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course equivalency database northeastern

Repeatability: May be taken for credit 2 times. If an applicant self-reports their scores through the Application Status Check, official scores must be sent to Northeastern upon submitting their enrollment deposit. COMPSCI299. FHWA encourages 169, 23 U.S.C. The second uses origindestination pairs to identify EJ areas and employment centers that are underserved by the transit system. Computer Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Students learn a combination of both theoretical and practical skills, including hands-on experience with modern tools and approaches. Deep Generative Models. To be eligible, students should be undertaking a statistics-related or risk-management-related practicum with no less than 160 hours in at least 20 working days spent in a paid or unpaid position. Computer Game Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. PGY2 Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Residency in Philadelphia, Find Jobs in Germany: Job Search - Expatica Germany Baltimore Metropolitan Council assessed accessibility outcomes for transit and highway trips for five different concentrations of minority populations and four income quartiles resulting from an existing and committed scenario and a preferred alternatives scenario. Prerequisite: COMPSCI112 or COMPSCI171 or IN4MATX121 or ART 106B or I&CSCI163 or I&CSCI166. STATS295. COMPSCI210P. Prerequisite: MATH2B and STATS67 and I&CSCI6B and I&CSCI6D and (MATH3A or I&CSCI6N). 4 Units. Furthermore, depending on how technical an agency's evaluation method is, certain evaluation criteria could require specific software and/or data sets to evaluate. PSRC completed this analysis for existing conditions and for conditions with the 2040 plan fully implemented. An applicant to the M.S./Ph.D. COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2C 15 Jan 2017 CHAPTER 10 Naval Aviation Maintenance Program Standard Operating Procedures (NAMPSOPs) Table of Contents Table of Contents . DotDensity Map and Gradient Map of the Minority Population in the MORPC Area. Time Series Analysis. COMPSCI111. For example, the pedestrian element of the plan could have a goal to improve pedestrian infrastructure in neighborhoods with high numbers minority populations and/or lowincome populations. The research found that tailoring public involvement to EJ communities requires a multifaceted approach that provides a range of opportunities to participate. The roundtable of traditionally underserved populations identified "improved serviced and coordination among providers" as a priority need. Other agencies have committees with bylaws that require diversity in membership, such as by reserving a certain number of seats for minority individuals or for lowincome individuals. Dual-enrollment courses can be considered for transfer credit. Probablistic Learning: Theory and Algorithms. I&CSCI32A. Additionally, transportation decision makers can discover valuable information from tailored public involvement that may not be available via other avenues of research. Move 2040: Regional Transportation Plan, Appendix 5: Outreach, Federal Highway Administration. Prerequisite: An undergraduate-level course in operating systems and networks. Sensitively planned, targeted outreach that employs communication strategies tailored to EJ audiences can help practitioners to engage meaningfully with lowincome populations and/or minority populations, especially those who are wary of participating in civic dialogue. Here's how to get in touch with us. Information Technology in Global Sustainability. Emphasizes application and understanding of methods for categorical data including contingency tables, logistic and Poisson regression, loglinear models. Table 10 illustrates how the location quotient ratio was calculated for minority populations and lowincome populations based upon 2010 Census population data. Quantitative Economics majors have second consideration. Seminar in the Theory of Algorithms and Data Structures. Environmental Justice in Transportation Planning and Programming: State of the Practice, 7. Topics addressed vary each quarter. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Agencies used tailored public involvement strategies to foster an inclusive process in which minority and/or lowincome individuals feel comfortable and empowered to express their needs, concerns, and ideas, to build trust that decision makers will consider and address their input. The use of theories and methods based on computer science, mathematics, and physics in molecular biology and biochemistry. Prerequisite: AP Computer Science A. AP Computer Science A with a minimum score of 3. Hartell, A. Introduction to human-computer interaction and user-centered design. Agencies may wish to conduct transit access analysis using isochrone maps to determine whether individuals have access to important locations and services within a defined timeframe. I&CSCI10. Reverse Transfer I&CSCI10 with a grade of C or better. Periodic seminar series covering topics of current research in statistics and its application. Corequisite: STATS200C Corporate author : UNESCO Corporate author : China National Silk Museum Person as author : Zhao Feng [editor] Person as author : Nosch, Marie Louise [editor] Computing and technology departments often offer service courses in Computer Literacy that provide the entire academic community with the opportunity to develop skills in the use of computers. Use of the populationbased approach (describe in the next section) in the EJ analysis process can help overcome this type of limitation by weighting model outputs for each TAZ according to its population composition to produce a regionwide composite of transportation system performance outcomes for each population group. You may contact them In response to stakeholder group concerns about the ability to accurately forecast the location and magnitude of EJ populations over the longrange planning horizon in the Portland region, Metro has begun conducting a 10year interim analysis (as opposed to only looking at the longerterm forecast) of long range planning investment scenarios and transportation system performance outcomes. Internet Technologies and their Social Impact. An introduction to the essential aspects of applied cryptography, as it is used in practice. 4 Units. EECS10 with a grade of C or better. AP90 with a minimum score of 3. Restriction: Computer Game Science Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Embedded computing elements, device interfaces, time-critical IO handling. Examines the issues of light transport and multiview geometry in computer vision. COMPSCI146. Gaining a more comprehensive understanding of how to effectively engage EJ and/or LEP populations in decision making can help those having trouble finding time or ability to participate. Graph representations, graph traversal, network flow, connectivity, graph layout, matching problems. Provide presentations to community groups throughout the County. Agencies may need to acquire additional local data, such as real estate plots and housing values, to determine the locations of EJ populations more precisely for a project such as a corridor study or NEPA analysis. In the example of the new pedestrian facility, the agency could restrict its analysis to the population within a quartermile buffer of the facility. This category seeks to improve environmental health, mobility, and access to opportunity for minorities, lowincome populations, older adults, people with disabilities, and members of zerocar households. Pittsburgh If you have been admitted to the DAmore-McKim School of Business and your college or university is not AACSB-accredited, the maximum number of credits that you can transfer to Northeastern is60. The approach highlights the limited portions of the Madison area that are accessible to EJ neighborhoods within a 30minute bus ride, revealing that it is difficult to reach crosstown destinations via transit (Figure 8). Graduate students only. 4 Units. Thesis Supervision. I&CSCI32. Modifying or broadening the definition of "lowincome" to be more reflective of regional characteristics rather than applying the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services poverty guidelines. Polk County TPO completed Neighborhood Mobility Audits for eleven neighborhoods with high concentrations of lowincome, minority, and/or older adult populations using six steps: A Neighborhood Mobility Audit does not answer broader questions about equity of the overall transportation system or compare the benefits and burdens of specific projects. 4 Units. COMPSCI206P. The graphs show that 2040 conditions are projected to improve trip times and the number of jobs accessible by transit and automobile for both EJ and nonEJ communities. Second quarter emphasizes project execution and analysis, and presentation of results. 4 Units. West Chester University, a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, is a public, regional, comprehensive institution committed to providing access and offering high-quality undergraduate education, select post-baccalaureate and graduate programs, and a variety of educational and cultural resources for its students, alumni, and citizens of southeastern Study and practice of critical writing and oral communication as it applies to information technology. 4 Units. Restriction: Seniors only. Prerequisite or corequisite: STATS201 or STATS210. This approach supports FHWA's Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) integrated approach to decision making. Other agencies set it as a selected percentage (e.g., less than or equal to 80%, 65%, or 50%) of their regional or Statewide median household income. Madison Area Transportation Planning Board, WI, The first uses traditional buffer analysis with a 1/4mile walking buffer around transit stops to determine access to the transit system generally and at higher levels of service. Project in Computer Vision. FHWA Order 6640.23A (6)(f)(4) directs the Agency to "identify and avoid discrimination and disproportionately high and adverse effects on minority populations and lowincome populations by: providing public involvement opportunities and considering the results thereof, including providing meaningful access to public information concerning the human health or environmental impacts and soliciting input from affected minority populations and lowincome populations in considering alternatives during the planning and development of alternatives and decisions." For application fees, fee waiver requests (being sent separately from the application), FedEx, UPS, or Priority Mail packages: Mail to: Conversely, a dotdensity map could appear cluttered or almost unreadable in a densely populated area with overlapping population groups. Visit the ICS Student Affairs Office website for Majors and Minors restrictions and Double Major Restrictions. When integrated into a comprehensive public participation process, the tasks of setting goals, choosing metrics, and evaluating progress requires a relatively small overall share of the staff time and resources required for thorough engagement. No clearcut, easy rule is available because different communities and indicators are different. To create a dotdensity map, an agency will need Census or other data for the relevant population groups. Topics include HTTP and REST, Remote Procedure/Method Calls, Web Services, data representations, content distribution networks, identity management, relevant W3C/IETF standards, and relevant new large-scale computing styles. The Puget Sound Regional Council considers social equity and access to opportunity within its project selection criteria. Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty For example, PennDOT includes several EJrelated activities in its State Planning and Research (SPR) work program, such as improving EJ processes in a specific county, completing EJ requirements for rural transportation planning, and coordinating EJ inclusion in the STIP. I&CSCI163. GDIM167A with a grade of C or better. This approach can enrich the analysis but can also run the risk of obscuring issues specific to the required lowincome and minority populations. Engage the public clearly, continually, and comprehensively through a variety of outreach activities to maximize public input. Overlaps with SOCECOL13, MGMT7, STATS7. After bringing the Census data into a GIS mapping package, the analyst adjusts the symbology properties of the appropriate layer to use dotdensity, then specifies the number of individuals that each dot represents and the size of the dot. All portfolios should be submitted electronically via SlideRoom. To overcome these issues, agencies can use equivalency tables to align demographic data from Census geographies with TAZs. Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction. The MPO also used the location quotient method to assess access to transit benefits. An introduction to the field of Data Science; intended for entering freshman and transfers. Prerequisite: Undergraduate-level familiarity with fundamentals of integrated circuit blocks, processors, optimization/algorithm design, and some programming experience. Computational Geometry and Geometric Modeling. While most transportation plans involve the public and stakeholders in defining a vision, a performancebased plan places increased importance on developing clear, concerted goals and objectives. travel demands, regional development and growth, local land use, etc.) Introduction to the process of human visual perception. 25, Understanding community needs is a vital component of identifying project concepts during the transportation planning process, from long rang plans to projectlevel environmental review, and helps shape project decisions and outcomes under NEPA. Special Topics in Applying Human-Computer Interaction and Design in Industry. North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority. Introduction to implementation design: designing the internals of a software application. Transferring Credit Introduction to human-computer interaction programming. 4 Units. Addressing Changing Demographics in Environment Justice Analysis, State of the Practice Report This study will provide information on changing demographics in the U.S. and discuss implications for transportation practitioners as it relates to identifying EJ populations and determining adverse effects and disproportionately high and adverse impacts. Visit the ICS Student Affairs Office website for Majors and Minors restrictions. Introduction to application design: designing the overall functionality of a software application. (3.8m), Disciplines for Previous Academic Years Project in Data Science II. My application is complete. In addition to analyzing the potential effects of future investment or policy scenarios, these model runs can produce a better understanding of baseline accessibility conditions and help practitioners to identify gaps between EJ areas and nonEJ areas at the regional level. I&CSCI45J with a grade of C or better. The course is specially designed for students who wish to sharpen their communication and career preparation skills through a variety of activities including lectures, skill-based workshops, small group discussion and role plays. *All transfer application options are dependent on space availability. Fourteen communitybased organizations agreed to participate, helping to reach EJ populations and other traditionally underserved groups. An agency may also wish to analyze the geographic distribution of vehicle crashes, including vulnerable road users, such as bicyclists and pedestrians, to determine whether the region's minority populations and/or lowincome populations continue to experience an increased exposure to these risks relative to the risk to the rest of the region or State's population. Disciplines for the 2015-16 Academic Year (PDF, 6m) Course covers low-level image and video processing techniques, feature descriptors, segmentation, objection recognition, and tracking. I&CSCI46 with a grade of C or better. COMPSCI244. A project in any branch of statistics or probability will be chosen under the supervision of individual staff member. 4 Units. Written and oral communication for computer science and IT careers. B.S. Graduate students only. Chapter EJbased evaluation criteria may involve significant value judgements by the individuals completing the scoring. 4 Units. Selected topics in the technological and social aspects of online interactions, and policy including online games, social media, electronic activism, e-commerce, and digital libraries. Transportation for Progress 2040: LCATS LongRange MultiModal Transportation Plan, 20172045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. AP Calculus BC with a minimum score of 3. Media-theoretic approaches to digital technology. Computational approaches to learning algorithms for classifications, regression, and clustering. Performancebased approaches provide transparency about the progress toward meeting goals of programs and plans. Hard-copy portfolios will not be accepted and cannot be reviewed. Graduate students only. Because transit needs gap analysis may overlook important contextual information, it is essential to engage minority and lowincome individuals through the public involvement process and to run travel demand models with multiple parameters. COMPSCI242. Do I need to submit all official college transcripts even if my transfer credit appears on a transcript? Topics include domain-specific software architectures, architectural styles, architecture description languages, software connectors, and dynamism in architectures. 4 Units. Often the information about proposed locations and types of projects in an LRSTP is sufficient to support an initial screening for red flags as to potential effects. When will I receive my degree audit? Conversely, spending on trails was much higher in nonEJ areas. Successful completion of the Honors Program earns the student a certificate and medal from the School. Course Restriction: Information Computer Science Majors only. TTY 617.373.3768 Migration carries high costs in predation and mortality, including from hunting by humans, and is driven primarily by the availability of food.It occurs mainly in the northern hemisphere, where birds are funneled onto Independent Study. Topics covered include survival methods for censored time-to-event data, linear mixed models, non-linear mixed effects models, and generalized estimating equations. MPOs were more likely to address EJ and related topics than DOTs. Information is also available at the UCI Change of Major Criteria website. Source: State Planning Council. Application of probability to real-world problems in computer science. Joint Service Transcript (if you are a veteran). Center for the Advancement of Veterans and Servicemembers, Frequently Asked Admissions Questions page, An indication that the institution is accredited in US terms, A course by course credit and grade conversion, You will complete four consecutive academic years before enrolling at Northeastern in a high school or university where native English was the primary instructional language -AND- you submit an English Proficiency Waiver Request through your. This relative lack of detail at the statewide scale may be related to the fact that State DOTs (unlike MPOs) are not required to include fiscallyconstrained lists of proposed investments in the LRTP. Show What You Know (opens in new window). Stochastic dynamic programming. U.S. appeals court says CFPB funding is unconstitutional - Protocol 4 Units. First-semester or first-trimester grades should be submitted when they are available; first-quarter grades are not required. Disproportionately high and adverse The U.S. SWE261P. To ensure that efforts to reach minority and/or lowincome individuals have been successful, agencies can track the demographics of participants and compare them to those of the study area or service population. Electronic medical records, online resources, mobile technologies, patient safety, and computational design. Prerequisite: I&CSCI46 and I&CSCI51. All applicants will be fully considered for admission to Northeastern. 4 Units. Differentiation based on modal usage can help ensure that the agency is not favoring certain populations as it invests in different modes. Prerequisite: GDIM167A or I&CSCI169A. The agency typically establishes a threshold concentration (often the regional average) based on the residential population, which is used to categorize each geographic unit as either "EJ" or "nonEJ." Pel ) integrated approach to decision making transfer application options are dependent on space availability domain-specific software architectures, styles... 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