Start with a floating point pre-trained model or alternately train from scratch, Modify Estimator to add quantization operations: Add fake quantization operations to the model using the quantization rewriter at tf.contrib.quantize, Train model: At the end of this process, we have a savedmodel with quantization information (scale, zero-point) for all the quantities of interest. We see a speedup of 2x to 3x for quantized inference compared to float, with almost 10x speedup with Qualcomm DSPs. Neural Network, Mar. View 9 excerpts, cites methods and background. We present an overview of techniques for quantizing convolutional neural networks for inference with integer weights and activations. X This work proposes a small DNN architecture called SqueezeNet, which achieves AlexNet-level accuracy on ImageNet with 50x fewer parameters and is able to compress to less than 0.5MB (510x smaller than AlexNet). [Xmin,Xmax] network with pruning, trained quantization and huffman coding,, GEMMLOWP, Gemmlowp: a small self-contained low-precision GEMM library., Intel(R) MKL-DNN, Intel(R) Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural This work introduces "deep compression", a three stage pipeline: pruning, trained quantization and Huffman coding, that work together to reduce the storage requirement of neural networks by 35x to 49x without affecting their accuracy. Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference, Dec. 2017. l The stochastic quantizer is given by: The de-quantization operation is given by equation 3. architectures for scalable image recognition, 2017. Use Exponential moving averaging for quantization with caution. (Neil deGrasse Tyson) Quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A Therefore, at inference there is no explicit batch normalization. The improvements due to fine tuning are also more apparent at 4 bits. All the experiments have the following settings: Fine tune from a floating point checkpoint, we used the models in [26]. Weight only quantization: per-channel quantization provides good accuracy, with asymmetric quantization providing close to floating point accuracy. From figure 2, we note that per-channel quantization is required to ensure that the accuracy drop due to quantization is small, with asymmetric, per-layer quantization providing the best accuracy. To understand the impact of batch normalization on the dynamic range of the folded weights (W), we consider the following metrics: SQNR: We calculate the Signal to quantization noise ratio defined as: for different quantization schemes. Note that activations are quantized to 8-bits in these experiments. F.N. Iandola, M.W. Moskewicz, K.Ashraf, S.Han, W.J. Dally, and K.Keutzer, At four bits, the benefits of per-channel quantization are apparent, even for post training quantization (columns 2 and 3 of Table 5). This paper proposes two new compression methods, which jointly leverage weight quantization and distillation of larger teacher networks into smaller student networks, and shows that quantized shallow students can reach similar accuracy levels to full-precision teacher models. Fixed-point Quantization of Convolutional Neural Networks for - DeepAI Quantization aware training can substantially improve the accuracy of models by modeling quantized weights and activations during the training process. This setup is useful if one only wants to reduce the model size for transmission and storage and does not mind the cost of performing inference in floating point. G.Hinton, O.Vinyals, and J. The Intel oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) provides highly optimized implementations of deep learning building blocks. Note that activations are quantized on a per-layer basis. This work generalizes a post-training neural-network quantization method, GPFQ, that is based on a greedy path-following mechanism, and proposes modications to promote sparsity of the weights, and rigorously analyzes the associated error. Since the derivative of a simulated uniform quantizer function is zero almost everywhere, approximations are required to model a quantizer in the backward pass. We note that Mobilenet-v1 [2] and Mobilenet-v2[1] architectures use separable depthwise and pointwise convolutions with Mobilenet-v2 also using skip connections. Dean, M.Devin, S.Ghemawat, I.Goodfellow, A.Harp, G.Irving, Histogram of the SQNR per output feature map (in dB on the x-axis), showing the number of kernels for each SQNR bin for different weight quantization schemes for layer:Conv2d_9_pointwise, Mobilenet_v1_0.25_128. Once the scale and zero-point are dened, quantization proceeds . Our first experiment compares stochastic quantization with deterministic quantization. ] We would also like to thank Cliff Young, Song Han, Rocky Rhodes and Skirmantas Kligys for their useful comments. Deep networks are increasingly used for applications at the edge. We note that per-channel quantization provides significant improvement in SQNR over per-layer quantization, even if only symmetric quantization is used in the per-channel case. In this section, we describe how quantization is modeled during training and describe how this can be easily done using automatic quantization tools in TensorFlow. [ cnn Inference on Fixed-Point Hardware, EasyQuant: Post-training Quantization via Scale Optimization, U-Net Fixed-Point Quantization for Medical Image Segmentation, Quantization of Deep Neural Networks for Accumulator-constrained F.Vigas, O.Vinyals, P.Warden, M.Wattenberg, M.Wicke, Y.Yu, and convolutional networks and review best practices for quantization-aware We derive two parameters: Scale () and Zero-point(z) which map the floating point values to integers (See [15]). Quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A Quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A whitepaper. Even per-layer quantization shows close to floating point accuracy (see column 4 in Table 4). Explore tradeoff of width vs quantization: Width vs Precision tradeoff, illustrated for Mobilenet-v1_0.25_128, per-channel quantization of weights. m An approximation that has worked well in practice (see [5]) is to model the quantizer as specified in equation 14 for purposes of defining its derivative (See figure 1). = Background & motivationPrevious system, slimslim This allows for the network to learn weight values to better compensate for the deterministic distortion introduced by weight quantization. Execute model: The converted model with integer weights can now be executed using the TFLite interpreter which can optionally execute the model in custom accelerators using the NN-API. Faster inference has been achieved by having efficient kernels for computation in reduced precision like GEMMLOWP [7], Intel MKL-DNN [8] , ARM CMSIS [9], Qualcomm SNPE [10], Nvidia TensorRT [11] and custom hardware for fast inference [12], [13] and [14]. training by reducing internal covariate shift, 2015. networks: A tutorial and survey,. For one sided distributions, therefore, the range (xmin,xmax) is relaxed to include zero. Lower Power: Moving 8-bit data is 4 times more efficient than moving 32-bit floating point data. For example, TensorRT [11] minimizes the KL divergence between the original and quantized distributions to determine the step size. X View 2 excerpts, cites background and methods, View 6 excerpts, cites background and methods, 2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Nvidia, The nvidia deep learning accelerator.. Quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A A simple command line tool can convert the weights from float to 8-bit precision. X We discuss multiple approaches for model quantization and show the performance impact for each of these approaches. Reinforcement learning has been applied successfully towards this problem in [33]. m [0,Nl1](8bitN_l=256)2 = We experiment with several configurations for training quantized models: Exponential Moving Averages of weights may under-perform instantaneous estimates during quantization aware training and must be used with caution. This approach has many advantages: It is broadly applicable across a range of models and use cases. Mobilenet_v1_1_224: Comparison of Batch normalization quantization schemes: Batch normalization without corrections (green) shows a lot of jitter due to the changing scaling of weights from batch to batch. It is important to ensure that all quantization related artifacts are faithfully modeled at training time. This paper introduces state-of-the-art algorithms for mitigating the impact of quantization noise on the networks performance while maintaining low-bit weights and activations and considers two main classes of algorithms: Post-Training Quantization and Quantization-Aware-Training. Use Exponential moving averaging for quantization with caution. detection and segmentation, 2018. While 4 and 8-bit precisions are sufficient for classification, higher precision support is likely needed for regression applications, like super-resolution and HDR image processing. Neural Network Inference, Trained Uniform Quantization for Accurate and Efficient Neural Network An energy efficient inference engine (EIE) that performs inference on this compressed network model and accelerates the resulting sparse matrix-vector multiplication with weight sharing and is 189x and 13x faster when compared to CPU and GPU implementations of the same DNN without compression. For an indepth discussion, please see [16]. Paper tables with annotated results for Quantizing deep convolutional Note that this can cause a loss of precision in the case of extreme one-sided distributions. For weights we consider both symmetric and asymmetric quantizers at granularities of both a layer and a channel. In this case, one can fuse the addition and the ReLU operation at inference time in most platforms. An energy efficient inference engine (EIE) that performs inference on this compressed network model and accelerates the resulting sparse matrix-vector multiplication with weight sharing and is 189x and 13x faster when compared to CPU and GPU implementations of the same DNN without compression. Therefore, this function is well behaved for purposes of calculating gradients. the range (0,3.5) and then quantized. Experiment 3: Lower precision activations: We investigate the accuracies obtained with 4-bit activations for all layers with and without fine tuning. Another technique is to reduce the model size by applying quantization, pruning and compression techniques [4], [5] and [6]. Experiment 2: Fine tuning can provide substantial accuracy improvements at lower bitwidths. logits, end_points = network_model(inputs,) Speedups of up to 10x are observed on Note that in expectation, the stochastic quantizer reduces to a pass-through of the floating point weights, with saturation for values outside the range. The graph rewriter implements a solution that eliminates the mismatch between training and inference with batch normalization (see figure 9): We always scale the weights with a correction factor to the long term statistics prior to quantization. Approximation for purposes of derivative calculation (bottom). We also show that at 4 bit precision, quantization aware training provides significant improvements over post training quantization schemes. Quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A Per-channel quantization of weights and per-layer quantization of activations to 8-bits of precision post-training produces classification accuracies within 2% of floating point networks for a wide variety of CNN architectures. Model sizes can be reduced by a factor of 4 by quantizing weights to 8-bits, even when 8-bit arithmetic is not supported. All the factors above translate into faster inference, with a typical speedup of 2-3x due to the reduced precision for both memory accesses and computations. Quantizing a model from a floating point checkpoint provides better accuracy: The question arises as to whether it is better to train a quantized model from scratch or from a floating point model. H.Adam, and D.Kalenichenko, Quantization and Training of Neural A quantization scheme is proposed that allows inference to be carried out using integer- only arithmetic, which can be implemented more efficiently than floating point inference on commonly available integer-only hardware. Intel oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) Tensorflowtflite This can make trivial operations like addition, figure 6 and concatenation , figure 7 non-trivial due to the need to rescale the fixed point values so that addition/concatenation can occur correctly. n m This is consistent with the general observation that it is better to train a model with more degrees of freedom and then use that as a teacher to produce a smaller model (. Dean, Distilling the Knowledge in a Model sizes can be reduced by a factor of 4 by quantizing weights to 8-bits, even when 8-bit arithmetic is not supported. (See figure 2) Typically, about 100 mini-batches are sufficient for the estimates of the ranges of the activation to converge. Quantization-aware training can provide further improvements, reducing the Inception-v3 [18] and NasNet [19], use network in network building blocks with NasNet determining the architecture via reinforcement learning techniques. B.Polyak, New stochastic approximation type procedures, Jan 1990. Quantization aware training can narrow the gap to floating point accuracy and in our experiments, reduce the gap to within 5% of 8-bit quantized weights, even when all layers are quantized to 4 bits of precision. One can quantize a floating point model to 8-bit precision by calculating the quantizer parameters for all the quantities to be quantized. In many cases, it is desirable to reduce the model size by compressing weights and/or quantize both weights and activations for faster inference, without requiring to re-train the model. View 6 excerpts, references methods and background. One can also run the model on the CPU. z Stochastic quantization models the quantizer as an additive noise, followed by rounding. The total number of kernels is 128. It is also possible to perform quantization aware training for improved accuracy, Deep Convolutional networks: Model size and accuracy. We follow the approach outlined in [4] closely, with additional enhancements on handling batch normalization and in modeling quantization in the backward pass. M.Sandler, A.G. Howard, M.Zhu, A.Zhmoginov, and L.Chen, Inverted It is critical to match quantized inference with the forward pass of training. We present an overview of techniques for quantizing convolutional neural networks for inference with integer weights and activations. Almost all the accuracy loss due to quantization is due to weight quantization. For example, consider an add followed by a ReLU operation. z=0 Histogram of the SQNR per output feature map (in dB on the x-axis), showing the number of kernels for each SQNR bin for different weight quantization schemes for layer:Conv2d_1_depthwise, Mobilenet_v1_0.25_128. 8-bit arithmetic is not supported. Rocky Rhodes provided the performance measurement numbers for the models. n [X_{min},X_{max}] This paper proposes a sparsity-aware quantization (SPARQ) method, in which the unstructured and dynamic activation sparsity is leveraged in different representation granularities, and achieves minor accuracy degradation, 2 speedup over widely used hardware architectures, and a practical hardware implementation. [0,N_{l-1}] Zero-point is an integer, ensuring that zero is quantized with no error. We note that after folding, there are much larger outliers which severely degrade performance. z=0 , , TensorFlow, Quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A whitepaper, [ Going forward, we plan to enhance our automated quantization tool to enable better quantization of networks by investigating the following areas: Regularization techniques to better control the dynamic ranges of weights and activations can provide further improvements. z We first quantize only the weights post training and leave the activations un-quantized. We also evaluate the accuracies obtained for different quantization schemes with quantization aware training and show that even per-layer quantization schemes show high accuracies post training at 8-bits of precision. M.Courbariaux, Y.Bengio, and J.David, Binaryconnect: Training deep neural Quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A whitepaper Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Quantizer Design 2.1 Uniform Affine Quantizer 2.2 Uniform symmetric quantizer 2.3 Stochastic quantizer 2.4 Modeling simulated quantization in the . We model the effect of quantization using simulated quantization operations on both weights and activations. The weights are quantized at 8-bits of precision with per-channel granularity. Per-channel quantization of weights and per-layer quantization of activations to 8-bits of precision post-training produces . This work presents F8Net, a novel quantization framework consisting of only fixed-point 8-bit multiplication, which achieves comparable and better performance, when compared not only to existing quantization techniques with INT32 multiplication or floating-point arithmetic, but also to the full-precision counterparts, achieving state-of-the-art performance. Quantizing a model can provide multiple benefits as discussed in section 1. (0,Nlevel-1)Nlevel2bit View 7 excerpts, cites methods and background, 2019 Fifth Workshop on Energy Efficient Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing - NeurIPS Edition (EMC2-NIPS). Table 3: Post training quantization of weights and activations: per-channel quantization of weights and per-layer quantization of activations works well for all the networks considered, with asymmetric quantization, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our, Quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A whitepaper. Model sizes , 15tensorflow16tensorflow1. Faster computation: Most processors allow for faster processing of 8-bit data. Quantizing the weights using moving average statistics reduces jitter, but does not eliminate it (orange). View 9 excerpts, cites methods and background. While DNNs deliver, 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). , Figure 1: Simulated Quantizer (top), showing the quantization of output values. on CPUs and DSPs and observe a speedup of 2x-3x for quantized implementations In section 4 and show that batch normalization with correction and freezing provides the best accuracy. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Deep neural networks (DNNs) are currently widely used for many artificial intelligence (AI) applications including computer vision, speech recognition, and robotics. Mobilenet_v2_1_224: Impact of batch normalization corrections and freezing on accuracy. , 2021 googlePTQ losses ranging from 2 However, we maintain weights in floating point and update them with the gradient updates. For inference, we fold the batch normalization into the weights as defined by equations 20 and 21. This can be further improved by noting that the weights are constant at inference and by noting that the sum over activations is identical for all convolutional kernels of the same size. 0 This can be achieved with simple, post this introduces undesired jitter in the quantized weights and degrades the accuracy of quantized models. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. After sufficient training, switch from using batch statistics to long term moving averages for batch normalization, using the optional parameter freeze_bn_delay in. At inference, quantization is deterministic, causing a mismatch with training. In agreement with other work [27], we notice better accuracy when we fine tune a floating point model as shown in figure 13, . Having lower precision weights and activations allows for better cache reuse. TF 1.9.0pip1.11.0 networks for inference with integer weights and activations. z=0, [0,N_{l-1}], z import tensorflow as tf Quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: A It is also necessary to reduce the amount of communication to the cloud for transferring models to the device to save on power and reduce network connectivity requirements. Followed by a factor of 4 by quantizing weights to 8-bits with almost 10x speedup with Qualcomm DSPs model scratch... Learning has been applied successfully towards this problem in [ 33 ] activations 8-bits. Tuning are also more apparent at 4 bit weight quantization. quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: a whitepaper ( bottom ) of deep learning blocks. An overview of quantizing deep convolutional networks for efficient inference: a whitepaper for quantizing convolutional Neural networks for efficient inference a... 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